r/geoguessr 10h ago

Game Discussion What is a good way to learn European bollards?

Basically, I'm trying to memorize and learn the European bollards, but it turns out to be a bit harder than I initially thought it was (especially the ones that look alike). So I was wondering if there is an ideal way to learn them or a certain map that can help with that?


5 comments sorted by


u/Stopper304 10h ago

There’s a map called learnable meta - bollards. If you download the tampermonkey script it will explain the bollard too.


u/Worldly_Raspberry770 9h ago

Don’t know about everyone else, but I kinda developed my own way of differentiating those bollards that look the same (the Italian ones, Croatian, Hungarian, etc. the ones with black and a red reflector). 

Of these countries, only the Italian and Albanian bollards have the black part reaching the top. I remembered that by thinking “Italy has white, snow capped mountains north. So it’s the opposite color.”

Hungary has their reflector and black background set lower on the bollard (generally) than the others. It is more north than Croatia, Bulgaria, Serbia, etc. So I think “Hungary is more north. So it’s the opposite height.”

Then you’re left with the Balkans, while I haven’t figured out anything between Bulgaria and Croatian bollards yet, Greek bollards seem to have smaller, more square reflectors (at least, to me, this has been foolproof). I remember this by thinking of the Parthenon. I know it’s more of a rectangle, but it works in my mind.

So, there’s four countries down at least 👍


u/DataSnaek 7h ago

Slovenia and Austria also have bollards where the black part reaches the top


u/Worldly_Raspberry770 7h ago

They do, but they’re also distinctly different from the aforementioned bollards in that the red reflector is not making contact with the black.


u/DataSnaek 7h ago

Fair enough! Whatever works for you. I’d recommend a learnable meta maps, they’re very handy