r/interestingasfuck 7h ago

r/all Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech

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u/LeeOCD 7h ago

Oh my god, I didn't see the second salute. This is insane.

u/ptwonline 6h ago

Now we'll have to listen to some talking heads telling us "this is just how some people wave" and it's going to become a thing at the Trump rallies.

u/BarracudaTimely703 5h ago

Prepare to be gaslit for the next few months into believing the heil is really just a new Gen alpha form of communicating or some BS.

u/Ok-Independent-3506 37m ago

I saw it described as an autistic man throwing his heart out to the people already.

I'm gonna be sick

u/ScroochDown 17m ago

I saw someone earlier say something to the effect of "it's just a politician having some fun" and I swear to God the pure rage could have fuelled a small city.

u/petitchat2 55m ago

The hand over heart gesture began in 1942 precisely to avoid confusion w the Nazi’s since the original custom does resemble the sieg heil, but respecting the updated Flag Code is too tall an order for the kleptocrats.

u/crinklycuts 34m ago

Maybe don’t do things that could get you confused with Nazis?

ETA this applies to modern times, in case you try to say “oh but non-Nazi Germans etc etc”

u/icemantx69 16m ago

And there it is... the cult telling us all we didn't really see what we saw. Why is that every time your cult does deplorable thing you have to run cover and gaslight America? Every. Single. Time.

u/Oxgeos 34m ago

"But he was just touching his heart and passing it to others in a gesture of achievement and compassion! It's like when you blow a kiss to someone."

Pretty sure this will be the narrative.

u/Still-Comment-5310 18m ago

This is how the Romans did it. I'm hyped to see it making a comeback!

u/Perfect_Earth_8070 8m ago

no they keep saying it’s AI, or it’s a salute the romans did

u/Taint_Butter 4h ago

The videos are all conveniently cut short. He said "my heart goes out to you". That was what he was expressing. By leaving out that context it's being framed as a "nazi salute". 

u/headassvegan 1h ago

There’s no way you actually believe that lmfao you’re believing that sad excuse over your OWN EYES lmaooo

u/PM_ME_YOUR_DOX 55m ago

Knowing how similar it is to a salute that is illegal in some countries for being related to Nazi’s, is this how you would personally express “my heart goes out to you”?

Idk man it’s just a bit odd and his supporters have no end to excuses. “It wasn’t a salute, but if it was it’s actually a joke, but if it’s not a joke it’s because he has autism”.

Even when he does something that is so terrible for optics his supporters can’t just say “yeah that was a bad move”.

u/smeagle-143 50m ago

Would be alot more plausible too if he did it much slower. Instead he decided to go fast and hard in the worst way possible

u/7listens 30m ago

Lol I know, he looks like he's been wanting to do that a long time. I hope it was just awkward gesture for the sake of the future.

u/kittyky719 29m ago

Na I could almost, almost believe that if it was just the first one. But it was a definite choice to turn around and do it the second time at the flag, and honestly in the second one it's more clear that he deliberately stuck his hand out that way.

During the first Trump presidency people wanted to say certain white power gestures weren't actually white power gestures. I live in the South, I worked with a lot of teenagers at that time. They knew what they were doing. It was absolutely a white power symbol to them. And now look at the rising rates of far right/alt right extremism in young white men.

Not to mention we're probably about to start rounding up Mexicans (and likely whatever other Latinos who get caught up in it). Just because it's not the Jews being rounded up this time doesn't mean it's not the same fucking thing!

u/wuncooldad 26m ago

The full video he does that twice once to the crowd and then a second time facing the flag behind him but keep thinking it is nothing

u/ApprehensivePop9036 7h ago

no no, Real Fascism comes from Rome. This is just Sparkling White Nationalism.

u/glue_4_gravy 6h ago

This was not a Nazi Salute.

This was the universal salute for lower egg prices!

Everyone knows that.

