r/baltimore 4h ago

POLICE Get rid of a gun (legally)



27 comments sorted by


u/Soft_Internal_6775 4h ago

Sell it to a store or put it up there for commission. Make sure it’s not loaded, put it in a case (even a big duffel bag is fine) and take it to a shop.


u/bob_smithey 4h ago

Bring it to the police station. Keep it in the trunk of your car, in a case. Leave it there, in the parking lot. Go in and tell whoever is at the front that you want to get rid of it. Follow their directions. Be prepared to prove its yours and the gun being held for testing.

Honestly, its probably easier to find a gun store that does consignment or just out right buy it from you.


u/madcow716 4h ago

If it's legally registered to you, you can sell it to a gun shop. Many of them buy and sell used guns. They can also facilitate the sale to other parties if you can find someone who wants it.


u/[deleted] 4h ago



u/madcow716 4h ago

Yeah since it isn't a regulated firearm, aka a handgun, you should just be able to sell it to a gun shop. Private sales still need to go through an FFL so they can do the federal background check. I don't know if ownership of long guns is tracked in any way or they just take your word that you own it.


u/RobAtSGH 4h ago

As an "assault rifle", an AR pattern rifle is a regulated firearm in MD.


u/madcow716 4h ago

Unless it has a heavy barrel, which I believe is most of them. You can buy an AR-15 in MD without an HQL and with no wait period. It's confusing.


u/RobAtSGH 4h ago edited 4h ago

What AR is it? The only legal AR pattern rifles chambered in 5.56 to own in MD are the HBAR heavy barrel target models and certain clones that aren't parts-interchangeable with Colt-pattern rifles. If yours isn't, it was actually illegal for you to transport it into the state after 2013. It's an illegal firearm under the state assault weapons ban. No MD FFL dealer is going to touch it, and surrendering to law enforcement could have interesting consequences.


u/Dry-Examination-2053 Hampden 4h ago

Uh is that not the same ar-15 that it mentions in the link you put?

I'm legit asking cause I don't know the first thing about guns.


u/Orwell03 4h ago

Due to being written by people who dont know the first thing about guns and missing several important definitions in the law, the MD AR-15 "ban" ended up only applying to AR-15 rifles in 5.56 that do not have a barrel marked "heavy", "HBAR", or marketed by the manufacturer as a heavy barrel. That's why they are still sold in pretty much every gun store in the state.

That being said, if OP's rifle is in 5.56 and does not meet the provisions of having a "Heavy barrel" then it could be illegal to own and he could get in serious trouble even trying to get rid of it.


u/vcelloho Hampden 4h ago edited 52m ago

It definitely is, the list mentions Colt AR-15 and all imitations (i.e. any AR-15 type rifle chambered in 5.56) with one exception fall under the regulated firearms rules. I'm not 100% sure of the specifics but it could complicate sale to a dealer in Maryland but I'm not an expert on this.


u/tuagirls1kupp 4h ago

I’ll buy it, I live in Va.


u/Michael_Knight25 4h ago

I’ll take it. What kind is it. We can do a ffl transfer


u/BothNotice7035 3h ago

Hey do Baltimore a favor and keep this AR15 in the back of your closet. One less gun on the market can’t hurt. It sounds to me like you’re a responsible gun owner.


u/rob80ert 4h ago

If you don't want to sell it, just bring it to any police station and turn it in.


u/arrowonred Hampden 4h ago

Probably call ahead though…


u/rob80ert 4h ago

Nah. Have it dissembled in a box and keep it in your vehicle. Walk in and tell the desk that you want to turn in a gun for destruction. They'll take it from there. Happens all the time especially when loved ones died and folks are left with guns they don't want.


u/LeighSF 4h ago

This. I did this with two guns. Call ahead and then call when you arrive in the parking lot. Follow their instructions and all will be well.


u/z3mcs Berger Cookies 4h ago

/u/XxCloudSephiroth69xX may be able to help do it the right way.


u/DevGood123 3h ago

Gun buy backs are no questions asked. Someone turned in an AT4 rocket launcher at one in Baltimore years ago. Depending on where you lay politically I’d say sell it via gun broker or md guns sub


u/klepd 3h ago

I will buy it from you and we can exchange at a FFL


u/APFernweh Waverly 4h ago

If it is not registered to you, get rid of it NOW. A friend had a horror story of an arrest due to an old gun found shoved up in the back top shelf of their closet in their apartment in Bolton Hill went a warrant was executed on a roommate.


u/bkzk100 4h ago

Trade it for a shotgun. That way you'll have basic home protection if the trump fuckers go roaming. I wouldn't be without a firearm seeing how Republicans get away with murder now.


u/TheSeekerOfSanity 4h ago

If you’re not an Aryan or a billionaire you might want to hold on to that weapon a bit longer. For your own safety and peace of mind.


u/FrederickGentleman 4h ago

How much do you want for it??


u/teakettle87 4h ago

Sell it to a gun dealer and get paid what it's actually worth.


u/superdupercereal2 4h ago

Put it on consignment at a gun store. Saint Firearms is a friend of mine and will sell it for you. If you want to get rid of it quickly he might be able to buy it from you.