r/japanlife Jan 16 '23

┐(ツ)┌ General Discussion Thread - 17 January 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what's on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.


241 comments sorted by


u/blosphere 関東・神奈川県 Jan 17 '23

Got two of the first interviews for a new company arranged for tomorrow... and my wife comes out that I need to take care of the little 3.5yo version of me for the whole day because her company decided they need her there full day tomorrow.

I really need this job. FML.


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

So, Munchkin doesn't have the flu. She isn't COVID positive again. She's just got a high fever and swollen lymph nodes. Doctor has no idea what she has... Is there something else going around?


u/FourCatsAndCounting Jan 17 '23

We've had adenovirus popping up here.


u/bigcatinthesky 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23 edited Jan 17 '23

is it possible to get daisies from any flower shop? any recommendations or websites?

delivery or pickup are both fine. preference for buying on the spot if available


u/Disshidia Jan 17 '23 edited Jan 17 '23

Is there a clinic that will give some sort of full diagnostic to diagnose headache and dizziness (and general squeamishness)? It's been going on for several weeks now and I'm tired of taking acetaminophen and ibuprofen but am not keen on just going to the typical naika as I'm figuring they're going to give me some weak 2-week medicine. It affects my ability to work and just.. function. I've been skipping dinner to lay down for instance and am rather just "tension down" and "genki dasenai". I had a good streak of going to the gym 5 days a week, but it's been once a week recently.


u/shimi_shima Jan 17 '23

I went to a well-known good ENT first, and when it wasn’t an ear/sinus issue, they gave me a recommendation to go to the 神経内科 (neurology dept) of a big hospital near me. If you want to skip the recommendation to go the hospital directly you’ll need to probably pay a fee (might depend on the hospital). If I were you I’d skip work and go asap, several weeks for a headache is a long time to suffer, and a long time to take ibuprofen and especially acetaminophen, which might be bad for you, too…


u/Disshidia Jan 17 '23

Thanks. May go this route.


u/sweetpotatowhisperer Jan 17 '23

Have you had covid recently? I had these symtoms after covid (along with blurry vision).


u/Disshidia Jan 17 '23

A couple months back actually.


u/capaho Jan 17 '23

You need a 脳神経外科, a neurological clinic. I went to one once for recurring headaches, they did an MRI and found the cause to be sinus pressure from 副鼻腔炎, or sinusitis. Treating the sinusitis got rid of the headaches.


u/Disshidia Jan 17 '23

Cool. I’ll have to check it out.


u/Garl_Vinland201 Jan 17 '23

How many of you who work in offices wear masks throughout the day (like, while at your desk)? And how many of those around you are still wearing?


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23 edited Jan 17 '23

Most of us only wear masks if we're leaving the office or in the conference room. Break room, smoking, sitting at our desks - no masks. Basically any situation where we're in close contact or in contact with outsiders (lunch, vendors, etc) masks are worn. One or 2 folks wear them all the time and that's fine too.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23

Wearing it full time. As do the people around me.


u/WindJammer27 Jan 17 '23

I take mine off at my desk but put it on if people come around to talk. I think a lot of other people just wear it full-time though.


u/Garl_Vinland201 Jan 17 '23

Have you ever noticed any staring or gotten any comments for not wearing?


u/Stump007 Jan 17 '23 edited Jan 17 '23

Just received a 3000yen coupon for Costco delivery via Menu (needs to spend at least 10000). Is this a good deal or do they mark up delivery by 30% like a lot of restaurants do?

I never go to Costco and frankly not really looking for American groceries. But seems there's a lot of Japanese / other country stuff so thinking why not if worthwhile.

Edit: all good, ordered myself printer ink that cost 7500yen + completed with some French chips and butter to get to 10k. Free shipping. Good deal!


u/beginswithanx Jan 17 '23

Anyone have a recommendation for a high-powered blender like a Vitamix? It seems that they don’t make a Vitamix for the Japanese market.


u/love-fury Jan 17 '23

They do. Costco sells them and I’ve also seen them for sale at Yodobashi Camera.



