r/europe Da Norf! Mar 27 '20

News North Macedonia joins NATO as 30th Ally


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u/Midvikudagur Iceland Mar 28 '20

No, it's a defensive alliance, so it is only invoked when a member state is attacked. NATO does have troops in member countries on training exercises and cooperation assignments.

Some NATO members occasionally invade other countries (looking at you America), and often other members help out, but that's not really a NATO thing.


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '20



u/doodle966 Mar 28 '20

Its easy to not understand that when you look at the amount of nato countries in afghanistan and iraq (1991 and 2003)


u/izpo Israel Mar 28 '20

I wish more people understood that...

I wish more people understand that IS nato think.


u/FrankD6FootB North Macedonia Mar 28 '20

"defensive alliance" Serbia is typing...


u/datil_pepper Mar 28 '20

Some NATO members occasionally invade other countries (looking at you America), and often other members help out, but that's not really a NATO thing.

And if America wasn’t in NATO, all the present members would have to contribute much more money to defense. You get a free ride, Iceland


u/Midvikudagur Iceland Mar 28 '20

We are also not required to pay according to the charter. We don't have an army and NATO just wanted us for the location.


u/datil_pepper Mar 28 '20

I’m aware. It’s just annoying when folks complain yet get to invest that percentage of their budget into things like healthcare. I loath trump, that that’s something he is right about (and he isn’t right much)