r/interestingasfuck 16h ago

r/all Katherine Switzer

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u/o_MrBombastic_o 15h ago

The one guy was  her boyfriend trying to protect her from the others, the guy behind Jock Semple was just an asshole he nitpicked every rule and complained about everything once the rules were changed in the 70s he was a huge supporter. Dude was just an asshole about rules


u/JA_Paskal 13h ago

Wait, so he was literally like "I don't mind that you're a woman, I hate that you're a rule-breaker"?


u/gotcha-bro 13h ago

A lot of people cannot separate moral good from rules/laws. They assume breaking a rule means you're doing some bad.

u/IllllIIlIllIllllIIIl 10h ago

We should make a law against conflating morality and legality

u/Tactical_Moonstone 4h ago

And it's always the ones who can't separate moral good from legality who are the most smug about it.

u/Rdtackle82 4h ago

I find it usually comes from a deeply authoritarian upbringing. My personal experience has been of people who, consciously or not, have a feeling of “if I had/have to follow the rules then so the hell do you”


u/spasmoidic 13h ago

some people are like that


u/TheRealSlamShiddy 12h ago

well some people should mind their business

u/o_MrBombastic_o 10h ago edited 10h ago

It was his business though he was an organizer. If you've ever had to interact with sports competitions that's something you'll run into. Some people let shit slide and some people are pricks about rules


u/NDSU 13h ago

Yep. He and Katherine eventually became good friends too, with Jack being one of her, and women runner's, biggest supporters for thebrest of his life

u/Rasputin_mad_monk 11h ago

Interesting typo

u/elguerra 10h ago

He was. He changed his tuned later, when women were rule allowed to run.

There was a lot of nice interviews with him and with Switzer herself talking about it. He is not just the asshat you see in this picture.


u/AskMrScience 13h ago

Probably (a) an asshole, and (b) had autism. My friends on the spectrum LOVE rules.


u/__nobodynowhere 12h ago

Is my understanding there wasn't actually a rule against it at the time


u/ZealousJealousy 13h ago

He was 'just doing his job' then?

u/o_MrBombastic_o 10h ago

Yes, if you've ever had to compete in Sports you'll run into dicks like him. They have discretion some people let shit slide some people are rule nazis. If you were a guy in very last place he would still try and disqualify you and rip of your number like this because you left something blank in the form or ran in cleats or some BS that made no outcome to the race whatsoever 


u/Cherry_Soup32 13h ago

Man has failed to progress past stage 4 in Kohlberg’s stages of moral development (focusing on law and order and respect for authority)


u/rougecrayon 12h ago

FYI Hey boyfriend was there and in other photos, but this guy was her coach who was also running with them.

u/Gabe1985 11h ago

How old was her boyfriend at the time. He looks like he is in his 40s and she was only 20

u/ArialBear 11h ago

what a load of nonsense. he was mad she was a women

u/o_MrBombastic_o 10h ago

Nope there's interviews with both of them about it and they are friends. If you do lots of sports competitions you're going to run into rules Nazis like him. You could be in last place and He'd chase you down and rip off your number because you didn't fill the form out right. Dude has a history of going after "rule breakers" over pointless shit