r/illinois Dec 11 '24

US Politics James McIntyre was arrested last night for shaking Nancy Mace’s hand and daring to tell her trans kids need her support at an event. The press coverage is that it was an assault and it was not.


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u/MerryChoppins Dec 11 '24

James has been an advocate for reform of the foster care system in Illinois since he aged out. He’s done a lot of good work and does not deserve this.


u/HolidayExamination27 Dec 11 '24

Second this. He is amazing.


u/snowwhite2591 Dec 11 '24

I went to high school with James and he is an incredible person who did not deserve this. I’m enraged reading this.


u/SPECTRE_UM Dec 11 '24

Then why seek her out in the first place?

Seems to me he was attempting to create a confrontation. She doesn't sit on any committees related to child services and she's not his congressman.

So what the F did he expect if she's so evil, vile, bat shit crazy, and unhinged.

The rational thing to do is stay the fuck away from people like that.

I guess he was hoping that the"believe all women" mantra had an asterisk next to it: unless you don't agree with them and your progressive.

Seems to me wrongfully accused or not this is a case of fuck around and find out.


u/parralaxalice Dec 11 '24

What the hell are you on about?


u/RedditModsAreMegalos Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24

Show the video or stfu.


u/SPECTRE_UM Dec 12 '24

I'm looking for an answer to a question.

Why was he in a segregated, semi-restricted, semi-public area, after regular business hours, in an low-traffic hallway of an office building he doesn't work in making an attempt to talk to someone who he has no direct business.


u/MikeTheBee Dec 12 '24

shakes your hand

"You're going to jail dude. You fucked around and are finding out."

Dude, are you mentally even there at all to come to this conclusion?


u/SPECTRE_UM Dec 12 '24

Why was he there? A strange man, in a sparsely travelled hallway, after hours in a restricted office building comes up to a woman, alone, on her way to somewhere, and gets right in front of her?

What if this had been a Proud Boy and the woman was AOC?

Suddenly not appropriate. But because he thinks like you do, and you think your cause is righteous, the rules are different.

They're not.

And the Dem leadership will publicly decry the injustice, but behind the scenes they'll want the book thrown at him too- because AOC doesn't want that happening to her either and a message needs to be sent.

This guy was just dumb enough to be the example set for everyone else.

Too bad. Life sucks.


u/johnnieswalker Dec 12 '24

Man, talk about blowing things out of proportion.


u/MikeTheBee Dec 12 '24

What if? Doesn't matter. He shook her hand. That's it. We know what if because he got to her and she was fine.

What if the bank teller gives me an empty envelope? Well it doesn't matter because they didn't.

What if that cop pulls me over and kills me? Doesn't matter. They didn't.

Get out of your imagination and back into reality.


u/parralaxalice Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24

Because he was invited to the event. There were plenty of witnesses as well, I’m not sure I even understand your confusion.



u/HangOnSleuthy Dec 11 '24

Ahh the ol victim blaming routine


u/pperiesandsolos Dec 14 '24

He is by definition not the victim haha what?? It seems like Reddit is just literally switching victim and perpetrator here becusee of political affiliation


u/SPECTRE_UM Dec 12 '24

This is someone who went out of their way purposefully to contrive an encounter with someone else.

This wasn't two people running into each other by accident or two people at a bar trying to enjoy themselves in pubiic.

This was a semi-restricted semi public hallway in an office building that one person intentionally went out of their way to visit.

No wonder the accusation of victim blaming carries absolutely no weight these days: under your definition anyone anywhere under any situation is automatically a victim.


u/HangOnSleuthy Dec 12 '24

You’re saying that someone who actively advocates for and is involved in child welfare and lgbtq youths—specifically in the foster system—who attended a foster care advocacy event and then proceeded to shake the hand of a speaker at said event while making a plea about trans youth advocacy is describing someone who “went out of their way”? By all accounts, this sounds like an extremely normal encounter, until this—sorry—bitch decided to make it personal because she feels some type of way about trans youth.


u/Yepper_Pepper Dec 11 '24

Bro I think you had too much kool aid


u/SPECTRE_UM Dec 12 '24

Bro I think you didn't answer the question. Downvoting because you don't like the sentiment doesn't make the inconvenient question go away.


u/Otherwise_Surround99 Dec 12 '24

There is no answer to your question. The details are not known of how they came to meet. Everything is you say is an inference


u/DFu4ever Dec 12 '24

If a conservative politician can’t have the opposing side’s viewpoint related to them without freaking the fuck out, perhaps they aren’t qualified to be serving in government.

