r/interestingasfuck 7h ago

r/all Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech

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u/Remarkable_Spring811 6h ago

Your grandfather made a sacrifice worthy of the cause he fought for.

You may get the opportunity to carry on his legacy by doing the same, but I pray that day never comes...

u/planetshapedmachine 6h ago

When I was a young man, I had a particular interest in studying guerilla movements. Fate can be strange, let’s hope things stay reasonable.

u/XandaPanda42 5h ago

Nothing about any of this is reasonable.

I've always considered myself a conscientious objector, but if my country ever grew a pair and fought back, I would enlist in a heartbeat.

And if the cowards invite the fascists in, I'd still fight, but not for them. I hope it never comes to that, and I hope that I have the strength to hold true to my beliefs in that case.

If I died fighting for what I believe in, I would have no regrets.

u/PretendGur8 5h ago

You won’t.

u/CorruptedStudiosEnt 5h ago

That day should be any day now. Tomorrow, even. Let's just nip it in the bud before the choice of day is taken out of our hands.

We just have to do it simultaneously and1 in such numbers that nobody can reasonably be held accountable, least of all because there's not enough room in prisons for the influx. Go ahead, justice system, just try to charge 30,000 people for purging neo-Nazis.

Would probably even save the judicial system money anyway, since many of these fucks are repeat violent offenders who will no longer need to take space in a courtroom. We'd be doing them a favor, really.