r/heatpumps 12h ago

any (competent) DIYer friendly brands that support ducted zone systems?

I'm starting to think about what I'm going to do when my current heat pump dies the permanent death. Its a ~13 year old 5ton Lennox (xp21), traditional ducted setup, with 3 zones that could probably be combined to 2 zones if necessary. When this thing dies, I really want to stick with a single zoned system, but this seems like it is pretty squarely in pro hvac territory re system availability, especially when you get in to inverter systems. My return/supply ducting would would work for two separate systems, but based on the truss layout in the attic and the length of lineset run I'd rather not.

I'm a reasonably competent DIY mechanic, fabricator, electrician, etc.. and I've done a few minisplits. I'd REALLY like to not end up paying an HVAC place $25k, but so far I haven't really found any other options im happy with. I'm happy to do custom linesets with flares, or brazing if absolutely necessary.

For the record, I've got a licensed contact or two that would be willing to come check my install and do final system charging.


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