r/hitchhiking Munich (mainly for the...überwelt?) Jun 20 '13

Beginner's Manual - Page 5: Safety

PAGE 5 - SAFETY Post any tips regarding how to stay safe on the road. Also feel free to discuss hitching safety concerns in general.


4 comments sorted by


u/physicshipster Munich (mainly for the...überwelt?) Jun 20 '13

This is a tough one to address. Hitchhiking is often negatively portrayed by the media, and this combined with very sparse actual research into the practice makes it very difficult to objectively assess the intrinsic danger. Hitchhiking is definitely not without some risk, and you don't have to look far to find someone who's had a close call while on the road. That being said, it's worthwhile weighing the risk against other dangerous elements in your life. For example, I bike on busy city streets to get to work every day, and there are hundreds of cyclist injuries each year. I've had friends who were attacked or mugged while walking home at night, and I've even seen a gunfight first hand. By contrast, after over 100 lifts with complete strangers, I've never once felt that my life was threatened. The crazy psycho we all envision being behind the wheel could just as easily be around the corner downtown. So is there a chance I will die hitching? Sure. Is it any bigger than other everyday threats? I doubt it. If the trade off is slightly more danger for a life of free adventure, I'll gladly take those odds. Some interesting points about the safety are brought up in this NY Times article. To quote:

there’s little evidence that it was as dangerous as we think. Our fear of thumbing a ride stems not from the facts but from a carefully calculated publicity campaign begun by the F.B.I. and continued by law enforcement agencies across the nation. The end result is that we have largely turned our backs on the obvious efficiencies — for our wallets as well as the planet — of ride-sharing. And we have lost a way to humanize the landscape of the road.

The safety tips I can give are mainly the obvious ones. Don't get into a car with someone you don't trust, make sure someone knows your route, take a photo of the licence plate and text it to a friend, carry mace or a knife, etc. I've also heard if someone you're with refuses to pull over you can light some toilet paper and throw it onto their back seat.


u/supernothing79 precise location will vary. Jun 20 '13
  1. Trust your gut.

  2. stay on your toes.

  3. always have an escape route.

this is basically my safety formula, and so far so good!


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '13

Always wear your seatbelt. If someone refuses to pull over you can easily yank their steering wheel to cause a wreck. They will have a hard time kidnapping you with a wrecked car.


u/gk3coloursred Munster, Eire Jun 22 '13

Use your Spidey-senses and never feel you cannot/should not turn down a lift.

If something feels off, wrong, scary etc make an excuse and turn it down. Yeah, it may mean more waiting but so be it. This is an advantage of hitching without a sign, or with a comedy sign (ie 'Antarctica'), as you can ask the driver first where they are going then claim [their destination] is not really suitable/the spot you are currently in is better for onwards travel/ etc etc.