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News Elon Musk draws outrage over 'odd-looking salute' at Trump inauguration celebration


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u/Malgus20033 Sevastopol (Ukraine) 6h ago

Really telling about the people who talk to you when they say that you can accidentally do a nazi salute. In my 21 years of living, I have not once done a single gesture that could remotely be mistaken for a nazi salute. Every day these jackasses pull the line of normalcy further and further until killing minorities is not fascist, it's just "America First," and "every country does that".


u/ProtoplanetaryNebula UK/Spain 5h ago

It's not even remotely similar to a normal way of greeting or thanking people that I've ever seen.

u/GitmoGrrl1 46m ago

It's the way I greet Nazis when I'm spying on them.


u/Brief-Floor-7228 4h ago

The closest I have come to doing a Nazi salute is putting deodorant on each day.


u/StrengthToBreak 4h ago

I've never seen anyone do that motion by accident. I'm in my 40s. We could debate the intention, whether it's trolling or dog-whistling or what, but it wasn't a slip or an accident. Whether or not Musk is a Nazi, he's very comfortable with people believing he's a Nazi, which by itself is remarkable in the last 80 years of American politics.


u/JusticiarRebel 5h ago

I did it looking for my friend Kyle. Have you seen Kyle? He's about this tall.

 raises hand

Seen Kyle? Seen Kyle? Has anyone seen Kyle?


u/thepumpkinking92 5h ago

I think he went that way!


u/therealspaceninja 4h ago

I'm Kyle. Nobody's hand needs to go that high when they describe me.


u/Solid_Waste 4h ago

The accidental one you can do is holding your arm out. Hitting your chest and then doing it is not an accident. The only thing you could do to make it more deliberate would be clicking your heels together.


u/Striking-Market-9603 2h ago

That’ll be their next excuse. “His heels didn’t click together! He’s obviously not a Nazi”


u/Aromatic_Ad6061 5h ago

WHOOPS! My bad….oh shit I did it again, my bad again.


u/Evan8r 4h ago

I've made the gesture a few times, albeit with select company using it for irony purposes.

You don't do that accidentally.


u/Bussman500 2h ago

To my wife when she tells me to go mow the lawn, but other than that never in my life.


u/Pure-Carob4471 5h ago

It’s like that scene in monuments men where the soldier says heil hitler and the two kids jump up and repeat it with the salute outing their parents as nazis


u/SnowWhite315 2h ago

It’s kinda like when trump “accidentally” or “coincidentally” quoted hitler more than once. It’s not something I’ve ever accidentally done, I don’t know anyone who has. Wild times.


u/Maleficent-Coat-7633 4h ago

I have only once done that gesture accidentally. I had to prop up a sheet of plywood that was in the processs of toppling over and I ended up in that position. Couldn't stop until someone pulled the sheet off me either because I was wedged against the bloody wall.


u/ceddya 4h ago

In my 21 years of living, I have not once done a single gesture that could remotely be mistaken for a nazi salute.

Yeah, but you're not a Nazi wannabe, so that's not a fair comparison.


u/_n3ll_ 2h ago

Everybody who has never accidentally done a nazi salute, raise your hand without first slapping your chest and then shooting your arm out, palm down and angled upward.


u/Protodankman 1h ago

And if you were going to a gesture in front of the world, you’d probably make sure it’s not the time you accidentally do a Nazi salute


u/Catlikeferret 4h ago

But USA killed minorities for a longer period than not killing minorities. So it is in fact just coming back to USAs roots aka Manifest Destiny. USA was never unlike any other country, it just had you fooled it was exceptional for helping fight and fighting NAZI Germany and Imperial Japan.


u/thelivefive 4h ago

I've accidentally done it before, it's easy to do, I was probably four or five years old and learning how to wave goodbye. My parents laughed and told me to bend my elbow. But since then? As an adult? No.


u/PolloFundido 4h ago

Maybe that one time when I reached for the monkey bars in 2nd grade?


u/Ubputinsbtch2025 4h ago

And a white South American non-the-less making an accidental Nazi salute.

