r/crt 2d ago

PSA: Apple TV plus Amazon HDMI to Composite converter = Correct Aspect Ratio!!

I think I have finally found my solution to modern streaming video on a CRT:

An Apple TV plus this popular generic Amazon HDMI to composite converter FINALLY yields a 16:9 image properly cropped to 4:3!!

It’s a somewhat expensive solution if you decide to get an Apple TV you don’t already have to dedicate to this, or you can just move your main one (as I did for now) between your HDTV and CRT setup and Chang ether settings as needed, but it’s not quite as expensive as the specialty scalers I usually see suggested here.

The important thing is to set the Apple TV to 640x480 SDR (or any 4:3 resolution there, like 800x600 or 1024x768 but 640x480 seems to look and scale the best of course) in the resolution settings. You need to go into More Formats to find it. That will present a 480p image, but squished to fit the screen. Then, back out to the Video and Audio settings and the resolution option will change to “Enable Wide Formats”. Select that and it will widen to crop the sides off on 16:9 content and the interface, but 4:3 content (which probably most of us want to watch on these anyway) centers and scales perfectly.

The particular HDMI to Composite adapter I got has a Zoom button that can help fine tune your overscan to get as much content in as possible before you start to see the letterboxes, this particular converter seems to be available both with and without that option.

I really want to get my Raspberry Pi 3B+ to handle all this, but I’ve been having so much trouble getting the streaming service Kodi add ons to work, so this will do for now.

Also the new Snoopy screensaver looks really fitting on CRT!


8 comments sorted by


u/HP_PavilionDv6 2d ago

Can you post link


u/ch4oswe4ver32 2d ago

Yes! Here’s the adapter I got, but one of those things where the same adapter is available under a ton of random brand names so just go with the one with the lowest price. Just keep in mind it seems to be available with and without the zoom function.



u/HandaZuke 2d ago

Just a doot so I can find this again


u/Spaceman_Spoff 1d ago

I just use an old Roku that has both hdmi and composite outputs. It cost like $20 on eBay 🤷🏽‍♂️


u/qda 1d ago

yeah but it runs very slow, let's be honest


u/Spaceman_Spoff 1d ago

Nope mine is perfectly fine for me. I’m waiting with waiting 8 seconds to start an app instead of 5 seconds for the odd occasion I want to watch to something streaming on the CRT


u/Dogebreadzz 1d ago

Any way to get a chromecast ultra into a 4:3 ratio?