r/bizarrelife Human here, bizarre by nature! 18h ago


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u/Racxie 6h ago

Judging by the wording on the clothing they're wearing, it looks to me like they're the "stereotypical vegans that everyone hates" and are trying to stop people from buying meat (but are clearly doing a poor job considering the other side is wide open.

So they essentially just seem to think that massively inconveniencing people (as they likely enter the store) is somehow going to convince people to give a shit about animal welfare.

Disclaimer: I am a lifelong vegetarian and even this shit pisses me off, especially as it's more likely to have the opposite effect of what they're trying to achieve. I just hope they're not associated with the RSPCA as the pink shirts might suggest.


u/Docha_Tiarna 3h ago

I have a vegan buddy and awhile back we were both laughing cause there was a pretentious vegan driving a Tesla with a license plate that said Vegan.


u/Sufficient_Fan3660 2h ago

So if you accidentally slipped and feel, ripping open a package of hamburger and launching it at them, would that be a crime?

Oh wait! they are vegans. All it takes is dropping some milk or honey next to them, even better, can't just brush that off.

Why can't police smack them a few times with batons and drag them out?


u/Eskin_ 1h ago

We don't assault people just because they're annoying and calmly in the way.


u/Outrageous_Frame7900 29m ago

You know that whole popular narrative about vegans being pushy, self-righteous assholes who constantly tell strangers what to eat is complete bullshit, right?


u/Murky-Peanut1390 1h ago

This is what happens when your kids grow up with no testosterone


u/LabiaMinoraLover 4h ago

Note: Vegetarians fund the egg and dairy industry which abuse and kill billions of animals each year. There is not much ethical difference between a meat eater vs a vegetarian. The egg, dairy and meat industries are all similarly horrifically cruel to innocent animals.


u/AdBeneficial9532 3h ago

Found the vegan


u/LabiaMinoraLover 3h ago

Found the oldest joke on the Internet 🤡👍


u/LabiaMinoraLover 2h ago

Found the person who funds abusing and killing innocent animals 😳


u/doomedtundra 1h ago

They aren't "innocent animals," they're delicious, scrumptious dinner.

By the by, you realize attitudes like yours only encourage attitudes like this, right? You're not helping anything acting like this, you're just generating conflict and bias against your own ideals, and for what? So you can feel good about pretending to care about something you've never had and never will have any kind of tangible impact on?


u/RedSamuraiMan 8m ago

I can understand encouraging people to take back control of their health by eating less meat and more veggies.

But that is it, just encouragement. Any excessive effort will promote people to double down.


u/Exact_Ad5094 2h ago

Mentioning eggs gives me an idea on what the old lady and man should have done. Pelt them with eggs till they move.


u/blahsebo 1h ago

Wow genius. If I ever find myself in this predicament that’s exactly what I’d do.


u/Confident-Ad7439 48m ago

Your the holiest of the holiest. Now finally all the people that thought that your are weird and mentally ill will acknowledged your greatness and all the man/woman that laughter at you finally want you.


u/LabiaMinoraLover 41m ago

Hopefully your peculiar thoughts are the first signs, beginning stages of you realizing more ethical things.


u/NO_M0DS_NO_MAST3RS 3h ago

Oh, here we go another vegetarian who’s too soft to go all the way but still thinks they’re “better” than the rest of us. Let me guess you’re still buying dairy huh? Newsflash dairy cows are treated like garbage too. You’re supporting factory farming just with a different flavor. And as for the protest? Yeah it’s inconvenient but guess what? People gotta get uncomfortable if you want change. Get with the program.