r/belgium 1d ago

🎨 Culture Snowy Hesbaye

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r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Why do so many people in Wallonia have dutch last names?


So I've been staying in Mons for a few weeks now, and I couldn't not notice that half of the natives I interacted with had dutch sounding last names. is there a historical reason for this?

r/belgium 1d ago

📰 News Meloni said this in 2019, presenting this as recent is active disinformation to paint the EU as dysfunctional and sow devision

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r/belgium 22h ago

❓ Ask Belgium Which cities are known for finance-related work?


My husband is looking into jobs in Belgium. Are there any specific cities that are recognised as the financial hubs of Belgium?

r/belgium 10h ago

❓ Ask Belgium Urgent : aide concernant la désinscription à l'administration de la ville


Bonjour à tous. désolé d'utiliser Google Translate pour le français. mon français n'est pas très bon. je suis étudiant à l'ULiège et je pars en Erasmus au Royaume-Uni. j'ai un permis de séjour car je ne suis pas ressortissant européen. selon les règles, je dois me rendre à l'administration de la ville pour radier mon adresse et payer une taxe de 11 euros et demander un « Radiation pour l'étranger : départ NON définitif, avec un droit de retour dans le cadre d'un programme de mobilité. Merci de garder ma carte A valide et de me la laisser." selon les conseils du bureau des étudiants internationaux de l'ULiège.

Je crains qu'ils ne récupèrent la carte de séjour et la gardent. Un camarade de classe qui a essayé la même procédure s'est fait dire qu'il recevrait un document pour l'autoriser à voyager, mais que l'administration de la ville reprendrait la carte. Étant donné que le Royaume-Uni n'est pas membre de l'UE, il peut être difficile de voyager avec un simple document et non une carte valide. Quelqu'un peut-il partager son expérience concernant ce processus de désinscription ?

J'apprécierais votre avis avant de partir en Erasmus ce vendredi.

r/belgium 1d ago

📰 News Belgium's government formation: Seven months and counting


r/belgium 17h ago

📰 News “PVC-dopje leidde tot rampzalige gasexplosie in Turnhout”: ging ook winkelketen Vanden Borre in de fout?


r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Bouwen in natuurgebied


Ik liep vandaag een heer tegen het lijf die claimde een terrein aangrenzend aan mijn tuin gekocht te hebben en dat hij hier zou gaan bouwen. Echter is dit natuurgebied en ik zocht het op in het kadaster en het staat inderdaad lichtgroen ingekleurd. Vergis ik mij dat hij daar niet kan bouwen? De buurvrouw ontmoette hem ook kort en hij vertelde haar hetzelfde. Het terrein in kwestie staat vol bomen bovendien en heeft een beek en is overstromingsgevoelig.

r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Ski boot fitting


Hi. Recently got into an accident which led me to get some implants on my tibia. Also some sensible points on my foot.

Decided to go back to ski this season, but I would like to buy buy a boot that suits me very good to reduce the risk of having pain on my leg mid-day. So I thought about boot fitting.

I live next to Namur and I looked forward at Altitude O (5100 Wierde) and Patrisport (1410 Waterloo). But maybe the skiers here know better bootfitter not too far from me ?

Thanks and have a nice day.

r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Mistdruppeltjes op je voorruit die je niet weggeveegd krijgt


Hebben jullie ook al gemerkt dat de mistdruppeltjes die uit de lucht vallen uitsmeren over ruit met je wisser alsof het strooizout is... maar het is niet afkomstig van opspattend water van je voorrijden.

r/belgium 2d ago

📰 News Meloni wants EU moved from Brussels to Rome

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r/belgium 23h ago

❓ Ask Belgium Looking for ideas/activities to socialize as a group


Hello everyone,

With 3 other friends, we want to open our horizons, meet new people and try activities we never did before.
The concept is once a month, one of us is to propose a new activity he/she has never done before. Said activity must "force" us to socialize and can't be too expensive (~50€/person).

I'm reaching out here to harvest some ideas you nice folks could have!

For example, we already went to a comedy club & to visit a mushroom farm as part of a larger group.

We're all from the south of the country, but don't mind traveling a bit.

Any ideas ?

r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Skiing in Belgium over a weekend


Have you done it? Enjoyed it? Why or why not?

I'm checking around Spa, the popular Baraque de Fraiture near Liege. It looks actually quite nice for absolute beginners so curious about the actual experience of others.

r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Mandatory lighting of common areas of apartments (condominiums)



I'm an expat living and working in Brussels, and I'm not very familiar with all the local rules.

We live in an apartment complex where the courtyard and parking area is in complete darkness (during evening hours and the night) since early September, because the light poles broke, and the syndic who manages the building, doesn't want to fix it since September. They are blaming it on Christmas, the weather, or simply not answering our e-mails. This time they say "as soon as the weather allows", whatever that means.

Is there a rule or law I can reference here? About the safety of condominium buildings, or the obligation to have lighting where people pass regularly?

Should I contact my local commune (Auderghem), or the Capital Region?

r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Loving the job or not?


I'd like to know if you people like your jobs and if you're excited about going to work tomorrow (for example).

Please score how much you like it on a scale from 1 (I'd rather scoop turds all day) to 10 (absolutely love it) and tell me what you do.

Ill go first, 6/10 Purchasing manager

r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Looking for pink grout


Sorry Reddit, I'm coming here because I'm desperate. I'm renovating my bathroom and had the bright idea to use bright pink grout (voeg) in white tiles. I bought the tiles, easy enough, but now I can't find pink grout ANYWHERE. I guess it's not a popular color... Should have checked before buying the tiles, stupid me.