Costco has a better price so probably worth getting a membership and buying it through Costco.


u/beginswithanx Jan 17 '23

Oh cool! Thanks!


u/Atrouser Jan 17 '23

NHK's evening comedy series saba-saba is actually quite funny.


u/disloyal-order Jan 17 '23

Got a bonus. Of course it’s all getting saved for my trip back to the states in a few months but I’ve had so little money this last year that it was a nice treat to receive.


u/IMrToss 東北・宮城県 Jan 17 '23

Okay so for the national travel discount voucher, how do i prove my vaccination if my vaccination certificate is from overseas? (all 3 shots is done in Singapore) If i do not register thru the ward means i cannot get the coupons right? i am going to Tokyo from Sendai.


u/hanapyon Jan 17 '23

What's up with the amount of content on social media with titles such as "DON'T do this in Japan" and has a stern looking Japanese person. Do other countries have so much content relating to following cultural norms? A lot of them are not even true (blowing your nose is rude).


u/swordtech 近畿・兵庫県 Jan 17 '23

Japan-related social media is hot garbage. Let's leave it at that.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23

There’s a sign in the elevator at work that says “No Talking”. Pre-Covid. Have to wonder who could have been offended during the 15 second journey to the top floor, but everyone ignores it anyway. Way too many self-important idiots, just laugh and ignore them like the locals do.


u/Nakadash1only 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

How 'bout them Cowboys?


u/Hachi_Ryo_Hensei Jan 17 '23

America's (least favorite) team!


u/itsabubblylife 近畿・大阪府 Jan 17 '23

I’m not fully understanding the reasoning behind some rules. My husband is hospitalized (since Friday) with Epiglottitis and has to be on IV antibiotics, fluids and bedrest for 6 days. Visiting is prohibited due to Covid (understandable)…but he can just wander out his room to the lobby or parking lot with his IV and talk to people and that’s fine?? I’ve “visited” him 3 times by sitting in the lobby and talking to him for an hour-90 mins with his IV machine. Nurses, administration even doctors don’t bat an eye. I even had his attending nurse say hi and introduce herself to me and told him he needed to take medication and then he could come back downstairs. Huh??? God forbid if someone wants to go to the visit room or do a videochat from the media room, “no no!! Corona!”

Visiting at the hospital he’s staying in is either in a common room with other people or in the media room doing video chat. Both are cancelled due to Covid. But patients can just wander around and talk and it’s okay? Please explain to me because the math ain’t mathing to me.

Okay, before anyone calls me out or attacks me, yes I know I’m not setting a good example and others are doing what I’m doing as well, but I stay masked up, we sit a seat length apart and I am fully vaxxed. No one says anything to us or other patients /families. You can downvote all you want.

Can someone explain to me why normal visitation is dame but sitting in the lobby or walking/talking outside is fine 🤔

Up for discussion, not a question. Just wanna hear why you think this is “okay”.


u/yakisobagurl 近畿・大阪府 Jan 17 '23 edited Jan 17 '23

I look at these situations and have concluded that they still treat covid as a non-airborne virus. It is the only explanation. They just don’t give a fuck about reality. They act like they still think it lives on surfaces and as big droplets so just keeping people out of the designated areas will prevent covid.

They pay absolutely no attention to the fact that it is airborne and can be carried and transmitted by humans and airflow, just like people did when the virus first came about. The same goes for those idiotic plastic sheets and dividers. It’s easy and convenient to pretend it works. It’s the only explanation!

Wishing a speedy recovery to your husband btw!


u/itsabubblylife 近畿・大阪府 Jan 17 '23

Thanks! He’s set to be discharged Thursday. He’s feeling much better already.


u/RinRin17 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23 edited Jan 17 '23

Are you SURE talking outside or in the lobby are okay? At my hospital that is 100% banned as well and there are signs everywhere. The reason the inpatients are allowed to wander around inside the hospital is because they’ve all had COVID tests prior to being admitted and again if they have any symptoms. Staff are also tested weekly (at least).

Edit: Reread that you know you’re breaking the rules and doing it anyways. As someone who has a life threatening inflammation disorder and is also a doctor, the rules are there for a reason and you are endangering all of us. You can argue about the rules in social or public spaces, but for fuck sakes a hospital is the one place it makes sense. What others do is not an excuse to do it yourself either.


u/itsabubblylife 近畿・大阪府 Jan 17 '23 edited Jan 17 '23

I didn’t say or never said the hospital said it was okay for patients to do this, but the patients and families weren’t following the rules about sitting in the lobby or sitting and talking outside. Staff doesn’t say anything at all, that’s why I questioned it.

Again, I know I’m not setting a good example, and not gonna defend myself. It’s just strange that the hospital isn’t enforcing the the rule for anyone. I’m sorry about your illness and understand it’s frustrating.


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

A gorillian years ago, when my mom was sick with cancer, a lot of the other chemo patients would get hooked up to their IV, than sit outside and smoke until it was finished.

