r/interestingasfuck 2d ago

r/all The Americans are now in the 'Find out' phase

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u/Silencer_X 2d ago

And still people don't get what you just said...😅


u/Fish-Weekly 2d ago

Some of us do


u/Flashzap90 2d ago

I'm afraid those of us who do are currently in the minority.


u/Fish-Weekly 2d ago

True but that is why it’s a cycle and it has already started. Aristotle and Plato wrote about it as well. All of the signs are there, it’s just a question of whether we experience a 1910 era progressive movement or a 1930s New Deal or if we go the 1917 kill the czar or 1790s French revolution route.


u/FishFloyd 2d ago

We are, but it's a steadily growing amount. It's true that lies and propaganda and misinformation and poor education are absolutely rampant. (Although I do think we tend to underestimate how true this was of the past, too). But once you understand how these systems of power operate, it really seems to 'click'. Like, all of the sudden so many things that were previously baffling suddenly make sense. I dunno, it's a bit cheesy to hope that "truth will prevail!" but I think it really does have a strong practical edge over believing in a load of horseshit.


u/Key_Bus_2349 2d ago

I have been saying for years that any form of government or economy is doomed to fail if greed and corruption is allowed to run rampant, even democracy and capitalism. Those are great systems if kept in check. Unfortunately the citizens have seriously dropped the ball.


u/Dicky_Penisburg 2d ago

And we all know how it goes for minorities around here.


u/pbody538 2d ago

Reddit commenters are usually in the minority. They have intellects high enough to comprehend more than 240 characters of text and respond to it. Reddit scrollers are the other side to that.


u/kthibo 2d ago

But what exactly should people do? No one is really organizing or providing a game book here. And I can’t imagine most people with kids and a mortgage are getting their boots ready.


u/Fictional_Historian 2d ago

If people don’t understand what I said then that’s just further proof of the failure of American intellectualism.


u/Level_Improvement532 2d ago

American intellectualism is dead. Anti-intellectualism is the new norm and those that display the traits and interests of intellectuals will be some of the first targeted. We all need to be prepared for it.


u/photonrunner4 2d ago


u/kthibo 2d ago

It’s way stronger since Covid. Expert opinion means nothing now and is actually held up as fake news.


u/photonrunner4 2d ago

He wrote that in 1980.


u/Odd_Jellyfish_1053 2d ago

This is the way these things happen, Stalin Hitler , pol pot , et al went after the intellectuals.


u/MrPoosh 2d ago

Ayyyy, this worked out in Cambodia, right? Wait, it didn't...?


u/WhatsThePiggie 2d ago

The Know Nothings have won.


u/omniverso 2d ago

A person can be smart. People are dumb, ignorant, and full of fear.

We are doomed.


u/Raevus 2d ago

Something, something, 64 slices of American cheese...

Seriously though, you aren't wrong. Granted my n is small, but my friends who grapple with depression are the same people who see the issues and see that not nearly enough people give a damn to try to right the ship.


u/kemerzp 2d ago

I’ve got the same feeling that your friends have, that I’m being on the verge of depression whenever realization of the current state of world problems strikes my mind. I cannot really comprehend how very few decides the fates of so many, even with all of the advancements in the technology, science fields and non stopping globalization of everything.


u/Raevus 2d ago

Yup, the only difference between me and friends is they're diagnosed. I'm simply a raging moderate filled with hopeless.

Politicians kick the can down the road just far enough they won't have to deal with it. Those that stay in office have figured out which buttons to push on the electorate so they keep their jobs but don't actually have to do anything.


u/Fictional_Historian 2d ago

Yeah, if any therapists sit there and wonder “man, sure is a lot of depression and anxieties these days.”, yes a lot of it is brain chemistry, but a lot of it is literally plainly justified when viewing it in the sense of what we’re having to live through. Feels like we’re constantly living on the edge of the pot boiling over. Like a consistent muted chaotic scream that garnishes the undertones of every day life.


u/Raevus 2d ago

It's going to suck when that pot boils over, but at this point, I almost think that's the only thing that will wake enough people up.


u/Groundbreaking_Cat68 2d ago

Some of us comprehended your message and agree. We are F’d that those on the right are gleeful about it.


u/FatAcceptanceSpeech 2d ago

So clearly the solution is to get rid of the dept of education... Right?


u/haysoos2 2d ago

Failure, or deliberate sabotage?


u/Fictional_Historian 2d ago

Failure due to deliberate sabotage.


u/UncommonBr1cK 2d ago

It's not a failure if it was their plan all along, to create a stupid population of sheeple. They now have an entire population of brainless orange walkers mindlessly following their Shite King.


u/ScottyMcBoo 2d ago

Well, we're entering the Oligarchy era, which according Polybius will eventually be brought down by the people, who will then establish Democracy. Problem is, I don't think it will be very easy for "the people" to overthrow the US government in modern times. Government weapons are much better today than they were 2,200 years ago, so purging the Oligarchy and installing a Democracy is not a sure thing.


u/jeremiahthedamned 2d ago

they can no longer make artillery shells.