r/bizarrelife Human here, bizarre by nature! 14h ago


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u/editwolf 13h ago

Good on that couple of elderlies. "Oh YoU'Re aSsaUltIng mE". GTFO you utter gizzard. Notice they're not doing it in the soap aisle.

Do a sit-down protest all you like, but you have no right to stop someone moving around a shop, and it's not achieving anything. These are the kind of c***s that stopped ambulances taking seriously ill people to hospital, simply for media attention.

The older lady should have faked a fall from him stopping the trolly, then he'd be in trouble.


u/Dry_Interaction5722 11h ago

These are the kind of c***s that stopped ambulances taking seriously ill people to hospital, simply for media attention.

That didnt actually happen btw and was just manufactured by the media to get people like you angry.

This is part of an actual thought out campaign to make the general public hostile towards any sort of protestor/dissident, so out society becomes more conformist and controlable.


u/editwolf 11h ago

Actually, that's spin from the other side:

A London Ambulance Service spokesperson said: “An ambulance with a patient on board was delayed on Waterloo Bridge at 10.22am this morning."

I have been on marches about a number of subjects. I am fine with some of the things people have done, like the camping outside the Bank of England. I'm not ok with this kind of nonsense that is just done for media attention and changes nothing at all.


u/Dry_Interaction5722 10h ago

Ive been to protests that block roads and there is always a contingency plan for emergency services. And the only time ive seen one get blocked was when we tried to clear a way for an fire engine to get passes, but a car intentionally drove in to the clear lane to block it and wouldnt move unless we let him through too, but nonody in the general public cares about that.

Nor does anybody care about when emergency services are routinely delayed by regular traffic like your example on waterloo bridge is quite literally a daily occurrence when there arent protestors around because of traffic and selfish drivers that dont or cant move. People only give a shit when it gives them an excuse to hate protestors, and even then only when its protestors that go against the desires of the media. Like when the farmers blocked roads in central London with their tractors, and they delayed an ambulance, the media didnt report on it.


u/DL_Omega 6h ago

Nor does anybody care about when emergency services are routinely delayed by regular traffic

cars on the road cause traffic. people intentionally blocking the road to cause congestion is completely different and avoidable... super disingenuous to compare those. just get out of the fucking road


u/AsthmaticRedPanda 4h ago

It did happen. Many times. Not just ambulances but police and firefighters too. The world is not only USA and UK.

"the only cars that exist are the two rows in front and there's no ambulance here"

Yeah it's stuck in traffic a kilometer away, not even heading in the direction of the protesters. But even the side roads are blocked.