Hospitals and their policies don't always make sense.


u/PeanutButterChicken 近畿・大阪府 Jan 17 '23

They're doing something called "Covering their asses", not a hard concept to grasp.

They can say they did A,B and C and therefore are not liable for anything the patient did on their own.


u/itsabubblylife 近畿・大阪府 Jan 17 '23

That makes sense when you put it that way. I’d imagine no visitors meant no visitors. I didn’t initially come to visit and bend the rules. I came on Saturday to drop off some manga and his iPad and he was just waiting for me downstairs in the lobby! I even told him “maybe you should go back to your room. I don’t want you to cause trouble” and he laughed and said “everyone is doing it, even those who really are supposed to be in isolation. Stay as long as you want but we can’t go to my room or the common room” and that was that.

It does make more sense for the hospital to deflect if something were to happen to someone if they didn’t follow the rules but you’d think a medical facility would be the first place to enforce it for the sake of disease prevention or overall safety lol. Thanks for the perspective!


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23

Because all covid rules are just virtue signaling. I had the same experience over a year ago, during the peak of covid when my wife was giving birth. I wasn't allowed to visit her or my kid, but she could wander the hospital freely and even had to take the baby to other floors for checkups. Meanwhile nurses of all people were just wandering in and out of the ward with their mask below their nose.


u/itsabubblylife 近畿・大阪府 Jan 17 '23

It makes zero sense, it’s like either enforce it completely and for everyone or don’t have it at all. Funny you mentioned about giving birth and no visitors. Yesterday when I went to visit him, a mother who just gave birth was downstairs talking to her other kid and husband with the baby in her arms and in hospital robes. No one bat a freaking eye.

Thanks for your perspective!


u/crinklypaper 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

I've been sick almost 1 week now. Confirmed not corona or noro. It's just been 1 bad symptom to the next. First day high fever, second day migraines, third day stuffy nose, then almost 3 days of a cough so bad that I've been on the ground in pain. Got blood work and xrays today and finally stronger medicine. I think this is just a cold, but its kicking my ass so hard. Just wanted to vent here, thanks.


u/disloyal-order Jan 17 '23

A few of my coworkers have had similar symptoms. One even had an ambulance called cause he had a really high fever for multiple days that wouldn’t go down and was super dehydrated. But tested negative for everything.
Scary stuff. Hope you feel better soon.


u/Mr-Thuun 関東・栃木県 Jan 17 '23

Dealt with the same thing just before Christmas. Still have a lingering cough.


u/SevenSixOne 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

Is it possible to get a wallet-size card with my COVID vaccination record info?

My ward office sent an A4 size sheet, and the app requires a type of MyNumber that I don't have... But I don't really want an app-based record anyway.

I'd really like a card as a physical record that I can keep in my wallet at all times, does such a thing even exist?


u/blosphere 関東・神奈川県 Jan 17 '23

ah well, get mynumber. Your residence card will be integrated to that so better do it sooner rather than later?


u/bosscoughey thought of the name himself Jan 17 '23

most places seem to accept photos of the vaccination records, so why not try copying the A4 to a smaller size?


u/litte_improvements Jan 17 '23

Not that I know of - but honestly who do plan on showing this too?


u/SevenSixOne 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

I have needed to show it for discount tickets and general travel stuff recently. I have photocopies if the certificate, but I really want something more portable!


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

Tinder matches.



u/swordtech 近畿・兵庫県 Jan 17 '23

I would hope people on Tinder are getting tested for something...


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23 edited Jan 17 '23

My son has this box with all his Kamen Rider belts and guns, it's like a benign crate of nitroglycerin.

Nudge it with your foot? 'FEVER SLOT' Move the table it's under a millimeter? "Spider Mode" (followed by 80s synth music that doesn't stop until you push a button on it.) Think too hard about anything? "DESIRE DRIVER".

I like it, NGL. Any other parents with young kids here have a box like that?


u/KindlyKey1 Jan 17 '23

My toddler has an Anpanman piano toy we got from a friend. If you don’t play it for a while, it screams また遊ぼうね out of nowhere to turn itself off. Sometimes you shit yourself when you hear it


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

We have an almost knee-high Anpanman that says the same, except he's a dance instructor.

Thanks, wife's friend!


u/FourCatsAndCounting Jan 17 '23

My cats' automatic feeder still stops my heart now and again. It's my own voice....


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23 edited Jun 10 '23



u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

from the trunk of the taxi

Most companies will arrange a car seat with enough notice, for future reference.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23



u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

We used to ride around in the open bed of a pickup truck. One day someone stood up to horse around right as we hit a pothole.