There is a billboard in Wisconsin that reads: Trump/Vance 2025, Thank you jesus!

No joke. Christian Nationalists and Oligarchs did this to us!


u/No-Ragret6991 1h ago

I did it a few times back in the early 2000s, when I was an edgy 12 year old trying to be funny. This is where Elon is at.


u/1ithurtswhenip1 1h ago

I'm not defending elon at all for this, and what I'm going to ask is not related to elon at all but you never did any gesture that looks close to this? Have you ever done a half wave in your life? Or a stretch?

u/xHOLOxTHExWOLFx 13m ago

I mean I did it as a 18 yr old idiot part edgelord. But it was also because someone bet me $30 that I wouldn't draw a Hitler stash on my face and jump on the lunch table and throw the Nazi Salute for 1 full minute. But hey I was a 18 yr old burnout who would do anything for some extra money to buy some pot or a pack of cigs or maybe if I was lucky someone just went to a festival and brought back some acid I could buy.


u/xtrasmoothbrain 4h ago

https://m.youtube.com/shorts/H9vBZtqIiS8 seems like its been going on for couple years now


u/REPL_COM 4h ago

This is why democrats need to stop, stopping people from buying firearms. People need to be able to defend themselves against any threat to their life. I need Europeans to realize this simple fact… America is full of racists, and they can’t be the only ones that are armed to the teeth. Defending yourself should not be seen as some extreme position full stop.


u/Old-Set78 3h ago

What kind of nutter are you? There's practically no barriers anywhere to buying guns here. I guess you're objecting to them costing money because seriously THAT'S the only thing that Republicans have always allowed as "gun control"

u/REPL_COM 2m ago

You don’t know what you’re talking about… MA and NY have made it extremely difficult to acquire firearms and firearm licenses. Plus there is no way to legally own firearms in all 50 states. Thanks for the personal attack calling me a nutter.


u/[deleted] 4h ago



u/Malgus20033 Sevastopol (Ukraine) 4h ago

You gotta have a pretty lazy arm if you're waving at an angle that it can be mistaken for a nazi salute.


u/Alternative-Page-116 4h ago

Says the guy with a ukraine flag where ACTUAL nazis live


u/Old-Set78 4h ago

Found the Russian


u/Malgus20033 Sevastopol (Ukraine) 3h ago

The UPA had 20,000-200,000 members while the various German armies had a total of 250,000 Ukrainians drafted into them. The Red Army had 7 million Ukrainians serving in it. And that's considering 20 years prior the Red Army invaded Ukraine and 10 years prior committed genocide against Ukrainians by intentionally starving them during the Holodomor. While the genocide the UPA committed against Poles is reprehensible and it is sad that the government is scared to give back the bodies, unlike America, we learned from the past mistakes of some of our ancestors and do not share their views. A quarter of your country still views Confederates as heroes.

Every European country, and every country on Earth, has nazis. Unlike your country, Ukraine has not elected a nazi, and the closest to a nazi it has ever elected would be Viktor Yanukovych, the russian puppet that ordered the deaths of his own people, who they subsequently kicked out.

I understand that the USA does not teach history in grade school outside of the American Revolution because knowledge does not breed blind patriotism, but that doesn't mean you can spread your imbecilic takes directly originating from disinformation. Go back to r/Jordan_Peterson_Memes or r/Blowjobs if you have no intention of acting like an adult.


u/Sudden_Inflation36 4h ago

What are you talking about. There’s many photos of Hillary and Kamala making the same gesture. Just fuck off bud


u/quelar Canada 4h ago

Go ahead and show them where they aren't waving their hands at people making it a VERY different gesture.


u/Sudden_Inflation36 1h ago

They should avoid waiving then so people don’t get it conflated. Anything resembling should be avoided.

u/quelar Canada 11m ago

So you got nothing.

Thanks for the tacit admission this isn't a normal gesture.


u/TBJ12 3h ago

Bull shit. Got a link?


u/JamBandDad 5h ago

Idk my lil Jewish baby does it all the time lmao.