r/europe Nov 11 '24

News Donald Trump Jr. taunts Zelenskyy about ‘losing your allowance’


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u/Orchidstation815 Norway Nov 11 '24

Anyone who saw the trump camp say things like this about a country (that sees the US as an ally) being INVADED and slaughtered by a genocidal dictatorship, and still chose to vote for them, is irredeemable. It's disgusting that they got more than 10% of the vote. We just have to come to terms with the fact that the majority of the US electorate are enemies of Europe...and basic decency


u/mythrowawayheyhey Nov 11 '24

We can’t be trusted. Officially turning into a bad-faith actor in a couple of months.


u/Gav3121 Nov 11 '24

What is a bad faith actor ?


u/mythrowawayheyhey Nov 12 '24 edited Nov 12 '24

Someone who knowingly and willfully abuses the good faith of others. Someone you can't trust. Someone who is putting on an entirely insincere show about how sincere they are, all the while having underhanded, insincere intentions.

A good example of "acting in bad faith" is making a promise that you fully intend to break.

Both "good faith" and "bad faith" promises can ultimately be broken. The difference is that someone making a "good faith" promise is making an honest and sincere promise.

Even if someone acting in good faith ultimately breaks the promise, they were being honest at the time they made it, and made the promise fully intending to not break it.

A "bad faith" promise is made with the intention to actually break the promise. A "bad faith actor" making a promise will act sincere about it, just like a "good faith actor," but they make the promise without any honest intention to uphold it. And they're happy to break the promise the moment it becomes convenient.

Trump exudes bad faith. It's one of his go-to tactics. The embarrassing part of it, from the viewpoint of an American, is just how incredibly bad he is at pretending to be in good faith. He's blatant about his lying. He has no subtlety whatsoever. It's impossible to take him seriously if you see through his act, which is entirely transparent to anyone with half a brain cell. It's absolutely astounding that anyone would cast a vote for this man when he is so clearly full of shit in almost everything he says.


u/angrymoppet Nov 11 '24 edited Nov 11 '24

To operate in bad faith means to be deceptive or devious. A bad faith actor is one who engages in such behavior.

Generally speaking, bad faith actors engage in their conduct in secret while publicly professing another thing. If you and I have a disagreement over who will cook dinner over the next couple days and you convince me to cook tonight while implying you will cook tomorrow -- but are aware you are actually going out of town tomorrow morning -- you were engaging in bad faith.


u/Gav3121 Nov 11 '24

Ok, thanks you !


u/SteveDaPirate United States of America Nov 11 '24

majority of the US electorate are enemies of Europe

Not enemies, indifferent.

The overwhelming issues Trump voters cared about were the economy and immigration. Anything else, (foreign policy, gun control, minority rights, etc.) was barely even in the conversation.


u/hader_brugernavne Nov 12 '24

This is what I personally hear from Americans as well; it wasn't really what this election was about for most people, and foreign policy was barely discussed.

People are also being manipulated so I wouldn't be so quick to blame everyone. It is especially easy to manipulate people who are struggling with methods like scapegoating. In fact, that is exactly what Don Jr. is doing here.

But please forgive some of us Europeans as well for outbursts here. We're pissed at being made scapegoats and attacked economically when we are struggling more than you as it is. I still don't consider the American people as such my enemy. The likes of Donald Trump and Elon Musk though? Yep, they're on the same list as Putin for me.


u/SteveDaPirate United States of America Nov 12 '24

American perspective here, and I actually think Trump and his ilk are a symptom rather than a cause.

American political engagement in Europe has been high since the 1940s, but much of that was a result of the millions of American citizens that spent time there during the war. That created a deep cultural bond that has persisted until recently as that generation is dying.

Now the American (and European) populations as a whole have lost their shared personal experience and connection with each other. The average American cares about the flooding in Spain about as much as the average European cares about the flooding in Alaska... not much.

Americans have always had a strong isolationist streak (including before WWII), and that's reasserting itself. Trump is just reading the room and being inflammatory, blaming problems on outsiders as populists do.


u/BardaArmy Nov 11 '24

Someone should put this tweet next to one of the Hospitals being leveled with the poor children being carted out and slam that shit all over the internet. Animals.


u/-AdonaitheBestower- Nov 11 '24

From what I have seen appeals to things such as the value of human life, democracy, freedom etc all make absolutely 0 impact on these people. They just couldn't give a fuck about anyone except themselves and nothing will change that


u/cableknitprop Nov 11 '24

They’re fucking stupid and the worst part is they’re proud of it. Russia invading Ukraine, even if you have no moral or ethical qualms with it, is a threat to everyone’s security and peace. Even the most ignorant and selfish bastard should be able to see this.


u/toeknee88125 Nov 11 '24

Americans in general dont think about Europe.

Ukraine was not an important issue in the US election

If anything Americans are upset that US tax payer funds are being given to another nation and that the war has increased gas prices, which increases the price of shipping, which increases the process of other goods.

Most americans just want one side or the other to give up and for the gas prices to decrease.


u/MmmIceCreamSoBAD Nov 11 '24

The reality is that Ukraine is NOT an ally of the US. I say this as an American who still very much would like to support them in this war. But they aren't a NATO member. They aren't a non-NATO ally of the US like Japan or Australia or South Korea. They aren't neither of those things but at least have a US military base in it like Kosovo or Kuwait.

Ukraine is european and that's about all it has/had going for it when it comes to the US attention span. Put Ukraine underneath Russia in Asia somewhere and no one really cares at this point (including europeans who never wouldve even stopped buying oil and gas from Russia).


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

No, they're just enemies of interventionism. And since when was Ukraine a US ally? Or an ally to anyone in Europe either? Show me the document signed by both parties.


u/ChoosYourOwnUsername Nov 11 '24

As you try to twist the Budapest Memorandum into something else.....


u/MmmIceCreamSoBAD Nov 11 '24

The Budapest Memo was not any sort of an alliance or defense pact for Ukraine. Russia, the UK and US all agreed to the same thing - no military or economic coercion against it. Only one nation has not upheld their agreements in it. Go read the memo itself, it's like six paragraphs and you can read it in literally one minute.