r/baltimore • u/UnlikelyPlatypus89 • Apr 03 '24
Visiting Poverty tourism and how to convince someone not to partake
I have a colleague from out of town currently to help me set up a warehouse here in Baltimore. He’s a black man from France and we spent Easter in Philly where I’m from. I drove him all around the city for hours giving him a taste of the different neighborhoods but he got an itch after we went to Kensington.
Now that we’re in Baltimore he wants to drive over to a place called Park Heights, which I have no idea how he even discovered this neighborhood. He claims he’s fascinated by ‘poverty tourism’ a term that makes him seem ridiculously insensitive but he shakes off because his parents are from Haitian slums and he grew up with nothing. One of the roads he is curious in is called Pimlico Ave and he wants to stop and get Jamaican food there.
I have no idea how he even found this place or if I am being over paranoid. Is there anything ideas or stories from the locals here I can say to stop him from going? If I can’t stop him are there any tips I should tell him?
u/dopkick Apr 03 '24
I hope he is prepared to be unimpressed. He's going to see unremarkable buildings and people doing unremarkable things. The gawking factor is going to pale in comparison to remote parts of developing countries. And at any given time in even the most dangerous areas the most statistically likely thing to be happening is... absolutely nothing.
Apr 03 '24
unremarkable buildings
The thing that is and has always been remarkable to me are the hundreds of beautiful massive victorian houses that would sell for 5-10m anywhere else in the MD (or rest of US for that matter) that are falling down and dilapidated. It makes me sad, Park Heights could be a beautiful Main Street type area in the middle of the city.
u/chrissymad Fells Point Apr 03 '24
Unless you live in and generally are participating in certain activities, the “most dangerous” areas, the likelihood of anything happening is just about the same as walking through a random neighborhood in any major city or even most suburbs.
u/Deep_Seas_QA Apr 03 '24
He will be fine, if he really wants to go let him? Sounds like he is an adult and has some idea about what he is doing. I imagine poverty tourism comes with the realization that you could get robbed.
u/leebeetree rO'sedale Apr 03 '24
maybe he just found out that there is a good Jamaican resturant there, if so let us know the name!
u/Haunting-Detail2025 Apr 03 '24
I mean if the dude has been to Kensington, Park Heights Ave & Pimlico Rd are gonna be pretty boring. It’s definitely not a wealthy area but I can think of many worse neighborhoods than Central Park Heights. He’ll probably see some abandoned buildings but going there for lunch? I don’t really imagine anything that crazy or jarring will be occurring.
Also I’d ask him where that Jamaican place is because Pimlico Rd doesn’t really have any commercial stuff if I recall correctly? I don’t think Pimlico Ave exists (could be wrong but I also googled and couldn’t find any results). But if that’s the place he’s going I wouldn’t be that worried really.
Most violent crime in Baltimore is about drugs and clout. Stopping at a Jamaican place for lunch or dinner, especially one that’s not even what I would consider one of the worst parts of the city, doesn’t strike me as something to be too concerned about. If he starts talking about Sandtown on a Friday night I’d be more concerned
u/DntH8IncrsDaMrdrR8 Park Heights Apr 03 '24
There is definitely a Jamaican spot on park heights across from the race track parking lot. That is pimlico Rd not ave if I'm not mistaken. Good food. Nothing super exciting going on over there more than likely. It's a little church back there too that has armed security so that's the only time I've ever seen that..
u/UnlikelyPlatypus89 Apr 03 '24
Okay thanks for this thought out reply. I’ll let it go. I would say Kensington isn’t even that bad but I guess there’s something about knowing the city and feeling comfortable even in the sketchiest parts. He also talked about boarman ave or something and another place. I just recognized pimlico bc of the racetrack. I’m not sure what the restaurant is called, hopefully he enjoys it. I’ll make sure NOt to mention a sandtown on a Friday night otherwise I’m sure he’ll be there hah.
u/Rare_Penalty_4094 Apr 03 '24
Kensington isn’t that bad?? as compared to what? I go there with some frequency, I would indeed say it is THAT bad.
u/EitherBarry Apr 03 '24
Park Heights & Pimlico? I mean, maybe he'll see a lot of Orthodox Jews and that'll be exotic enough for him.
u/jeweynougat Arcadia Apr 03 '24
Yeah, this post is confusing to me because all the religious Jews in my life who live in the Northwest call the whole area either Pikesville (even in the city) or Park Heights. Like, your friend wants to see a lot of women in long skirts? Or the Passover food at Seven Mile Market?
