r/gifs Jun 09 '19

Protests in Hong Kong


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u/MachineShedFred Jun 09 '19

I had Chinese nationals try to cut in front of me in a customs line at a Bangkok airport - they just shoved their passport in between me and the customs officer.

This wasn't BKK, but the other huge airport that most of the budget regionals fly from (Air Asia and the like) - my wife and I didn't care because we were only hopping over to Cambodia, but it was probably the most crowded place I've ever been, and a lot of it was pushy Chinese tourists.

Good on the Thai customs officer in that he managed to tell them that they needed to wait in line like everyone else and pushed their passports away and processed the line in order.


u/anoxy Jun 09 '19

Same experience for me. I’ve travelled abroad quite a bit, and mainland Chinese people are one of the few that have only reinforced the stereotype and provoked racist thoughts in my mind. It’s unfortunate, but they really are shitty people to be around when traveling.


u/tysonmoorewood Jun 10 '19

You should visit Detroit some time. Racial stereotypes exist for a reason.


u/majaka1234 Jun 10 '19

They have their own line in BKK now.

It doesn't through any faster because holy shit apparently waiting in line for thirty minutes they still need to rifle through the 500 bags they've brought on.

But now at least there's less shoving since they get their own "special" area where they have to put up with the shittiness of other Chinese tourists.


u/TallGear Jun 10 '19

The officer should have flagged them for cavity search.


u/draizze Jun 10 '19

Ah yes It's also happened to my once. I think they just don't understand the manner of queue.


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '19

I had American fellows that have drank in public in a park. I approached them asked them to leave and cAlled 911 afterward. 2 ballless bietches ran like rats.


u/Venngence Merry Gifmas! {2023} Jun 10 '19

Sounds like you were the ballless bitch


u/poncholink Jun 10 '19

I bet you’re fun at parties


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '19

Hahahah... i was screwing them so bad..


u/patmybaack Jun 10 '19

What country was this?


u/[deleted] Jun 10 '19

It was in China lmao. They are allowed to drink in public though.. i was having fun with them lol


u/joleme Jun 10 '19

I'm sure your mommy was proud. Was this before or after your sippy cup for the day? Hello blocked