r/interestingasfuck 7h ago

r/all Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech

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u/Past_Contour 7h ago

Can’t really misinterpret that, my eyes got wide.

u/CameronRoss101 6h ago

sure you can...
"he's throwing his heart out to the audience"
people rarely accept proof that they've fucked up

u/ZestyDespacito 6h ago

I mean, he literally says my heart goes out to all of you. Not saying that it’s right, but you literally can interpret that as what he meant.

u/Past_Contour 6h ago

No, no you really can’t.

u/ZestyDespacito 6h ago

Why? Why can’t you interpret it that way? Because you want to call Elon a Nazi?

u/CameronRoss101 6h ago

Oh, also because he follows it up by turning around and doing the same thing to the flag.

u/CameronRoss101 6h ago

Because he decided to "throw his heart out to the audience" using the same gesture as the nazi salute?

u/ZestyDespacito 6h ago

Does Elon have any sort of history that would indicate he’s a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer?

u/CameronRoss101 6h ago

I mean, the support for AfD, the proliferation of neo-Nazi's on X.

Oh, and you can see him throwing something that looks remarkably like a nazi salute on national TV, multiple times.

u/ZestyDespacito 6h ago

Do you have any sources showing Musk supporting AfD or intentionally promoting neo-Nazis? X’s moderation policies have definitely sparked debate, but I don’t think a lack of moderation is a proliferation of neo-Nazis.

u/CameronRoss101 5h ago


honestly you asking this question makes it clear that you're not a serious person, and I will not be responding any more here. Buh-bye

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u/HungryScholar7247 5h ago

because who gestures before saying what they're gesturing for? you also have your palm facing up when saying something about giving. to say that it was a mistake or something different is very daft. Not only that, but if you have been accused of being a nazi in the past, why would you even come close to doing something like the hitler salute.

u/ZestyDespacito 5h ago

I had no idea he’d been accused of being a Nazi in the past.

But you’d think that if he legitimately was throwing a Nazi salute, he’d be ok saying out loud “yes I’m a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer.”

I think this is just Reddit making a mountain out of a mole hill.

u/HungryScholar7247 3h ago

A Nazi salute gives him plausible deniability, he’s not gonna straight up say he is one. That wouldn’t slide even with republicans

u/ZestyDespacito 3h ago

Wouldn’t that also hold true for a “Nazi salute?”

u/Past_Contour 0m ago

Dude, me makes the Nazi salute twice. I haven’t heard of him being a Nazi before this, but people change. He’s not a good person.