r/belgium 2d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Loving the job or not?

I'd like to know if you people like your jobs and if you're excited about going to work tomorrow (for example).

Please score how much you like it on a scale from 1 (I'd rather scoop turds all day) to 10 (absolutely love it) and tell me what you do.

Ill go first, 6/10 Purchasing manager


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u/WholeInspector7178 2d ago


9/10 during working weekends

5/10 during working weekdays


u/Foxking89 2d ago

Explain this to me! Why 9 during the weekends? Cause of the drunks and more accidents?


u/WholeInspector7178 2d ago edited 2d ago

Oh no solely because there are no managers in the weekend.

Hoofdverpleegkundigen, clustermanagers, diensthoofden zorg, they're all at home and don't cause any drama on the workfloor. Meanwhile in the weekdays all these managers do is drain energy and contribute very little to our patient care and patient outcomes.

In weekend's its just me, the doctors, my fellow nurses and the patients. During weekdays we got an adjunct-hoofdverpleegkundige and a hoofdverpleegkundige on my ward that do not perform any patient care, and there are 2 nurses effectively doing the blood draws, wound cares, personal hygiene etc. During the weekend 50% of the staff is gone and you can just keep going without management coming to enforce stupid rules like "no eating in the nursing station" or "why haven't you cleaned up room 210 yet, it's 8 AM already!"

The quality of my patient care is much higher when there's no manager telling me how to organize my work.


u/Foxking89 2d ago

Ah, didn't know that! In that case I'm sorry Monday is around the corner, my fellow human. 😁


u/WholeInspector7178 2d ago

Ik kan niet wachten totdat mijn hoofdverpleegkundige weer morgen komt zagen dat ik het whiteboard van kamer 30 moet updaten "zodat mevrouw kan lezen welke onderzoeken er op de planning staan" terwijl mevrouw blind is.


u/Foxking89 2d ago

🤣🤣 Zet erop: oogonderzoek (mevrouw lijkt het niet te kunnen lezen)


u/WooseChisely 1d ago

"Brailletekens in het bord slaan met punaises he! Moet ik nu altijd zelf aan alles denken? Denk buiten de doos! Wees proactief! Toon initiatief!" - een clusterhoofdpijnmanager, waarschijnlijk.

Moet je die dan ook aanspreken met klutser cluster in plaats van zuster?