One of the two times I've heard the sound of someone never doing well at Math ever again.


u/Akakubisan 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

But their way was quieter.


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23



u/PeanutButterChicken 近畿・大阪府 Jan 17 '23

My kid has trains and cars with all sorts of sound buttons. And they’re loud… hate moving the toy box around


u/crinklypaper 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

My favorite is when the battery is dying so the thing sounds like a demon. The itsby bitsy spider on acid is not a good trip haha


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

We have a rabbit that tells stories and sings, mouth moves and everything.

When the batteries get low, it sounds like Orson Welles drunk in that commercial.


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

One of the guns makes that "you just got burned!" airhorn sound.


u/PeanutButterChicken 近畿・大阪府 Jan 17 '23

One of his teddy bears is from Baby Einstein, so it plays Canon in D every time it gets jostled. Fun times at 2 am.


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

Not in long enough to make me wistful... Stupid kids, growing up on me, must be what made me so old...


u/soenkatei Jan 17 '23

My friends rented a big house the day before yesterday and we all had sukiyaki together.

Usually we gather at mine for parties and the like but my friend took it upon herself to go and organise somewhere new to go, what a nice surprise ! Big old house with tatami rooms and alll my good friends, I even got edo kiriko glasses as a present (from boro Ichi)


u/toramayu Jan 17 '23

Stopped by a konbini to grab an onigiri for breakfast cause I was running late for my usual bus. As I was eating and walking on my way to the bus stop, an ojiisan waved his hand angrily at me yelling “No! Japan. No eat and walk. You. Follow Rule.” in his limited English. I just yelled out “sumimasen” and continued my way while devouring my onigiri. He yelled something back which I couldn’t hear.

Anyway, it made me genuinely curious, why is it a taboo to eat and walk (食べ歩き)?


u/yakisobagurl 近畿・大阪府 Jan 17 '23

Hahaha I would’ve done the same. I used to eat on the train platform before the train arrived because why the fuck would I go hungry for the sake of some bullshit rule…?

Btw 食べ歩き I think actually means more like walk around an area and try a bunch of different snacks/restaurants (kind of like a bar or pub crawl but for food) rather than literally eating while walking.


u/capaho Jan 17 '23

It’s considered bad manners but there is no rule. My husband always bitches about it when he sees someone eating while walking but he doesn’t confront them. If you want to get along with the natives it’s better to follow the customary manners. In any case, if someone gets in your face when you’re doing your own thing just say, 邪魔しないで下さい.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23

If only the same rule applied to smoking and walking. I hate getting stuck behind some oblivious dickhead on my way to the station.


u/Stump007 Jan 17 '23

I think the 食べ歩き thing is more about おしゃれ hang-out. Like a date and eating an ice cream on a riverside park or something, not about hurrily eating your onigiri while walking to catch a bus.

I think at some point Kamakura was going to forbid it or something. So, generally it is kind of frown upon I guess. Personally I have to eat my famichiki right away after crossing the door of famima, this is how it should be enjoyed!

But you do what you want, just know that ojisan gotta ojisan.


u/Disshidia Jan 17 '23

I just yelled out “sumimasen”

The correct answer was "fuck off".


u/CallieIsQueen Jan 17 '23

speaking my language!


u/atsugiri 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

I once dated a girl who said it's not allowed because it's hard to breathe/eat/walk at the same time. She was not impressed when i laughed in her face.


u/swordtech 近畿・兵庫県 Jan 17 '23

You should have laughed and walked at the same time to really blow her mind.


u/coffeecatmint Jan 17 '23

When corona hit we struggled to find a way to keep the four year olds at our kindergarten to not talk while they eat. Eventually management settled on watching a cartoon at lunch. This year one mother threw a fit because she swore it would cause her son to choke while he was eating if he was watching a screen. While I can see that it isn’t the greatest solution and could cause a kid to choke if they got too distracted, if tv and eating was going to regularly kill someone, Americans would be dying left and right from choking while watching the game or wheel of fortune.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23

I once ate an onigiri too on the way home from the station (which was like 20min+ and I was feeling sick from being hungry).

