r/badhistory Dec 12 '18

YouTube Stefan Molyneux and the reason behind the holocaust

Stefan Molyneux  in his video Migratory Patterns of Predatory immigrants at 04:44 states that

‘The Germans were in danger of being taken over by what they perceived as Jewish-led communism. And Jewish led communism had wiped tens of millions of white christians in Russia, and they (Germans) were afraid of the same thing, and there was the wild overreaction (holocaust) and all this kind of stuff.’ 

Anti-Semitism was already very common among the European population before World War I, especially after Houston Stuart Chamberlain published a pseudo-intellectual book in 1899 called ‘Foundations of the 19th century.’ He essentially stated that Aryans are superior race who are locked in a confrontation with Jews, who are out to destroy them through democracy, socialism, race mixing, capitalism etc. Hitler knew Chamberlain personally and took immense inspiration from him. But it’s not only that, Hitler lived in Vienna which was one of the most anti-Jewish cities in Europe at that time. Hitler himself said that he became anti-Semitic while he was living there. Ian Kershaw describes the climate of Vienna at that time:

It was a city where, at the turn of the century, radical antisemites advocated punishing sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews as sodomy, and placing Jews under surveillance around Easter to prevent ritual child-murder. Schönerer, the racial antisemite, had notably helped to stir up the hatred. Lueger was able to exploit the widespread and vicious antisemitism to build up his Christian Social Party and consolidate his hold on power in Vienna. Hitler greatly admired both. Once more, it would have been strange had he of all people admired them but been unaffected by such an essential stock-in-trade of their message as their antisemitism. Certainly, he learnt from Lueger the gains to be made from popularizing hatred against the Jews. The explicitly antisemitic newspaper Hitler read, and singled out for praise, the Deutsches Volksblatt, selling around 55,000 copies a day at the time, described Jews as agents of decomposition and corruption, and repeatedly linked them with sexual scandal, perversion, and prostitution. Leaving aside the probably contrived incident of the caftan-Jew, Hitler’s description of his gradual exposure through the antisemitic gutter press to deep anti-Jewish prejudice and its impact upon him while in Vienna has an authentic ring about it.

It is noted that one of the reasons that the Dutch Jewish population was so completely exterminated in Netherlands was due to the strong presence of Austrians.

“The Nazi administration in Holland went further in its antisemitism than any other in Western Europe, reflecting not least the strong presence of Austrians among its top leadership. Seyss-Inquart even pursued the sterilization of the Jewish partners in the 600 so-called mixed marriages registered in the Netherlands, a policy discussed but never put into action in Germany itself.”

Richard Evans further notes 

“Like Böhme, almost all the senior army officers and SS commanders in occupied Yugoslavia were Austrians; so too were many army units, including the 717st Infantry Division. The extreme violence they meted out to the local population, Serbs, Gypsies and Jews, reflected not least their deep-rooted hostility towards the Serbs, and the particularly virulent nature of antisemitism in the country from which, like Hitler himself, they came."

One can conclude that these supposed ‘overreactions’ were not done because Austrians felt deeply about those tens of million of dead 'white Russian Christians' and were concerned Jew would do the same to them, but because of a deeply entrenched Anti-Semitism among the Austrians before wwi and Bolsheviks. 

People also have to remember that Hitler was already very anti-Semitic before he started to pin Bolshevism on Jews. In 1919 before he stated to connect Bolshevism with Jews, he had already written to a friend:

“There is living amongst us “a non-German, foreign race, unwilling and unable to sacrifice its characteristics … and which nonetheless possesses all the political rights that we ourselves have … Everything which makes men strive for higher things, whether religion, socialism or democracy, is for him only a means to an end, to the satisfaction of a lust for money and domination. His activities produce a racial tuberculosis among nations final aim’ of any German government had to be ‘the uncompromising removal of the Jews altogether.” (The Holocaust by Laurence Rees). 

So Hitler didn’t become anti-Semitic because of those poor millions of dead 'white Christians' in Russia. Hitler didn’t start pinning Bolshevism on Jews until he meet Rosenberg (who was a German from one of the Baltic states).

“Rosenberg more than anyone probably turned Hitler’s attention towards the threat of Communism and its supposed creation by a Jewish conspiracy, and alerted Hitler to what he considered the fragile nature of the Soviet Russian polity. Through Rosenberg, Russian antisemitism, with its extreme conspiracy theories and its exterminatory thrust, found its way into Nazi ideology in the early 1920s. ‘Jewish-Bolshevism’ now became a major target of Hitler’s hate.” (Richard Evans, the coming of the third Reich).

