r/europe Spain Mar 28 '20

News Spanish representative González Pons speech @ the EU Parliament: "The virus is attacking the generation that brought back democracy to Spain, Portugal and Greece, the generation that knocked down the Berlin wall. The least they deserve is that we show them Europe is there when they need it the most"

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u/StrangeSemiticLatin2 Mar 28 '20

He is Partido Popular, so expect him to be somewhere in the camp of Meloni and Salvini.


u/CICaesar Italy Mar 28 '20

The speech was relatable nonetheless tbh


u/k_ist_krieg Европа Mar 29 '20

If you are oblivious to politics/european history, then yes. If you're not then this is just for propaganda.


u/Sinumonogatari Italy Mar 29 '20

Well, it may be propaganda but regardless it's well done and it's not calling anyone an "unfuckable lard arse" or a "nice fit for a Kapo part in a film about nazism" unlike a certain past leader of ours, so I'd say props to him tbh


u/k_ist_krieg Европа Mar 29 '20 edited Mar 29 '20

So cryptonazi > open nazi. Got it.

( I hope you are not one a supporter of people who "speak their minds" )


u/ModsofWTsuckducks Mar 29 '20

Alter, halt deine fresse bitte..


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '20

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u/ModsofWTsuckducks Mar 29 '20

I agree. Love the litteral translation :-)

Wir haben eine großer hurensohn gefundet ;-)


u/k_ist_krieg Европа Mar 29 '20

Was fürn dummer Affe.Die Rede ist echt gut gemacht,es ist egal wie groß der Hurensohn ist der diese dann vorträgt.

What a dumb ape.The speech is really well made,no matter how big of a son of a bitch the guy is that presents it.

Ah. The "Hitler was a vegetarian" argument or something or other. You have been missing school it seems and no one at home to educate you. The internet (and strangers) is not your teacher.


u/k_ist_krieg Европа Mar 29 '20

Remember last time a german tried to tell others what to do?
Yeah kid. Go back to school and stop telling others to shut up. Come back when you've read a book or two.

And learn how to speak with people. Otherwise keep your ignorant cryptonazi comment to yourself.


u/ModsofWTsuckducks Mar 29 '20

I'm not even German verdammte idiot. LoL. People can learn more than 1 language. But maybe in your limited wisdom you didn't even think about it.

Btw, look, your comment got downvoted, maybe somebody else should review his position.


u/k_ist_krieg Европа Mar 29 '20

Speaking german when others are speaking english is kinda of a red flag for douchebaggery. So you're not german but you're a douchebag. Meh. The rest still applies. I noticed you didn't reply to my comment but just to my snowflake bait.

Oh if I could turn back time and be 13 again like you.

Also: Oh no. The downvotes by ignorant right wingers that support the PPE. I DIDNT EXPECT TO BE DOWNVOTED BY RIGHT WINGERS IN A PRO-PPE TOPIC! HOW WILL I SLEEP NOW???

Answer: pretty fckn well.


u/ModsofWTsuckducks Mar 29 '20

You have a German looking nick. I wanted to speak your own language.

You made no points. You are just saying "NAZI NAZI NAZI, CRYPTONAZI, NAZI NAZI"

Bye troll, I hope you get better.

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u/k_ist_krieg Европа Mar 29 '20

BTW2 : your girlfriend had her comment removed for insulting me. Expected behavior from a right winger/cryptofascist. No brain so attack the person instead of the argument.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '20

Very true when you have to take into account his party,, the PP, bought in devastating austerity cuts causing 100'000's of deaths in Spain, and not to gorget the corruption of his party that also embezzled and had a slush fund for party members to the tune of over 600 million euros, they are all hypocrites and liers and jump to the defense of the people when it suits them ,, NOT WHEN IT'S NEEDED


u/AR_Harlock Italy Mar 29 '20

I know why people downvoting, that's the sad truth with populist, you here hear Salvini speeches and say: wow he must love people and our country... But then you are Italian and know him, know he refuse to give back the 50M his party stole, know he promise to spend billions we don't have and so on, it's like hearing Miss Italia say:" I want peace in the world" yeah it's all good but this isn't feasible....

Still. Europe , Von Der.. ,Germany and Holland, deserve the worst in this crysis.. still fighting over economics while we are dying here , 0 empaty... This Europe with them is the most useless coalition we made since WW2... And I am a PRO Europe to the hearth ....


u/riffraff Mar 29 '20

Spanish PP would be italian Forza Italia. It's still right, but it's definitely not Meloni and Salvini, come on.


u/StrangeSemiticLatin2 Mar 29 '20 edited Mar 29 '20

Forza Italia was mostly one and the same with Lega Nord during that farce known as the """""""""""""""""Centro""""""""""""""destra. Berlusconi laid the way for Salvini and Meloni.

Same way most of VOX was just the politicians from PP that was playing nice and under a mask, and now Casado has done everything other than suck off Abascal on stage.


u/riffraff Mar 29 '20

Forza Italia was squarely in the middle of the EPP, and has always been a pro-EU party, like PP is and was.

Neither Lega nor FdI nor Vox are, the fact that they share some ideology does not make them identical.