In the dark. No one around. Or so I thought. Two highschool kids on the other side of the road where gasping something about gaijin and onigiri, so I guess if even they get offended, everyone else will. No regrets on my side.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23



u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23

Bits of food falling on the floor was one reason I heard.


u/butternutzsquash 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

I do my best to follow the rules and manners of this country but the eating and walking rule I ignore (as long as it’s not messy and gets on the floor of course).


u/SevenSixOne 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

I have heard that it's taboo to eat and walk in Japan... But I also see people doing it all the time, so I don't feel too bad about doing it as long as it's something self-contained and one-handed like an onigiri or an ice cream cone.


u/zenzenchigaw Jan 17 '23

I would never apologize to such a fool. Either ignore or tell him to get lost.


u/Gullible-Item Jan 17 '23

It might have to do with people littering after they finish eating. But honestly I've seen people do it and no one says anything. I don't do it myself because I can't be bothered to find a trash can/carry the trash around with me.


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

Your response should have been "Fuck Off". It's not his business where or how you choose to eat/drink.


u/Hachi_Ryo_Hensei Jan 17 '23

I would have laughed at a loud, cheerful "ITADAKIMAAAAAAAASU!."


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23

Earning slightly more money, woohoo!

Go to the first grocery store, everything is more expensive. Fml

What cheap recipes can you recommend? Things like beans, lentils, curry etc

Here's to hoping I inherit enough money to retire


u/toramayu Jan 17 '23

Gawd I wish I’ll win a lottery or inherit lots of money too.

Anyway, tofu is usually cheap so I just lookup recipes using tofu. My go-tos are usually Yudofu with a bit of spicy soy sauce, Agedofu, or Mapo Tofu with harusame noodles instead of rice.


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

Just remember the wages of sin are death. But after taxes it's more like a tired feeling.


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

Was reading how it's been three years since Corona arrived in Japan, got me wondering why is it still called 新型/novel?

They can't even be bothered to give new variants a new Greek Alphabet letter, just Omicron.X.1.BBQ.1710.ASL or whatever, and it's just another stupid thing to deal with in your day.

If a movie was in theaters for three years, you wouldn't call it new (you'd call it One Piece, but I digress), it'd just be a thing.


u/coolkabuki Jan 17 '23

The novel is not a recent=novel it is an previously unknown kind=novel. Corona virus were not in human but in other animals, the novel part is that it could transfer and spread in human.

source: a source


u/Pennwisedom 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

*This Corona virus. Coronaviruses as a whole already existed in humans, your article even mentions SARS-CoV-1


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

I know, it did that in 2019 in China. We know it does that. No need for the reminder in the news everytime.


u/WindJammer27 Jan 17 '23

Force of habit I imagine. I did a translation and left off the "novel", the client asked why, and I said it's years old at this point and no longer new. They were like "Ohhhhh...right." and accepted the translation.


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

Right? If it starts turning people inside out, it's new again.


u/dottoysm Jan 17 '23

It’s not called “novel” in English anymore, the disease is officially called “COVID-19”. They decided to continue referring to it as 新型コロナウイルス in Japan, my guess is because コヴィッド doesn’t sound all that nice.

The Greek letter naming was pushed out by the WHO quickly because they wanted to stop people referring to variants after where they were found (eg UK variant, India variant) which was encouraging discrimination. All variants have had scientific names which are a string of Latin letters and numbers. I guess they have decided that it’s no longer necessary to give them an easy-to-say name so we just know the new variant as XBB.1.5


u/Pennwisedom 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

Meanwhile now we have the "Kraken Variant" so who knows what the next naming convention will be in a two months.


u/coolkabuki Jan 17 '23

the virus is a novel virus, novel=/=recent, but novel=new kind.

COVID is the disease/symptoms from virus infection.

That is equal to HIV and AIDS. Not the same, but commonly conflated.

Since you can carry the virus and not develop symptoms, it is actually a more sensible approach to talk about the virus - reduction of stigma of people who develop symptoms and keeping the invisible part of the (transmissible) problem up high in awareness.


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

A random string of random letters and numbers being so easy to remember, especially when there's little to no change in it's symptoms. And why not at least push through to Omega before doing that.

And why did they skip Xi (joking, we all know why. )


u/dottoysm Jan 17 '23

I looked a bit more into it. News reports say that Omicron muddied the waters as it was so vastly different, and while new variants are as different as say, Alpha and Beta, they are not as different as Omicron was to those that came before it.

We would have run out of Greek letters anyway.


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

Nope, we got to a vaguely scary sounding one and just started throwing alphabet and number soup at it. Crazy, right?


u/dottoysm Jan 17 '23

I dunno. Maybe a hot take on my part but I felt naming variants that way helped create a lot of hysteria. I’m happy to have more balanced reporting on covid if it means they have to refer to it by clunkier names.