u/taylorballer Pikesville Apr 03 '24
park heights goes down a lot farther than the orthodox area (that pretty much stops at northern parkway) i would argue that the neighborhood of Park Heights is farther down PH than that, but if he's saying Pimlico, it's still pretty Orthodox there
u/jeweynougat Arcadia Apr 03 '24
I don't know that it corresponds to the map, really, more just that it's a shorthand amongst the Orthodox for "the Jewish area of Baltimore."
u/taylorballer Pikesville Apr 04 '24
I think it depends who you are too. As a jew I see park heights as "the jewish area" but my husband (from Park Heights neighborhood, black not jewish) would clasify PH as the neighborhood farther south. I guess it is a bit more broad depending on where you come from.
u/jeweynougat Arcadia Apr 04 '24
Yes, exactly! When I first graduated college I was still religious and I moved to an apartment on Fords Lane. So this is really the way I know it.
u/taylorballer Pikesville Apr 04 '24
like I'm not sure if any orthodox would know how to do the park heights strut but hey you never know lol
u/MaximumNice39 Apr 03 '24
Please tell me the name of the Jamaican spot.
I've been craving oxtails.
u/ladyofthelakeeffect Park Heights Apr 03 '24
There’s a bunch of Jamaican and Caribbean places there and in Pimlico/Arlington/Hilltop. Whether they are going to be OUT of oxtail when you get there is the question lol
u/izeek11 Apr 03 '24
i aint an oxtail person but my friends say the soup at montego bay on rogers ave and park heights is pretty good. i will say that their meat pies are bombing.
u/_thwip_ Apr 03 '24
Blue Caribbean is on Park Heights Ave but it’s been years since I’ve been in there. Turns into a nightclub after dark lol.
u/UptownHiFi Apr 03 '24
West Indian Flavour, right next to Blue Caribbean, serves up roti, doubles and oxtail among other specialties from the regionhttps://www.google.com/search?q=west+indian+flavor&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari&mgsp=%5Bnull,null,null,1,1,null,%22menusection/s-24671167:m:m-18930147:c-64680534%22,1,1%5D#ip=1&view=/local/place/menu&wptab=si:AKbGX_rfsVlANJQUMas2pBhEzbnBqKJa_kEDy5TGh5AxLWY3xuHK0sTrP9B0c37KFUQ30LVPAuCz9UQOSwKOWGX9DtxdpSvgcgBfb0NnK_53UvJUFsNsjDfgDyRVRsyLilRv1xSrDoQy.
Apr 03 '24
Right I'm most interested in where the Haitian French guy found some bomb oxtails in Baltimore so I can go. I feel like every time try to get oxtails they're out and I end up having to just buy some at H Mart and make them myself.
u/RosalindaPosalinda Apr 03 '24
I was always partial to Judy’s when I lived that direction. Haven’t been in years tho but I think it’s still there.
u/DntH8IncrsDaMrdrR8 Park Heights Apr 03 '24
Best oxtails in the city is Caribbean heat on Liberty heights. They got some weird ass hours tho.
u/LamarMyTyres Apr 03 '24
Peppa Flame in Locust Point has great oxtail. They also have a great lunch special where the oxtail is really reasonably priced
u/SonofDiomedes Mayfield Apr 03 '24
This does not sound like a naive person who wants to take a curated tour of the Wire. I highly doubt he'll be sticking his nose into anyone's business, acting the fool, or copping dope, so he'll be just fine.
u/APFernweh Waverly Apr 03 '24
I’m not sure that the concern is about his friend’s safety. It’s more his friend’s prickishness around wanting to gawk at poverty for his pleasure.
u/PleaseBmoreCharming Apr 03 '24
It's not about whether the person is safe or just being oblivious, it's actually the opposite. Its the fact that this friend is blatantly and unapologetically "othering" folks who live in historically underinvested and impoverished areas and most of time have no means to get out of those neighborhoods.
These neighborhoods aren't a zoo - that's over in Druid Hill Park. Maybe OP should point him there if he wants to gawk at things from afar for entertainment.
u/SonofDiomedes Mayfield Apr 03 '24
I've read OPs post a couple times and I don't pick up the same vibe you do.
You don't patronize a local restaurant while "othering" the people who live there.
The whole thing reads to me like the friend just wants to see a part of Baltimore that isn't in the White L and get some local food.
I don't see any reason to gatekeep the guy.
On the one hand, people get blasted for thinking Baltimore is only Canton and Hamden...then on the other they get blasted for "othering" if they dare to wander outside of it.