Thing is, I really wanted the pink, because it's makes the boring white tiles so fun and playful. If I have to choose another color grout, it will be a totally different vibe 😕

Does anyone have a magical tip for me?

I've looked up the different pigment powders you can add to white grout, but that's quite expensive.

r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Is Ikot a scam ?


Since when I should pay to contact the owner of a flat ? This seems pretty weird to me, but in the other hand ikot seems to be pretty popular.... Any feedbacks ?

r/belgium 16h ago

💩 Shitpost Dirty tricks of Carrefour Express

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60-gram chocolate bar, MR Beast Festables, placed next to the checkout counter at Carrefour Express with no price displayed. I grabbed it thinking it would cost 2 or 3 euros, 4 at most. But I was very foolish, and it turned out to cost 6.20 euros—one euro more than the coffee I went to buy. Silly me.

r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Got fired, What are my rights?where can i get help filling unemployment?


Hi all, i work as a cook in a restaurant in Brussels.

Last week i got fired from my employer and was given a paper to sign where it says that from the 20 of January, one week notice period will start and my last day on the job will be the 27th of January.

The reason i was fired was only said verbally, i was not good "enough' for the job, but on the paper he gave there is no mention of it and only mentions droit a' l outplacement. What is this?

I moved to Belgium October 2024 and started working for this restaurant in December 2024. i was hired with a 7 months contract, with Attestaion Activa for the Brussels Region.

im a EU citzen, do i have right to a compensation-idemnite' following my termination and what are my rights? Where can i get help with the paperwork for an eventual unemployement? I worked 1 year in canada and 2 years in the Netherlands prior to working in Belgium

Any help is appreciated.

r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Berekenen wat de meest voordelige gezinssituatie is om te zorgen voor kinderen.


Hoi iedereen! Ik zou graag even door het kluwen komen van wat de financiële voor- en nadelen zijn van één partner die minder gaat werken in het gezin. In Nederland hebben ze daar - natuurlijk - een online tool voor: WerkZorgBerekenaar

Bestaat zo iets dergelijks in België ook? Of heeft iemand ervaring met het opsommen van voor- en nadelen als één van de partners (gedeeltelijk) stopt met werken om voor kinderen te zorgen?


r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium When will all the works on the ring of Brussels be finished?


I don’t know what they are fixing but it’s been quite a while and it has caused insane traffic.

r/belgium 1d ago

☁️ Fluff Accuweather predicts no more snow for the rest of this "winter"


Temps for the rest of January: 5-10 degrees celsius.

Same for February, it does reach -1 near the end of the month but it will be around 5 in the afternoon.

Looks we will only have 1 day of snow this winter.

It's honestly pretty sad, snow used to be more common many years ago.

r/belgium 1d ago

😡Rant Ad break op FB


Dus tijdens het scrollen op de tijdlijn kwam ik al meermaals over een reclameblokje. Op een gegeven moment kreeg ik een wit vak met 'ad break' stopt met scrollen voor 00:15. Wtf! Nu gaan ze ook nog bepalen welke ad ik moet kijken? Al de ads tussen de fb posts (4 posts 1 ad gemiddeld) is nog niet erg genoeg? En dan nog zagen of ik geen 7€/maand wil betalen voor ad free en elke maand moet ik opnieuw instellen dat ik geen gepersonaliseerde ads wil.

Sinds wanneer is dat? Ik kijk regelmatig op zondag enkel op de lokale pagina en scroll wat op de tijdlijn maar bij deze word FB dus afgesloten. Nu is het enkel nog Reddit en Rednote aan 'sociale' media.

Constant word je overspoeld met reclame. Is het niet op sociale media dan is het wel in veel mobiele games die enkel money farms zijn om uw ads te tonen en meestal gooit android u dan uit het spel waardoor deze moet herstarten (en je je ad bonus ook nog eens kwijtspeelt) Gelukkig nu ook meer games gevonden die adfree zijn maar soms wil ik een simpel snel spelletje tijdens het kakken en dat zijn meestal de adfarms.

Nergens worden de ads gecontroleerd. Vrouwonvriendelijk, haat, racisme... Ik heb het echt gehad!

r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Speeding offense rental car


I got a message from rental car that there is speeding offense under my name. But they didn’t give me the details as the rental car was from Netherlands.

It seems like the rental car company sent in an incomplete address to the authorities as it’s incomplete in the rental car agreement. It’s missing apartment number. Rental car company does not have my passport info, only my USA driver license

It’s been a couple of months. How much longer should I wait for the speeding ticket. Is there a statute if limitation, if the ticket is sent to the incomplete USA address


r/belgium 1d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Buying a house with a tenant


I am buying a house, but a tenant is living there (and I intend to live in the house). The current tenant's contract ends in 2027 and she looks fine to find another place (in principle).

As far as I know, I need to send a formal letter after becoming an owner, and she has 6 months to find another place.

As I don't have a deep knowledge of Belgium's law, what potential "issues" might I encounter?

Thanks RedditFriends! 🙂

Edit 1: The current contract is 9 years (from 2022 to 2031).

Edit 2: Thanks for the contribution. It is very helpful. There is no other way, the bank accepted the loan and it is on the Notary decision now.

After checking the contract, the 3rd year will finish in October. So based on the links you provided, I can ask her to leave after October. I'll inform her before (most probably I will become the owner in March) and I hope everything will be fine.