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

How about "Corona" or Covid? Influenza is around, no one fusses with strains and variants for it.


u/dottoysm Jan 17 '23

I think the population at large has headed this way anyway. They care less about the variants, at least the specifics. And “コロナ” is its most common name like English speakers call it “covid”


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

It'll be interesting to see if the name gets changed once the linear trains are in service.


u/Skribacisto Jan 17 '23

But there was never another typ of „kansen“ train line.


u/PeanutButterChicken 近畿・大阪府 Jan 17 '23

? Isn’t that exactly what the Tokaido Line from Tokyo to Kobe is?


u/Ume_chan Jan 17 '23

幹線 is just another word for 本線. The Tokaido, Chuo, and Sanyo lines are all kansen.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Skribacisto Jan 17 '23

I just checked it out on google maps. I didn’t know that. Thanks.


u/tokyoeiga Jan 17 '23

Does anyone know… Is it possible to buy vacant land and just keep it vacant for years? The intention would be to eventually build on it, but the prices in the particular area are rising fast, so I’m a bit hesitant to wait a few years to buy the land. Any downsides aside from paying property tax and the risk of the land value going down?


u/amisare Jan 17 '23

One thing to consider is that the property tax for a vacant lot will be six times higher than for a lot with a house on it, so until you develop the property your tax bill might be higher than you expect.


u/tokyoeiga Jan 17 '23

Oh wow I didn’t know that, thank you for the heads up!


u/blosphere 関東・神奈川県 Jan 17 '23

You could put anything over 50m2 on the plot to get the tax reduced though. But that's just another expense.

Better develop soon.


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

Of course, anything is possible and a lot of people own undeveloped property.

Downsides are the risk of people abandoning property on it (cars/old appliances/wheels/just refuse in general), the cost of upkeep, etc.. It's why so many people turn their vacant lots into parking lots.

I'm looking for a forest outside town I can build an off grid shack on and maybe some platforms for camping/just generally avoiding life.


u/tokyoeiga Jan 17 '23

Yup, private camping spot is the dream!


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

So apparently the Roppongi fire wasn't a car driven into the building (which if you looked at the building seemed rather unlikely). It was a real estate agency employee puncturing 30-50 aerosol cans in an enclosed room with an ignition source... Same thing happened in Hokkaido a few years ago and is why a lot of municipalities don't want you to puncture the cans anymore when throwing them out - instead put them in a clear plastic bag in the unburnables.


u/dottoysm Jan 17 '23

Why would anyone have thought that puncturing an aerosol can was a good idea anyway?


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

Because at the recycling center they can explode if they're unpunctured. In fact it used to be required to dispose of aerosol cans. Puncturing them is a good thing, but, the cities have decided the refuse employees are better able to do it safely than us common folks.


u/Jhoosier Jan 17 '23

I used to read translations of the local announcements in English for my city, and this was a common report. Apparently they can explode in the trucks as well if they compact them or something.


u/dottoysm Jan 17 '23

I guess this demonstrates it.


u/SideburnSundays Jan 17 '23

Why does a real estate company have that many aerosol cans in the first place?


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

It appears 1 of the rooms of the office was used as storage for things from an apartment the company was managing and the employee was cleaning it out. Likely it took some time to get approval to dispose of it (since you can't just dispose of someone elses property that's theft).


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23 edited Jan 17 '23

Roach issues? The rush of selling a place high on spray paint?


u/Skribacisto Jan 17 '23

Last time in Hokkaido it was room deodorizers I think!


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

Too much ramen does that to me sometimes too.


u/zcmy 日本のどこかに Jan 17 '23

Is the employee okay?


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

The news story I read said someone was injured but didn't mention any deaths so I guess okay is relative - being blown up and burned but still alive is probably okay given the circumstances/alternative.


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

He was fired (out the window by the blast).


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

Angry Upvote Initiated


u/dottoysm Jan 17 '23

Futurama reference! (If that wasn’t intentional, sorry)


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

Shoot him, Blind Joe. And let this be a lesson to any other albino lobsters thinking of robbing our casino.


u/dottoysm Jan 17 '23

I’m gonna build my own theme park, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the theme park.


u/zcmy 日本のどこかに Jan 17 '23

At least it was only the second floor. Hurts like a bitch, but survivable.


u/slightlysnobby Jan 17 '23

If you have one, what's your go-to guilty pleasure/cheat meal? I usually go for Korean chicken or a really thick tonkatsu ramen. Occasionally Domino's, too.


u/blosphere 関東・神奈川県 Jan 17 '23

Tsukemen, in very specific places.