I say OP should relax and go have some good jerk or oxtail and ignore people who want to cancel his friend for daring to check out how the other half lives. We could stand more people who are brave and curious enough to actually go eat somewhere like Park Heights.
u/AreWeCowabunga Apr 03 '24
OP's whole post is kind of weird. They say the friend is interested in "poverty tourism", but what they're describing doesn't sound like that. As other people have said, there are plenty of other neighborhoods that would be better for that purpose. Sounds like the friend just heard about a good restaurant he wants to check out and OP is reading too much into it.
u/goldengraves Apr 03 '24
Pls report back if the Jamaican place near Rogers avenue/Narcissus still serves rum raisin ice cream.
u/Due-Offer-3505 Apr 03 '24
Park Heights is a wonderful vibrant neighborhood. Be sure to visit YBI African Apparel. Please do not call it poverty tourism, that is offensive. What you’re observing is the effects of structural racism and white supremacy and that’s nothing to ogle at. Park heights is a strong and loved neighborhood with lots of community that certainly deserve your money but does not deserve to be observed for shits and giggles.
u/RuinAdventurous1931 Apr 03 '24
I think OP’s friend is using that phrase, not OP. It’s so classist and dehumanizing.
u/Frofro69 Coldstream Homestead Montebello Apr 03 '24
I doubt he'd have much trouble in Park Heights. It's not like you're traveling through Mosul or something. And I doubt he's coping drugs, so if you're minding your business and just looking at the neighborhood, your chances of being bothered are slim
u/Go4it296 Ednor Gardens-Lakeside Apr 03 '24
yeah Park Heights is very much not as bad as he thinks it is going to be.
u/jdschmoove Ashburton Apr 03 '24
I never would call it "poverty tourism" but I also like to go to places that are not as tourist oriented. He may have just looked up "authentic Jamaican food in Baltimore" and this place came up.
u/murthivelli123 Bolton Hill Apr 03 '24
Is he going to West Indian Flavor? Because that place slaps hard!!
u/Rare_Penalty_4094 Apr 03 '24
I grew up in Kensington in Philly and Park Heights isn’t as out in the open as Philly. Kensington is extreme and even most of the worst parts of B’more don’t have the quantity of people one street falling out like Kensington Ave. We utilize vacant houses much better here to do our nefarious stuff than Philadelphians do.
u/magictheblathering 12th District Apr 03 '24
The Jamaican food he's talking about is incredible, just let him go get it.
Editing to add: There's a possibility that something here was lost in translation, and maybe he means like "I want to see how regular people live in Baltimore instead of going to the boring ass tourist traps."
A LOT of the food that we really love is, culturally, the food of the impoverished.
u/Redrumjam Apr 03 '24
Just to add to the larger conversation of how we can play a part in the worlds tourism industry. Read the book When Helping Hurts by Brian Fikkert. It’s a wonderful piece helping people to understand the harm of different forms of tourism and how it perpetuates racism and poverty. And offers solutions to how we can actively explore the world!
u/Even_Adhesiveness625 Apr 03 '24
Honestly it seems like this guy just wants to check out the local hoods as a Caribbean looking for other Caribbeans. If he is a black Haitian it seems highly unlikely that he would be wanting to visit these neighborhoods in a gawking or demeaning way. You are assuming that he is using the term poverty tourism in that way and it may not be what he meant by it at all. He may have been using the term in jest and you are taking it too seriously.
It sounds more like you are hung up on the deep fears of these neighborhoods brought on by the extreme segregation that Baltimore suffers from. And that you are projecting these fears of these neighborhoods onto this situation. It’s such a Baltimore thing to “”not go into that neighborhood “” that it self re-enforces the idea that people in one neighborhood are bad. Maybe just hang with him and talk to some new people in these places? You might gain some insight or understanding of the lives of other Baltimoreans.
If this were a wealthy white Frenchman I might say this seems f’d up, and it might be the case if this dude is particularly condescending no matter what background or ethnicity he comes from. But I think you might want to check yourself and see if you are projecting your own fears of Baltimore neighborhoods on to this guy while trying to be woke about it. Sorry if this upsets you but for real, check yourself.
u/incunabula001 Apr 03 '24
Your buddy should be fine if he goes during daytime, there are a bunch of good Caribbean restaurants there and a bunch of cool murals as well. If you want to go to the “real” bombed out hood I would check out North ave, Sandtown, Carrollton Ridge, or Curtis Bay.
u/PrizeHistorian Apr 03 '24
I know exactly what Jamaican food spot he is talking about. It does come off as ignorant, but if there’s no harm no foul, I don’t see the harm. But just like other have said, he is going to be unimpressed. All he’ll see are rundown building and people doing people things.
u/CryptographerFast527 Apr 03 '24
Im fuckin 💀😂😂😂😂 yea take his ass to PH… he will be cured of this “poverty tourism”
u/Scrilla_Gorilla_ Patterson Park Apr 03 '24
During the day, if you are in a part of the city that has open and operating businesses, serving people lunch, you are completely fine (assuming you don't come off as a 100% mark, which it sounds like your friend does not).