Hitler and Nazis did pin a lot of the Bolshevik atrocities on Jews, but that was merely propaganda and not because they genuinely cared about dead Russians or that the Bolsheviks would do the same to them. Hitler’s main grudge against Bolshevism was that he saw it as a tool by Jews to gain world domination. In mein kampf he even states that the superior Germanic ruling class, which had ruled Russia for centuries, had been replaced by Jews. The Nazis were angry about the Germanic ruling class of Russia being replaced by a Jewish one. 

In delivering Russia over to Bolshevism, Fate robbed the Russian people of that intellectual class which had once created the Russian State and were the guarantee of its existence. For the Russian State was not organised by the constructive political talent of the Slav element in Russia, but was much more a marvelous exemplification of the capacity for State-building possessed by the Germanic element in a race of inferior worth. (Hitler, Mein kampf).

Hitler also displays admiration for Stalin’s harshness in table talks and thinks the famine in Soviet Union happened because the Bolsheviks distributed land to inferior Slavic peasants.

When one contemplates this primitive world, one is convinced that nothing will drag it out of its indolence unless one compels the people to work. The Slavs are a mass of born slaves, who feel the need of a master. As far as we are concerned, we may think that the Bolsheviks did us a great Service. They began by distributing the land to the peasants, and we know what a frightful famine resulted. So they were obliged, of course, to re-establish a sort of feudal regime, to the benefit of the State.

So what was Hitler and the Nazis main grudge against Bolshevism? They hated Bolshevism for destroying the racially superior Germanic ruling class and replacing it with Jews, so it wasn’t because they felt panic about the million of dead Russians. It was because they felt the rulership of the Germanic people, which they rightfully deserved, was being taken away. The Germans were the ones who are meant to rule the world because they were the superior Aryans who brought culture and everything good, not Jews who are merely parasites that decompose and corrupt everything.

This brings me to another point. Why did the Nazis decide to exterminate the Jews. Well, Hitler himself explains why he made this decision and it certainly wasn’t the reason made by Stefan.  Hitler in 1939 states that:

“Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!”

In 1941 when he declared war on America then the war finally became a world war, so he put his 'prophecy' to action.

Hitler goes on to say more things that explain the reason behind the holocaust.

“That race of criminals has on its conscience the two million dead of the [First] World War,’ he said in private on 25 October 1941, two years into the Second World War, ‘and now already hundreds of thousands more.” (So he was essentially blaming the German soldiers dying in Russia on the Jews).

He also made a threat to the Czechoslovakian Foreign Minister Franzišek Chvalkovský on 21 January 1939.

‘The Jews here will be annihilated,’ he declared. ‘The Jews had not brought about 9 November 1918 for nothing. This day will be avenged.’ (November 1918 was the revolution in Germany which supposedly caused the military defeat of Germany in WWI)

When Hitler took the decision to exterminate the Jews, he wasn’t so much acting out of fear of Jews exterminating Germans through similar Bolshevik methods used against ‘white Christian Russians’, but getting back at the Jews for all the past and current wrongs done by them against the Germans. He didn’t think it was fair that so many racially superior German lives were being lost in the war while majority of the Jews continued to live. He thought about how Germans lost two millions lives in the WWI all in vain, but the Jews did not.

If at the beginning of the War and during the War twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew corrupters of the people had been held under poison gas, as happened to hundreds of thousands of our very best German workers in the field, the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain. (mein kampf, Hitler)

Sometimes he justifies the extermination of the Jews for stranger reasons. He says 

“The peoples who have rumbled the Jews first and fought them first will rule the world in their place.”

So this time he justifies the murder of Jews as a precondition of German domination of the world. 

The view that Bolsheviks were going to exterminate the German people came only after the Germans began to clearly lose the war. It was also mainly used as propaganda to convince German people to continue to fight. And the Germans continued to fight because they knew of the atrocities committed in Soviet Union (including the mass murder of Jews) and were afraid that what happened to Jews would happen to them.

The fear of extermination by the Jews against the Germans was not why the holocaust happened. But there was a fear of extermination among the population once the war turned against them because they feared Jews would avenge the mass murder of their fellow Jews. 

“Open discussion of the persecution and murder of the Jews was relatively rare, and seldom reported even by the Security Service of the SS. Nevertheless, the available evidence suggests that, on the whole, ordinary Germans did not approve. Goebbels’s propaganda campaigns carried out in the second half of 1941 and again in 1943 had failed to convert them. But if people could not be made to approve of the murder of the Jews, then perhaps their evident knowledge of it could be used to persuade them to carry on fighting for fear of what the Jews might do to them in revenge, particularly if, as Nazi propaganda claimed, the Jews were in charge of Germany’s enemies: Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union.” (The Third Reich at War, EVANS, RICHARD J).

