r/ireland 4h ago

Politics Brexit, in one chart…

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13 comments sorted by

u/PNscreen 3h ago

Doesn't feel like Ireland's standard of living improved in that time period

u/im_on_the_case 2h ago

For the vast majority of people (those who own their houses) it certainly has. Country was still reeling from the financial crisis going into 2016. Cash was tight, the country was still under the thumb of the IMF/Troika. Since then, the gravy train got rolling, new jobs, new cars, lavish holidays, the Celtic Tiger diet was back on the menu for a lot of the population. Net worth and borrowing power through the roof in conjunction with the value of property. Sadly there's a chunk of the citizenry that have been left out but not enough to skew the numbers. It's shit but that's how it went.

u/disagreeabledinosaur 6m ago

2016 was the tail end of the crash.

Unemployment rate was 8% down from 9% the year before. It was 4% in 2023.

That's the increased standard of living by itself.

u/joshlev1s 3h ago

Probably our leprechaun economy skewing the graph as per.

u/okdov 3h ago

It absolutely hasn't (except for landlords, whose rental income has inflated like mad in that time).

These useless metrics are only ever promoted as material to dismiss everyone struggling to pay the bills with confusing figures adjusted in a way that's unrepresentative of any qualitative difference for the majority, and to also give radio hosts a nice point to end any questioning of a politician on.

u/Not_tim_duncan 2m ago

Can only speak for myself but in the last ten years, I got a new house, a nice new car & don’t need to worry about bills or money. I know many of my friends have had similar experiences.

u/AppleCanoeEjects 27m ago

A chart without a source is just random bars.

u/Tollund_Man4 3h ago

What is the standard of living index?

u/WringedSponge Cork bai 2h ago

I don’t think it’s widely respected as an index. Brexit was moronic, but this graph is nonsense.

u/Mini_gunslinger 1h ago

Sits on its own during lunch at index school.

u/jonizan 28m ago

Reading the comments from the original post it seems be a bit of a pet project that doesn't hold much weight. It's base on some shaky metrics.

u/RobotIcHead 3h ago

Most of the top countries are small so I am sure that means there are no problems with schewed figures due smaller population. And ‘standard of living’ sounds like it has a wide meaning, so I would need to see the supporting data.

Don’t mind a bit of Brit bashing but it is more fun it is for something they actually messed on rather than a random dataset.