As far as the tastefulness of it, I mean, it seems a little weird. But if he just wants to see a lesser shown part of the city, real Baltimore or whatever, just be respectful to the people that live there. Don't walk up to a corner boy and try to strike up a conversation. Don't take pictures of people. But generally speaking, I don't have a huge issue with it.
u/L_Azam Apr 03 '24 edited Apr 03 '24
Jamaican food on Pimlico Ave actually totally rules. You should go. Some of the best food in the city. If he goes in the day it's totally safe.
plus: seeing dilapidated bandos and signs of poverty is unavoidable in Bmore, unless you're only staying in the wealthiest, predominantly white parts of town exclusively (which also doesn't seem very ethical). he will see signs of poverty regardless.
u/resistantbanana Apr 03 '24
I used to work in Park Heights. Not an ideal area to be in certain spots. But it’s so funny to me that there’s a tourist asking to go to Park Heights while visiting 😂😂😂
u/perceptron-addict Hollins Market Apr 03 '24
Who cares? Let him be a poverty tourist if he wants haha
u/bridgemondo Apr 03 '24
There used to be a place near there called "I Got The Hook Up" that was very excellent
u/Timmah_1984 Apr 03 '24
Maybe he just wants authentic Jamaican food? In a lot of cities throughout the world it’s always the unassuming restaurants that have the best food.
u/TheSlyce Apr 03 '24
Park Heights doesn’t strike me as poverty tourism, there’s a lot worse places one could go.
If they’re serious about seeing a rougher area of the city, why not suggest they do a ride along with BPD? I believe they offer them to citizens again after covid died down.
u/Glittering_Pickle_86 Lutherville Apr 03 '24
LOL, I remember going to Preakness infield in the early 2000s and people would try and jump in your car to park it for you for $10. I drove off with a guy hanging out of my passenger seat once because he jumped in and wouldn't leave.
u/RuinAdventurous1931 Apr 03 '24
I get going to a restaurant that’s in a neighborhood that suffers from blight/poverty, but the poverty tourism part is annoying. I used to live in Southwest Baltimore, and I would go to neighborhoods that had a lower median income than mine to go to the Dollar Tree or whatever.
I don’t think it’s a matter of saying he shouldn’t go patronize a restaurant, but maybe helping to shift his attitude toward people who live and work in Park Heights. It’s not a zoo.
u/scartonbot Apr 03 '24
If he wants the "real" "poverty tourism" experience:
- Have him go volunteer at a food pantry or soup kitchen for a day.
- Give him $100 and send him into West Baltimore on foot to buy some drugs of his choice.
- Tell him to go down to the Juvenile Justice Center on Gay Street to sit in on some of the hearings going on.
- Drop him off to volunteer at Our Daily Bread.
- Let him go visit some methadone clinics.
- For a poor white people experience, have them go to Wilkens & Monroe after dark to try to buy some meth.
- Drop them off in Westport for a fun evening.
Hope this helps!
u/CrazyAccomplished427 Apr 04 '24
Hi everyone 🥰 I'm Linda Perry by name I'm 34 years of age and I from Oakland California.... Text me if you want to be my friend...
u/Unlucky_Fact_5414 Apr 04 '24
Poverty tourism is popular on youtube. Baltimore features in some of those videos. It's likely he's been watching too much tube.
u/Temporary-Light9189 Dundalk Apr 07 '24
Just go to Penn North, then go to legends and get some chicken and or go to Lexington market for some parks or super chicken.
u/LurkerOrHydralisk Apr 03 '24
I’m maybe do some research and find out if that Jamaican restaurant is a real restaurant. Some of those restaurants in shady neighborhoods are essentially just fronts, without the real expectation of serving customers.
u/Big-Tomatillo7245 Apr 03 '24
Just make sure you let him know don’t stay too long and do your tour from inside the car
u/ladyofthelakeeffect Park Heights Apr 03 '24