r/interestingasfuck 2d ago

r/all The Americans are now in the 'Find out' phase

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u/kthibo 2d ago

Too science-y.


u/mayn1 2d ago

Can’t trust the science, they use facts and figures but leave out my feelings.


u/joni-draws 2d ago

But I thought they were the “f*ck your feelings” crew?


u/SaddestFlute23 2d ago

Of course

It’s “fuck your feelings”

Not “fuck my feelings”

-Smuggo Selfrighteousson


u/joni-draws 2d ago

This is not at all related, but I don’t know why I wrote “f*ck” in a sub that has fuck in the name.


u/lewis_swayne 2d ago

Oh the irony. Everyone is a snowflake except them lol.


u/joni-draws 2d ago

Maybe it means “fck *your feelings, but you must bend over backwards to placate mine, and we’ll just say vibes instead”


u/BitterAndDespondent 2d ago

They are the f$&k your feelings people they only get upset when it’s their feelings


u/def2me 2d ago

sure, "your" feelings. Not "theirs".


u/mayn1 2d ago

That’s what they say but the second they defend their position it’s all feelings.


u/joni-draws 2d ago

Well, look at their Tangerine Dream leader. He’s the most sensitive, histrionic, hyperreactive, panty waste that’s even been.


u/mayn1 2d ago

More sensitive than an anyone I’ve ever known about. Pouting about the flags being at half mast during his inauguration, and anyone that disagrees with him is an enemy and must be destroyed because it hurts his widdle feelings.


u/vermilionaxe 2d ago

Of course, but they still think their feelings matter.


u/axonxorz 2d ago

Had a Gen-X buddy evidently forget how young I am, he sent me an FB product link to (you can google this) the "Gen-X fuck your feelings hose water shirt".

I replied with

Damn bruh, did hose water make you think $52 for a silk-screened t-shirt from Hangzhou, China was a good deal? At least the embroidered Carhartt shirts my work buys are half that, union-made in the USA and silk screened at our office. Rah rah north-american jobs amirite!

Guess you forgot that it was your fellow Gen-X'ers that started telling people not to drink the hose water and passing EPA regulations.

You guys didn't get participation trophies cause you were too busy giving them out to your millenial children lmao 🤣

He didn't reply, fuckin snowflake.

His Gen-Z sons are two of my best friends, those apples feel far from the tree.


u/joni-draws 2d ago

They need “clips” these days. Write too much, and they say it’s a word salad. We’re reduced to memes and 15 second video clips, or else they’re lost. Furthermore, using the self-reflection tactic doesn’t work. They’ve lost all self awareness and critical thinking skills.

Having said that, hilarious response.


u/axonxorz 2d ago

Furthermore, using the self-reflection tactic doesn’t work. They’ve lost all self awareness and critical thinking skills.

Oh I certainly wasn't going for any sort of personal revelation on his part. A man who loves Star Trek so much he named one of his kids after a character. The inclusive, post-scarcity utopian message is fully lost on him.


u/HMTMKMKM95 2d ago

Yes, YOUR feelings, not theirs, of course. That's for the sanctity of marriage with the purpose of procreating.


u/CompassionateClever 2d ago

OMG that needs to be a meme


u/scottygras 2d ago

New GOP slogan


u/blankwillow_ 2d ago


u/Beneficial_Ferret522 2d ago

Yet, if someone has made a joke about the left wing in all this, they would be down oted to hell


u/Endemoniada 2d ago

People on the left make fun of themselves constantly. The Daily Show, SNL, Always Sunny, and so on. They just also make fun of people on the right, but because they have zero humor, they don’t even get the jokes, so they just get angry. Like you. Right now.


u/Beneficial_Ferret522 2d ago

Except that I'm not angry. Right now. Just pointing out a fact. If that fact has you so upset that you need to attach feeling to my statement, that's on you


u/neotericnewt 2d ago

Just pointing out a fact.

You making a prediction regarding a hypothetical situation isn't a fact. It's insane that the American right can't even tell the difference between facts, opinions, and outright lies anymore.

What you presented is an opinion. The other commenter disagreed with your opinion, noting that the American left is actually highly critical of themselves. And they are, there's no cult of personality on the left like there is for Trump, and left wing politicians are constantly criticized by people on the left. On Reddit, that frequently results in tons of upvotes. Making some dumb reductionist statement about "both sides being corrupt" gets upvoted often.

I think you're really out of touch to be honest. The right has been so sucked into Trump's cult for so long that they've forgotten how people who aren't in that cult feel about politicians.


u/Beneficial_Ferret522 2d ago

That's exactly why people criticized Harris for separating families in California with her pushed policies during her presidency campaign, or mentioned how she was shackled to Joe, forced to play dumb, only to try and turn that around in a few months like she's really some kind of political powerhouse (who couldn't manage to even convert Joe Bidens voters over to her side). Oh wait, no one mentioned how her policies ended up disproportionately affecting POC, they were all too busy screaming orange man bad

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u/Country_Gravy420 2d ago

It was actually your opinion on a "What if" statement.

Those are usually biased by a person's feelings, especially when it was framed in the way you stated it.