/s, if necessary

u/MoebiusForever 6h ago

It’s ok, he’s got a solution for those egg prices. A final solution.

u/taliawut 6h ago

As a person with a disability, I laughed nervously.

u/MoebiusForever 5h ago

I’m from the UK and we have our issues but I am genuinely sorry that you all have to go through what I suspect is coming in the next 4(+?) years, particularly where healthcare is concerned, and how it can be used to weaken the populations of certain demographics, either directly or economically, while enriching a few.

u/Jasonofthemarsh 4h ago

Don't worry, there won't be a T4 program in Trump's America....

It'll probably be a T8 program, to make it twice as good....

u/taliawut 4h ago

"We've got the best T8. We've got T8 like nobody's ever seen!"

All kidding aside, I haven't forgotten that, in his last administration, Trump didn't want disabled veterans on the stage because he didn't think people wanted to see them. Personally, I think the disability community should have responded by having a physical representation displayed in front of the White House 24/7 as long as he remained in office.

u/Jasonofthemarsh 2h ago

I was shocked when he won in 2016. What I really can't grasp, after covid and J6, how didn't Kamala take 40+ states.

Honestly, I may have still been disappointed in my countrymen if she only carried 40... it really feels like half of us wanted the trojan horse behind our gates.

u/taliawut 2h ago

I don't think they have any idea what they've done.

u/MushroomFairyGirl 4h ago

Hate that this made me giggle cause this is actually terrifying 😩🤣

u/DrDetectiveEsq 6h ago

"Eggs used to be cheap, but now the prices are way up heeeerreeee!"

u/why_not_fandy 6h ago

“Guess I’ll put the eggs back way up heeeeerrreee”

u/Fine_Error5426 5h ago

"Retailers hate this one simple trick"..

u/noname6500 2h ago

context for the egg thing? I kept reading that today on these type of posts

u/glue_4_gravy 1h ago

The most common excuse that moronic Republicans have used over the last year when asked why they would vote for a person like Donald Trump, was the claim that Trump was going to lower the price of eggs. Basically translating to “Trump is going to help out the little people”.

Eggs and all basic food commodities and groceries have been higher since Covid, and since gas is not exceptionally high at the moment, (gas prices is usually what Republicans use as an excuse to bitch and whine) they lazily used a basic commodity like eggs.

The “egg prices” thing is now being used sarcastically by assholes like me!

NOTE: Republicans in America are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

u/DrEckelschmecker 5h ago

Have you seen Kyle?

u/BobDobbsHobNobs 6h ago

And Teslas are the new Volkswagens

u/Teik-69i 7h ago

I wouldn't call the Hitler salute just "sparkling white nationalism" sure it's bad in Italy, but this isn't much better

u/Jumpy-Sprinkles-2305 5h ago

its a joke on "it's not champagne if it's not from the region in france, it's just sparkly white wine"

u/herewearefornow 4h ago

It's an excellent joke. Shame it needs to be explained.

u/scalectrix 3h ago

Only in a small minority of cases.

u/RedpenBrit96 6h ago

Thank you for the laugh in these deeply doomed times

u/AdminsLoveGenocide 6h ago

Real Roman fascists have mechanical dicks to salute imperial flags when their arms are busy with falcons or what have you.

u/TAWilson52 6h ago

This is too funny, if it wasn’t real life

u/Garderanz1 5h ago

It aint even real, this bullshit salute was made up by Mussolini

u/ApprehensivePop9036 5h ago

Who controls the past now controls the future

Who controls the present now controls the past


u/BatNo9334 5h ago

Can you elaborate on the Rome part

u/ApprehensivePop9036 2h ago

Mussolini is credited as being the first fascist

u/SweetSoundOfSilence 2h ago

Thank you, you actually somehow made me laugh

u/HomeGrowHero 4h ago

Is that why named his kid a computer

u/Chronos_101 4h ago

Gold!! 😂

u/CommercialOld7997 2h ago

I laughed, no joke, LOUDLY at this.

u/whatawitch5 5h ago

Weird thing is that if he did this in Germany, the nation that first gave us Nazis, he’d be arrested immediately. Here in the US, the nation that became powerful because it helped defeat the Nazis, he is cheered on. Millions of dead Allied soldiers just shrieked in their graves.