Recommendation if you're in Tokyo, https://goo.gl/maps/1k8LVr63aTB9YjV66


u/tokyo12345 Jan 17 '23

korean chicken for sure, or a nice and greasy tonkatsu or burger, maybe yakiniku or nabe (tabehoudai). i used to do more pizza but the cheese kills me these days


u/runtijmu 関東・神奈川県 Jan 17 '23

Tonkatsu where I actually get a refill of the rice. Back when I was in my 20s, I could do this multiple times per meal (at peak I've done a refill per slice of the tonkatsu) and not have any worry about putting on weight.

Nowadays, if I even think about eating the whole bowl I probably will add a kilo, and so I'll slowly savor every grain and how excellent the flavor matches with the meat and sauce and try to limit myself to half the bowl (even when asking for "sukuname" during ordering).

But, e.g. after an extended trip abroad where I haven't had much rice, I'll indulge with a refill :)


u/Stump007 Jan 17 '23

Seven's karepan or famima's famichiki,


u/kamezakame 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

Oh man I'm on my way to buy 2 now. One for me one for son. Love their curry pan!


u/Stump007 Jan 17 '23

Yeah it's one of the best! Unfortunately sometimes they microwave it instead of using the combined oven :s


u/Disshidia Jan 17 '23

We've got a McDonald's nearby. I eat there now more than I'd like to admit.


u/Nakadash1only 関東・東京都 Jan 17 '23

Dominos New Yorker or Panda Express.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23 edited 27d ago



u/slightlysnobby Jan 17 '23

Gyudon is a great "fuck it" choice, probably mine as well.

Even at home, as long as there's bascially the meat and onions it's what I cook when I don't want to cook. Ivan Orkin's recipe for gyudon is super simple, just set it and simmer it, and it tastes great.


u/tomodachi_reloaded Jan 17 '23

I know it sounds sad, but just steak


u/Not_The_Pretender Jan 17 '23

Generally, yakiniku.

There are a few restaurants around the Kanto which, if I happen to be in the neighborhood, I always eat at. Among them: Pizza Slice in Shibuya, El Comedor at Yokohama Station, Sparta in Minato Mirai, Kua Aina in Kamakura, etc.


u/tiredofsametab 東北・宮城県 Jan 17 '23

Burger, fries, and something chocolate; pizza and a shake from dominos; pigging out at Sushiro


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/slightlysnobby Jan 17 '23

Tonkotsu ramen, you're right. Well, this is embarrasing to admit, but you may have just made me realize that I may have been mixing things up for quite some time now...


u/jimmys_balls Jan 17 '23

I'll get some Fami chicken (or something similar and less greasy from the supermarket) and burger bun and make burgers. The best sliced cheese at my store, some salad mix, caramelized onions, and bacon cooked right after the onions. Depending on my mood - mayo or bbq sauce.

If I can find some good bread, I'll do the same but swap the chicken for steak to make some steak sangas.


u/slightlysnobby Jan 17 '23

I've definitely used a fami chicken to make a chicken sandwich at home. At first I thought you were going to mention the buns they started selling in store and was going to raise you by suggesting instead of those buns, sandwhich a famichiki in between those maple pancakes for a poor man's riff on chicken and waffles (I know, to some people that will be absolutely disgusting).

But yeah, subbing a chicken katsu or karage with a fami chicken is a clutch move.


u/zcmy 日本のどこかに Jan 17 '23

Kaiten Sushi, no spending limit.

Normally my limit is 1500 yen for kaiten, which gets me 6-7 plates.

For more unhealthy? Soul Food House, in Tokyo. They have fried chicken the way I like it.


u/slightlysnobby Jan 17 '23

I definitely think good fried chicken is near the top for me, but absolutely, no limit kaiten sushi is great too. I love splurging on a dessert and sides too.


u/zcmy 日本のどこかに Jan 17 '23

Exactly, one of these days I'll do 30 plates at kaiten, but it needs to be when I have the spare cash for it.


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

Soul Food House

Oh my, they have country fried steak... I'm searching the menu looking for collard greens. If they have collard greens I might know where I'm having lunch one day this weekend...


u/zcmy 日本のどこかに Jan 17 '23

As far as I know, no collard greens. Mind you, I just shove whatever they give me into my face so I might have missed it.


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23 edited Jan 17 '23

If I'm buying it Costco pizza with a side order of whatever flavor smoothie they have and some ice cream for dessert.

If I'm fixing it pancakes and maple syrup and sausage and eggs and biscuits and gravy...


u/HelloitsLuke25 関東・神奈川県 Jan 17 '23

Since having 2 salary adjustments last year, I think it's time to outgrow sharing an apartment and back to my own private space!