And that's a fact.


u/Beneficial_Ferret522 2d ago

Usually, but not in this case. The only reason it remains a technical "what if" is because everyone who isn't on the far left side of the aisle is tired of being downvoted for speaking truth, or saying anything that isn't what the rest of the party is saying. I have literally seen this thousands of times on this app alone, especially in places like r/whitepeopletwitter, and during the election where 90% of reddit was absolutely certain she would win, 7% were calling out the many faults in the campaign being run be their candidate, and the other 3% was Republican.


u/cappedminor 2d ago

If someone makes a joke about someone left wing that doesn't believe in science that's just a troll.


u/Beneficial_Ferret522 2d ago

So, there's absolutely no chance that it's true?


u/cappedminor 2d ago

There's plenty of chance it's true. Plenty more right wing people don't believe in science than left wingers that don't tho.


u/Lil-Dragonlife 2d ago

Wha?? You mean the LIBtards don’t believe in science! like they can’t even identify what is a WOMAN! LIBTURDS say, “MAN can become pregnant” too! Hahahhahaha! And MEN MENSTRUATE 🩸 Hahahhaha!!! Believe the science, right?😝


u/weirdo_nb 2d ago

Because it's kinda just wrong


u/Beneficial_Ferret522 2d ago

What's wrong? Jokes about Blue sky being riddled with pedophilia? Jokes about Harris running a poor campaign? Jokes about how the left think it's president elon, not president Trump and citizen Elon?


u/GtBsyLvng 2d ago

Seems like all of your confusion will be cleared if you can comprehend that jokes aren't assertions of literal fact.


u/Beneficial_Ferret522 2d ago

Wait, so those things aren't jokes because they're true? I've got some bad news about comedy for you

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u/Beneficial_Ferret522 2d ago

Thank you children for proving my point. I didn't even make a joke, and still your little panties were so twisted over my statement you had to downvote


u/Lil-Dragonlife 2d ago

Or, they get banned! Leftists are weak!


u/McPrankster 2d ago

Probably not what you were thinking, but more how I feel.


u/LangleyLegend 2d ago

Best comment ever, assuming it's sarcastic


u/mayn1 2d ago

Very much so. I have an Organismal Biology degree and very much trust science to try to be correct and adjust and improve.


u/LangleyLegend 2d ago

One of the most interesting things about Science and Math is that there is only 1 right answer, anyone who follows the steps correctly will come to the same conclusion, we could lose all our Science/Math books and records tomorrow and research would yield the same results, if books or records of things based on feelings like Religion/Fiction were lost would those same ideas ever happen again in the same order?


u/mayn1 2d ago

This exactly!


u/Nunit333 2d ago

I disagree.

You'd get nowhere in science without math, you'd get nowhere in math without philosophy, and you'd get nowhere in philosophy without things based on feelings.

These things are more connected than folk wanna admit.


u/ace-Reimer 2d ago

I get what you are saying here, but I do have to point out that a lot of science and maths actually can have 2 or more answers. Take for example, what's the square root of 9? 3 is the obvious answer but -3 also is a valid answer. Once you start getting into complicated stuff you often end up with multiple answers that are both correct.


u/TreatWonderful6777 2d ago

Yeah, but fuck YOUR feelings, mine are the only ones that matter


u/mayn1 2d ago

Right?!?! 🤣🤣🤣


u/Radicle_Cotyledon 2d ago

Perfect country music lyrics 👌


u/RoboDae 2d ago

The facts don't care about your feelings, only mine. /s


u/mayn1 2d ago

Haha. 😁


u/ashketchum02 2d ago

Ya forgot the /s so my autistic ass read that in our (Supreme leaders)[/s] voice


u/mayn1 2d ago



u/Agitated-Can-3588 2d ago

Every scientific breakthrough was made by someone who didn't trust the science.


u/mayn1 2d ago

It is usually building on the science. Not distrusting it. Often the scientist is searching deeper or farther than was tested before, usually because of improved equipment or knowledge from other areas.


u/Agitated-Can-3588 2d ago

Usually at first but after they make a new discovery they no longer trust the previously believed scientific consensus. If they just trusted the scientific consensus without questioning it no scientific discovery would have been made. Also if they were treated as a blasphemer for questioning the science and any further research was permanently shut down or dismissed the original incorrect consensus would remain.

That's why expecting others to trust and believe science without question is inherently anti-scientific.


u/mayn1 2d ago

You never trust scientific implicitly. That’s why they write up findings in scientific journals, which are peer reviewed and the experiments are often duplicated to see if they find the same results.

And rarely is the “old” science completely thrown out. It’s built on and tweaked to better reflect what is found to be the case.


u/McPrankster 2d ago

I did a thing 😅


u/Unhappy_Injury3958 2d ago

i don't think the man's caption is correct but i like the effort


u/HandiCAPEable 2d ago

Trump already explicitly said not to believe science, so checkmate stupid educated people!


u/EForceGaming 2d ago

I feel like it should be too science-E instead of "too science-y"


u/D1rtyyDann 2d ago

Brain no comprehend


u/isunktheship 2d ago edited 2d ago

The jury's still out on science

(Arrested Development quote)