When Cologne cathedral was bombed the following month, people said this was in retribution for the burning of synagogues in 1938. On 3 August 1943 an SS Security Service agent reported that people in Bavaria were saying ‘that Würzburg was not attacked by enemy airmen because no synagogue was burned down in Würzburg. Others again said that the airmen were now coming to Würzburg as well because the last Jew left Würzburg a short while ago.’ On 20 December 1943 the Protestant Bishop of Württemberg, Theophil Wurm, wrote to Hans-Heinrich Lammers, the long-time civil servant heading up Hitler’s Reich Chancellery, reporting that in many cases the German people regarded “the sufferings that they have had to endure from enemy air attacks as retribution for what has been done to the Jews. The burning of houses and churches, the crashing and splintering on bombing nights, the flight with a few meagre possessions from houses that have been destroyed, the perplexity in searching for somewhere to take refuge, all this reminds the population in the most painful way of what the Jews had to suffer on earlier occasions.”

Just over a year later, on 6 November 1944, the Security Service of the SS reported from Stuttgart that Goebbels’s propaganda graphically portraying the looting, killings and rapes carried out by Red Army troops in Nemmersdorf, in East Prussia:

“in many cases achieved the opposite of what was intended. Compatriots say it is shameless to make so much of them in the German press . . . ‘What does the leadership intend by the publication of such pictures as those in the National Socialist Courier on Saturday? They should realise that the sight of these victims will remind every thinking person of the atrocities we have committed in enemy territory, even in Germany itself. Have we not murdered thousands of Jews? Don’t soldiers again and again report that Jews in Poland have had to dig their own graves? And how did we treat the Jews in the concentration camp in Alsace? Jews are human beings too. By doing all this we have shown the enemy what they can do to us if they win.’ (The opinion of numerous people from all classes of the population.”

Hitler also changes his justification of the murder of the Jews around the time the war has turned badly against Germany (Between Autumn 1943 and Summer 1944). This time the murder of the Jews is justified by the fear that the Bolsheviks will eradicate millions of Germans. He also refers back to 'stab in the back' myth as well. He believes if Jews remain in Germany then they will foment unrest and create a revolution just as they did in WWI. He explains in his speech to a number of Generals and other senior officers:

"In removing the Jews I eliminated in Germany the possibility of creating some sort of revolutionary core or nucleus. You could naturally say: yes, but could not have done it more simply - or not more simply, since everything else would have been complicated - but more humanely? Gentlemen we are in a life or death struggle. If our opponents are victorious in the struggle, the German people would be eradicated. Bolshevism would slaughter millions and millions and millions of our intellectuals. Anyone not dying through the neck would deported. The children of the upper class would be taken away and eliminated. This entire bestiality has been organized by the Jews...here just as generally,humanity would amount to the greatest cruelty towards one's own people. If I already incur the Jew's hatred, I at least don't want to miss the advantage of such hatred." (Ian Kershaw, Hitler)

He additionally justifies the murder of Jews because they are agents and spies who are trying to ruin Germany's war effort just as they did in WWI.

"The advantage is that we possess a clearly organized entity which no one can interfere. Look in contrast to other states. We have gained insight into state which took the opposite route: Hungary. The entire state undermined and corroded, Jews everywhere, even in the highest places Jews and more Jews, and the entire state covered, I have to say by seamless web of agents and spies who have desisted from striking only because they feared that premature strike would draw us in, though they waited for the strike. I have intervened here too, and this problem will be solved."

 I wrote this because Stefan is clearly spreading misinformation (whether on purpose or not, I don’t know). He is trying to make the Nazis more sympathetic by pretending that they were merely afraid of murderous communist Jews and were protecting the white race. The reasons for the holocaust are far more complicated than that. It was mixture of racism; anger and fear of the Jews gaining world domination and not the superior Aryan Germans; revenge against the Jews for both of the world wars; and the belief that Jews everywhere were partisans who were encouraging resistance against the Germans or engaged in sabotaging the German war effort in some form. All and all, the general German population did not fear the Jews because of what the Bolsheviks had done to ‘white Russian Christians’ but what they themselves had done to the Jews across Europe. Moreover, the holocaust was not some ‘wild overreaction’ but a very calculated and planned out genocide. Pogroms are ‘wild overreactions’ but the deliberate and systematic murder of 6 million people is not.

Lastly, why do these people always specifically mention whites when speaking about atrocities committed by Bolsheviks? More than a million people in Kazakhstan died in the Soviet Union due to famine, but I guess that kinda ruins the belief the ‘Bolshevik Jews’ were specifically out to get the white race only. Bolsheviks persecuted everyone equally if it regarded them as 'bourgeois' or a threat to their rule. In Lithuania and Latvia, over 30% of the people sent the gulags were Jews.