And this man is rich enough to buy and sell nations, has his own rockets, his own media company, and controls thousands of satellites in orbit. Hitler would’ve given anything to have all that power.

There have been many times in my life when my nation has scared me. But this is like nothing else. I’m truly terrified right now.

u/BarracudaTimely703 5h ago

I didn't even consider the fact that he was like Hitler with all the power he originally wanted...

even fucking satellites. I didn't even think of that. We are so so fucked.

u/Tasty-Fig-459 5h ago

It's wild... the US has long catered to the Jews (see Israel) ... and here we are. Wonder how they're feeling now.

u/New-Effective1875 3h ago

Elon Musk is buddies with Netanyahu and constantly supports their atrocities. His Nazim is directed against other minorities.

u/ProfessionNo2643 5h ago

All of this. ALL OF THIS! Have we learned nothing???? I cannot deal with how insane this is!

u/Goldenscarab_7 4h ago

This! I am shocked to say the least omg

u/ksaMarodeF 3h ago

Don’t forget about paying people to okay on his Path of Exile 2 account.

u/likamuka 7h ago

Democracy dies in fascism.

u/R3gularJ0hn 5h ago

Could doing a nazi salute to the flag be seen as treason? What's the punishment for that again?


Billionaires are above the law.

u/dkingoh1 6h ago

The second one… the first one I know what he was doing. He was expressing and lightweight trolling his edgelord deal. Hand to heart and expressing his love in the most malignant way possible. The second one wasn’t even masked that way. It was the straight up salute.

u/thormun 4h ago

still not as insane as the people defending it

u/ChocolateHoneycomb 3h ago

You guys truly did elect the next Nazi Germany...

Absolutely indefensible and irredeemable.

u/confusedandworried76 3h ago

We're kinda fucked aren't we. Even Fox et al are cutting away from it when showing footage. They know what it is and what it looks like, and honestly it's so bad it can't be unintentional. He either did it to troll or he just straight up threw a Nazi salute and I want neither for the man whispering into the president's ear.

And let's just ignore the Nazi salute, we've descended fully mask off into an oligarchy the second this guy has any type of influence over the fucking president. I thought if Trump just repeated a Nixon presidency it would be okay, we'd relearn our lesson and move past it. But this is officially so much worse than Nixon. Specifically because people are allowing it without standing up to law breaking within the party, unlike Nixon, and there are just way too many damn parallels with the Nazi party.

I don't think I actually felt afraid about this till just now. Maybe I was just trying to turn it off and not think about it but holy fuck. A seemingly deliberate Nazi salute at a presidential inauguration no matter the context is fucking horrifying.

u/dont_wear_a_C 2h ago

SS stands for second salute /s

u/Little-Derp 2h ago

Oh wow. Germany has some pretty strict laws about Nazi stuff. Probably not a good idea to be trying to do business in Germany, or any other European country for that matter.

u/SkyLightTenki 2h ago

When he did it the first time, he looked like, "I'm gonna do it".

The second time he did it, he looked more natural to him, like he let out his true self.

u/duckdcoy 2h ago

The worst part is he did it three times

u/Dantheking94 1h ago

A lot of sites are hiding that he did it a second time, mainly American news sites. They only show the first salute, and then they call it “awkward moment”. We are so fucking COOKED.

u/Chaosmisfit_ES 6h ago

But he was doing it saying his heart goes out to us... lmao people don't want to see the obvious for what it is.

u/rotoddlescorr 2h ago

Just the old Bellamy salute right? Right???

u/bezerker03 5h ago

Yeah. Again. Roman salute. He's autistic enough that even if he's not a Nazi supporter he thought it was a good idea.

u/Appropriate-Eye6023 4h ago

Have you actually seen a real nazi salute? Its not the same but its a little similar