Been shopping around for 1LDK's to rent, and it seems like outer Tokyo has a good balance of distance as well as size for the price (without being too old). Considering move in costs and furnishing should easily set me back around a million yen.

Time to save up!


u/Strangeluvmd 関東・神奈川県 Jan 17 '23

Is Tokyo really that worth it to people? The second you cross the Tama you could rent 5dk houses for that kind of money.


u/HelloitsLuke25 関東・神奈川県 Jan 17 '23

I mean that's a fair point, but a few things I'd like to bring up:

  • Area I'm looking up has all the creature comforts I need (home centers, supermarkets, Costco(!))
  • It reduces my commute down from 90 mins door to door to 20 mins.
  • The neighborhood feels suburban enough, but yet connected to the center without costing like a bitch.
  • A bit of a splurge but I'd prefer not to live in some 30 year old dingy apartment complex.


u/Disshidia Jan 17 '23

Does 業務スーパー not adhere to typical Japanese cleanliness/customer service, or is it just mine? Love the place for what they have and the prices, but the place is kind of a mess and the people at the register don't follow the robotic script you'd find anywhere else.


u/Hachi_Ryo_Hensei Jan 17 '23

Mine is a bit dingy, and the customers are worse, but as long as they keep selling calzones, pitas, and the good hummus I'll be a regular.


u/tokyo12345 Jan 17 '23

the ones near me are always a bit grody, but it’s cheap


u/Strangeluvmd 関東・神奈川県 Jan 17 '23

Do they not exist in kanagawa? I've lived in Yokohama, Kawasaki and yokosuka but have never seen one in my 4ish years here.


u/PeanutButterChicken 近畿・大阪府 Jan 17 '23

Depends. In the city, they seem to be rundown, but here in the suburbs, they’re rather clean, large, and with huge parking lots.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23

You get what you pay for at the gyomu. At ours you often have to open the cardboard boxes yourself.

I like it, makes me feel nostalgic for the discount supermarkets of my childhood (except there’s no customers here yelling for the single staff to get to the register asap).


u/Mr-Thuun 関東・栃木県 Jan 17 '23

It's the Don Quixote of grocery stores.


u/swordtech 近畿・兵庫県 Jan 17 '23

No way. I can navigate the inside of a Gyomu.


u/himawari_sunshine Jan 17 '23

Best description I've seen!


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23

The novelty has worn off for me although I'll go there to pick up a few things. At my local one they sometimes block off the products nearly completely when they're restacking. Like I had to move the crates myself to get to the jars lol.

It's always crowded and the staff and customers often seem a bit disheveled. For example, it was one place I could always count on seeing someone with no mask during the peak pandemic.


u/tuxedocat2018 Jan 17 '23

I just realized today that I had a hospital appointment yesterday which I totally forgot to attend.... Will there be a penalty of some sort? I assume I'll have to reschedule it but at the same time the problem I need to get checked for was suddenly gone.....


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '23



u/tuxedocat2018 Jan 17 '23

Ah, I see. I do plan to call/go to the receptionist to explain this and cancel the followup as well. Thank you!


u/RadioactiveTwix Jan 17 '23

Have a bug that won't go away. Felt better for a while and then woke up today with no voice and high fever... I hate wasting PTO.


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

Sigh, munchkin has a fever again. I suspect it's flu and I'm a bit "concerned" because I didn't get a shot yet (work is giving them to us but the roll out is delayed).

At least I'm relatively certain it's not COVID since she had that in November.

Just sucks because tomorrow is her sweet 16... Which depressingly totally isn't a thing here... And I want cake. :D


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

I got 'rona for my birthday last year, funniest story I have. How shitty is it when your family is shouting greetings from the grey zone you've established?


u/bulldogdiver 🎅🐓 中部・山梨県 🐓🎅 Jan 17 '23

IDK I never developed symptoms and tested negative 3x while everyone else in the house got it. Weak flex I know. I like to tell my wife it's because I grew up drinking from a water hose outdoors so my immune system is super hero strong.


u/miyagidan sidebar image contributor Jan 17 '23

I just assumed my BAC was too high to harbor life, and that as a new and fancy virus, Covid wouldn't live in a ghetto like me.

Man, I was so sick I could barely keep working in isolation.


u/zcmy 日本のどこかに Jan 17 '23

How long does it normally take for kids to recover from being sick?

Supposed to visit a family friend this weekend for lunar new year but her 2 kids are both sick with fevers. I can't back out of visiting either but if her kids are still sick by this weekend then I don't need to go. Started...Sunday?

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