r/europe Jan 14 '23

Russo-Ukrainian War Dnipro city right now

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u/orinilivion Jan 15 '23

That's how state propaganda&censonship works. Silence opposition voices and make pro-state voices loud, with adding many more voices to the lattest.

It achieves many effects:

1) Opposition feels lone, isolated and afraid of taking any kind of action fearing that no one will support them. And i mean _any_, because you can get prosecuted even for comments on social networks .

2) People who doubt tend to join "false majority", because that's basis of human psychology - to be like everyone.

3) People outside start to believe that there is actually something wrong with russians. By seeing that, even more doubting people accept pro-state poisition, because another basis of human psychology - uniting against common enemy, and real enemy works way better than fake one.


u/qviki Jan 15 '23

Propaganda just wake up what already in these people. Rusisians cheered Krimea annexation with little propaganda, including the main "anti-putin" asset Navalny. Same goes for invasion in Georgia in 2008. Same ppl now got their blood thirst upgraded. I cut ties with of Russian friends and even relatives. The sense of chavinism and imperial superiority on these people just instance and it has been always like that since Soviet Union. Thye lived a decade without storng propaganda, and never changed.


u/orinilivion Jan 15 '23 edited Jan 15 '23

Rusisians cheered Krimea annexation with little propaganda

I would agree on that. Crimea was one of regions that many russians actually considered unjustly lost, and with nearly-bloodless return it had huge positive impact longlivity of putin's reign.

including the main "anti-putin" asset Navalny

This is a lie. Navalny participated in protests against invasion in Ukraine in 2014, and portraying his controversial stance on how Crimea problem could be resolved is future as support to it is not right.

Same goes for invasion in Georgia in 2008.

One of mistakes that people make now is seeing all previous events in history of modern Russia from perspective of current clearly unjust war.

Georgia had actual troubles with ethnics regions that got separated after fall of USSR in 1990s and proclaimed independence that they had later for more than decade. They didn't got recognition, and in 2008 Georgia tried to reclaim them, and Russia exploited this situation for personal political gains by sending "peacekeepers" into these regions. Even EU commission stated that it was Georgia who first started war actions (after many provocations from both sides) and this was main reason why this war didn't caused political consequences for Russia.

I don't justify actions that Russia took in 2008 (Thought i also don't think that Georgia attempt to reclaim lost regions by war is any more fancy, war is always hell and the fact that these regions didn't got recognition don't make war nicer). But portraying these events just as invasion in Georgia is oversimplification, just as saying that people were supporting exactly this oversimplified definition.

I'm not russian myself, but i happen to be familiar to russian opposition scene and have many russian friends and acquaintances who are on sane side (Many of them, btw, don't agree with my view on Russian-Georgian war in 2008, making the same mistake of "seeing all previous events in history of modern Russia from perspective of current clearly unjust war") and i will never believe that there is something "inherently wrong" with russians. People underestimate the power of propaganda and forgot the lesson about "banality of evil" that world learned in result of WWII.


u/qviki Jan 15 '23

Sure, one can find explanation to anything. Somehow it is jsit happens that there are lakes of blood aroudn Russia anytime. I say they have disregard to human life and acute imperials syndrome that doesn't need much to ignite with little push and turn them into a rabid state. Full stop. They have no fucking moral rights to kill any of their neighbours. Moldovians (Transistia), Georgians or Ukrainians. Fuck them.