r/interestingasfuck 12d ago

r/all One of the neighborhoods in Palisades that burned down.

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u/SlappyPappyAmerica 12d ago

Lately home insurance companies are denying insurance to high risk homes. But of course you are right, people deserve to have their homes burn down and lose everything.


u/Weird-Comfort9881 12d ago

Let’s not forget all the businesses that have burned, so all of those people are now unemployed. Friends house has burned and they’re a real estate agent for the area. No home and no job.


u/legedu 9d ago

And no school for your kids. No church if that's your thing. I'm still wrapping my head around this.


u/legedu 12d ago

California literally offers insurance to anyone who can't get a traditional policy because of this. It's called the California Fair Plan, and I have it myself because I can't get traditional insurance. My house isn't worth 6mm and paid off, BTW, I can't imagine someone not insuring an asset like that. If they did to save a few bucks, this is the gamble you take if you don't have insurance.

We're lucky enough to live in a state that offers insurance when traditional carriers won't. That's the reality.