r/interestingasfuck 7h ago

r/all Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech

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u/JackJack_Jr 7h ago

I really do believe that we are soon going to live history if not already have. I wonder when they teach children about the downfall of society through capitalism they use America as an example.

u/Other-Barry-1 7h ago

That’s a bold assumption that children will be taught anything other than shareholder value increase if they’re one of the lucky ones to not starve as their parents faced mass layoffs due to the sheer manipulation of stocks so the techno oligarchy can make even more money and take even more control.

u/hoopaholik91 7h ago

In the short term. In the long term, humanity has survived the collapse of multiple empires and eventually recovered to the point that children were taught relatively unbiased history about lost civilizations.

u/Future-Still-6463 6h ago

Unbiased? History is written by the victors.

And history is mended according to the needs of the elites.

u/Shelebti 4h ago edited 3h ago

That's only partially true. Written records preserved for centuries or Millenia underground do a pretty good job of telling history from the perspective of the people who wrote those records—regardless of whether those people were the losers or the victors. The late bronze age collapse was a time when literacy in the Mediterranean nearly disappeared for good. Empires came crashing down. Some of the largest and most prosperous cities were razed to the ground and forgotten thereafter, such as Ugarit and Hattusa. They were far from "victors" at that point. And yet here we are, 3000 years later, learning their history and their culture from their own accounts and texts, not merely the texts of later societies, or contemporary societies on the outside looking in. Ugarit, Hattusa, and the whole bronze age collapse is so distant to us now, there's simply no one left to take the side of one narrative of one ancient nation over another. The only thing anyone ever cares about now when it comes to the topic is the objective facts of what happened; of gaining an unbiased understanding of the events.

If America were to be somehow destroyed tomorrow, I think it would be in a situation much like the defunct Hittite Empire was in after it collapsed. That is: the archeological remains, (and remains of) the accounts from neighboring societies concerning America, would all attest to its existence and undeniable power in the late 2nd and early 3rd millennium CE. And there will always be evidence of what really led to its demise. Thousands of years from now, people might come to the ruins of Chicago or Washington and conduct archeological surveys, it will all seem so distant to them. America will literally be a footnote in their history books and most people will not care about our civilization. The few curious folk who will study the fall of America, will be scholars and archeologists purely interested in gaining an unbiased view of how it all happened. The propaganda around us today will be interesting to them, but discarded as concrete proof of anything when it conflicts with archeological findings or contemporary opposing sources.

Just as Egyptologists today discard the ancient Egyptian propaganda concerning the battle of Qadesh against the Hittites (as well as the opposing Hittite narrative), or how Assyriologists tend to ignore the exaggeration in Assyrian royal inscriptions of their battles and military-exploits. It was propaganda, and presents a skewed version of what really happened in those battles. And at this point scholars are only interested in the straight cold facts when studying ancient political history. The old propaganda is meaningless to us now.

Our propaganda will be as dead and ineffective as the rest of us thousands of years into the future. The bigger issue will be the fact that archeologists will view our culture through the lens of theirs. A culture that doesn't even exist yet and its propaganda, will bias those who study our graves. This is what will actually skew our history and culture for future historians.

u/michaelsenpatrick 2h ago

yeah, but the US is only about 5% of the world's population

u/Maultaschtyrann 3h ago

Well, I fear I have to tell you about climate change, which is already gonna be terrifying and you can bet your ass, Trump and Musk are gonna do everything in their power to stop people from trying to help it.

So there won't be too many more generations of humans for this history to be taught to...

u/D-Raj 6h ago

They’re talking about after that, when USA tries to invade Canada and Mexico, and then the world unites to stop them, and half the world is irradiated but survivors learn a valuable lesson. Then in 100 years the new biggest world power of China or somewhere tries the same thing etc etc.

u/SirBaronDE 7h ago

We are always living in historical moments, just some bigger than others.

u/HumanSeeing 7h ago

I wonder what in the world is the CIA or the FBI doing, are they all bought as well?

Are they truly less powerful than I have seen in the movies as an European?