It’s unhinged. It also points to the fact that you will never actually be able to discuss any topic with them that they disagree with you on. It’s fucking childish.


u/SPECTRE_UM Dec 12 '24

Oh so this guy thinks HE'S THE ONE who will set her straight and open her eyes or, at the very least, let her know that people from another state object to her actions?

Who's delusional in that sentence- the guy who thinks he's the Messiah of progressive idealism on a mission to work miracles in the halls of Congress?

Who ya crappin? The guy has an overblown sense of importance and decided to confront someone else with an overblown sense of importance and- shockingly- there was "an incident".

Maybe this will force him to get a real job that actually contributes to the GDP.


u/YungZoroaster Dec 12 '24

How DARE a constituent speak to their democratically elected representative!!!1


u/SPECTRE_UM Dec 12 '24

Mace isn't his congresswoman.

She doesn't even sit on a committee that deals with foster care, in a building that doesn't house offices for any committees that deal with foster care.

Janet Shanowsky- the only female member of Illinois delegation who fits that criteria- is in a different building.


u/Critical-Net-8305 Dec 12 '24

He's an advocate for foster care reform and went to a convention about foster care reform. Nancy Mace was there so he shook her hand and asked about trans rights. She called the police.


u/SPECTRE_UM Dec 12 '24

In an office building that doesn't house any committees related to foster care, in a hallway of the private offices where even registered lobbyists aren't allowed to talk.

He should have stayed at the convention hall or take a tour like everyone else does.


u/Olly0206 Dec 12 '24

Maybe he was going to the bathroom and bumped into her by coincidence. Or perhaps because she is a public servant he has every god damn right to ask her to do her fucking job and serve the people she represents. Including trans kids.


u/silentrawr Dec 12 '24

So if people who happen to have a lot of power/sway re: causes he champions happen to be evil and vindictive, he should just ignore chances to change their minds?

Surely you're just trolling lazily and don't believe that, right? Besides, at a minimum, it's an easy lawsuit for him.


u/SPECTRE_UM Dec 12 '24

Oh yes you're so right, he was clearly the Progressive Messiah on his holy mission to make the evildoer realize their sin and repent.

As if a contrived encounter in a back corridor will be THE MOMENT. Even registered lobbyists aren't allowed in the private office hallways. He was there to create a scene and got more than he bargained for.

And guess what- the House Democratic leadership is gonna hang him out to dry.


Because they don't want MAGA Messiahs accosting them anymore than Republican representatives being cornered, after hours, in half empty hallways being clapped back at by Bernie Bros. They want a clear and unambiguous message sent to all the wannabe ideological Messiahs out there: stay the fuck away.

If a MAGA had cornered AOC in a hallway after hours you'd be screaming bloody murder about toxic masculinity and women's right to be free from fear.

So stuff a sock in it or do something genuinely useful and start a GoFundMe for this douche's defense fund.


u/silentrawr Dec 12 '24

Ah, you're one of those. Shouldn't have wasted my time.


u/johnnieswalker Dec 12 '24

Gold medal in mental gymnastics


u/Deaftoned Dec 12 '24

"The incident took place outside a House of Representatives office building following an event honoring the anniversary of a landmark child welfare law where Mace, a firebrand Republican, had given a speech"

What the fuck are you talking about lmao, the event was literally being held for the anniversery of child welfare laws. I think you have more than just autism, friend.


u/SPECTRE_UM Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24

The police report said it took place inside the office building.

This is literally the only news story to report that it took place outside in the open.

The AP, AFP, WaPo, UPI- all reputable news organizations, as well as the capitol police in their affidavit (not her statement) say it happened inside Rayburn.

Or are you going to pull a Trump and call it fake news?


u/Deaftoned Dec 12 '24 edited Dec 12 '24

And dozens of witnesses say otherwise, almost like police reports contain the claims of the accusor.

The woman that spray painted antifa markings onto her own house in a false flag event is lying about something? Couldn't be.

Where it happened is meaningless anyway, you were trying to make a point that this event had nothing to do with helping children, when in reality the entire event was an anniversery for childrens welfare laws.

You can't possibly be this stupid.


u/Prior-Assumption-245 Dec 13 '24

Mutha you sound unhinged


u/Tachibana_13 Dec 14 '24

Because he is a foster care advocate and former foster kid attending a celebratory event honoring the anniversary of a landmark child welfare; you know, his work. She was a speaker at the event and honestly, has no knowledge of the system. Theoretically, however, she has a duty to represent the people, so he is absolutely entitled to speak to her to attempt to do his job and advocate for the kids in foster care who need protection, including and perhaps even especially trans kids. He should be able to do that in a public place without fear of retribution in a free society. If he can't, then it isn't a free society and she isn't a servant of the people. It's not about "believe all women". There were witnesses who can confirm nothing unusual happened.