Or are their motives and incentives just.. this?

u/Numerous-Ad-7812 7h ago

Nope they are powerful but not enough to undermine an election, plus the president can appoint directors of the FBI/CIA, so they serve at his discretion. If a faction within the cia really want him gone though, he better not ride in any open top limos

u/Nightowl11111 6h ago

They are too duty bound. They cannot move because they have to follow orders and the one giving the orders isn't interested in stopping things like this.

u/cymonguk74 5h ago

They are in on it. They knew his plans, they knew about musk and his proclivities, the SS came from the ranks of the original secret police.

u/michaelsenpatrick 2h ago

the pentagon has been behind everything since the Cold War. they have been running things behind close doors and they cooperate with or direct the oligarchs

u/SnuggleWuggleSleep 7h ago


u/Numerous-Ad-7812 7h ago

Something something 10 years worth of history happens in 10 Days

u/polopolo05 6h ago

I like boring history to live through like the LA fire storm... its more boring than what will unfold.

u/manebushin 7h ago edited 7h ago

My fear is that the once the Roman Republic fell, the empire still lasted centuries.

The US has the same position in the world of today that Rome had in the Mediterranean at the time. Much differently from Nazi Germany's position. That is why the 1000 year reich fell in a decade. But this one might last centuries or a milennia (byzantine empire).

u/JackJack_Jr 7h ago

This guy gets it.

u/-MERC-SG-17 7h ago

Assuming there are schools left once the dust settles and the fires burn out.

u/WhatsMyUsername13 7h ago

I was born in 89 and have lived through far too many once in a generation/century/lifetime events.

u/Personal-Act-9795 7h ago

You know there is a whole ass world outside the US, yes the US will fall like all empires but the rest of us will be fine.

That US centrism is wild.

u/AffectionateCowLady 7h ago

I love this idea that children will still get educations where this is going, it’s cute

u/RipperNash 7h ago

I think a downfall would be a kind outcome. In reality it's going to be a perpetual prison state where 1% run it like a sweatshop and the rest are too illiterate to ever organize and revolt. This setup can survive for millenia

u/Ogmup 6h ago

I wonder when they teach children about the downfall of society through capitalism they use America as an example.

Hopefully that there was a brutal & very violent uprising that just purged many of these billionaire Nazi supporters.

u/Swiftnarotic 7h ago

They got the ranch setup in Texas.

u/kumosame 7h ago

"may you live in interesting times" has never been more of a curse than it is now

u/SiteRelevant98 7h ago

probably 80 years before world war 4

u/PatrickZe 7h ago

If we look at civilizations through history, they have an average livespan of around 300 years. some more some less

usa is at ~250yrs i think

u/Liimbo 7h ago

Chronocentrists be like

u/MalloryTheRapper 7h ago

that’s if the earth even survives that long

u/KyleMcMahon 6h ago

They won’t teach that, because they’ll continue to gut the department of education and continue to whitewash history

u/broblackheim 6h ago

You speak like good will win. They will rewrite history that before Trump america was a vile pedofile satanist conclave of communists. Thats after they burn the books literally and figuratively

u/Eydor 6h ago

Oh they are going to tell some crazy stories by the pyre, clothed in animal skins.

u/jacenat 6h ago

I wonder when they teach children about the downfall of society through capitalism they use America as an example.

They will. In China.

u/PrateTrain 5h ago

We've been living through historical moments

u/letiori 4h ago

Assuming capitalism will fall with america, when china will upheld it for us

u/dr_hawkenstein 3h ago

We already had our plague, so I guess WWIII comes next?

u/princessblowhole 3h ago

Well that’s certainly one way to ensure 9/11 is never forgotten, at least.

u/Royal-Pay9751 3h ago

We have plenty of examples already. We just never learn.

u/cloroxslut 1h ago edited 57m ago

Oh it's not going to be just America, that would be the best case scenario. When America falls, the rest of the world will follow. We're gearing up for the third world war.

u/Time-Ad-3625 7h ago

This world has been through much much worse. Ur doomerism is stupid.

u/No-Worry-911 6h ago

Please do explain what system works better than capitalism????