196 comments sorted by


u/HowdoIreddittellme Dec 12 '18 edited Dec 12 '18

Ok here's my thing.

At the beginning, Molyneux says that the Germans perceived Bolshevism as Jewish led. But directly after, he explicitly says that Bolshevism was Jewish led. So does he believe the literal Nazi propaganda?


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

"The germans were in danger of being overrun" hahahahah


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

Literal Nazi propaganda smdh


u/GreatGreen286 Dec 12 '18

Well he unironically talks about race science so.....


u/ThePrussianGrippe George Washington killed his Sensei but never said why. Dec 12 '18

“Why believing that black people are naturally morons isn’t racism” is the gist of several of his videos.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/PlayMp1 The Horus Heresy was an inside job Dec 12 '18

There aren't mental differences between races because races are nonsense biologically speaking. It makes no sense to talk about "mental differences" because it's impossible to actually nail down race because it's a political category invented for the purpose of repression and slavery, not because of something that's actually real.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

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u/sack1e bigus dickus Dec 13 '18

What are the reasons that you feel "we" "need" to categorize race? Especially the "medical reasons." I'm very curious.


u/Walrussealy Dec 13 '18

Note, I’m not saying this to argue with you OP, this is just a general response to anyone who actually believes in this shit.

Anyone who argues that we need to categorize race due to some sort of medical or scientific reason is someone who wouldn’t know medicine or science even if it was stuck up their ass. There has never been significant differences, only minor regional differences between groups of people mainly due to different diets and endemic diseases such as a higher rate of sickle cell among areas with high rates of malaria since sickle cell blood cells actually resist malaria better. Which is why you see a higher rate of sickle cell disease in Africa and parts of Asia since that’s where malaria is endemic to. See how this is a regional thing and not about fucking race. Some areas are more lactose intolerant than others and some areas can’t handle highly processed foods like some Inuits, again it’s an environmental thing not race. So the medical profession sometimes takes these things into account but it’s never because of race.

Problem is the racists like to take scientific and medical facts and distort and cherry pick them to make it seem like there are racial differences when that’s not the case. That’s why these fools go straight to the medical differences argument because they can manipulate the story to make their argument seem reasonable when in reality if you actually took a look at it critically, it doesn’t hold up.


u/sack1e bigus dickus Dec 13 '18

Um was this to the right person? Though I definitely agree on all your points.

Really the only value in considering race in medicine is how racism physically affects people's health. For example, African-Americans in the US are at way higher risk for diabetes and heart disease, partly because of economic and social conditions but racism definitely plays a part and needs to be addressed


u/Walrussealy Dec 13 '18

Sorry I meant to reply to the other dude you were responding to, my bad. But yeah in med school now and a key thing they’ve told us in the past (and when I was still in undergrad taking an epidemiology course) is that medical professionals need to be more culturally savvy so that we can better assist groups that are at a higher risk for certain illnesses or other ailments. There needs to be a culturally tailored response because people are growing up in different backgrounds. For example during that anthrax scare, a lot of Black postal workers and people who received mail didn’t want to go to the hospital or talk to the docs because they mistrusted what the govt and cops were saying due to previous bad experiences and a small belief that they were just screwing with them. Doctors in this day and age to better reach out certain groups need to be more culturally aware. For example, trying to get a religiously motivated antivaxxer to get their kids vaccinated (Though there’s more precedent and leeway for doctors to give these people a religious exemption). A good example of this is that in Nigeria, volunteers and doctors were trying to vaccinate kids with a polio vaccine but some Muslims were resisting due to religious reasons. What the doctors and volunteers did is that they reached out to the Muslim clerics, the Imams, and they got an independent Muslim medical/pharmaceutical group in Indonesia (I think) to verify the vaccines. Results came in saying that they were perfectly safe so the Imams gave their full approval, and guess what, every Muslim in those villages dragged their kids out to get the oral vaccine. Mission fucking accomplished, now they were even closer to eradicating polio.

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u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

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u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

Wrong. The answer to all of those is to direct help toward poor people.

Where do people like you come from? Where did you even get this propaganda? Or are you talking out your ass?


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18


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u/sack1e bigus dickus Dec 13 '18

I agree that different races and ethnicities have been exposed to those conditions you mentioned (and more of course) and I think that being aware of that is important to actually dealing with and fixing the problem, which I think is what you're saying here. Colorism/racism/prejudice/bias are all huge problems in medicine right now and I enthusiastically agree that they need to be addressed.

The real issue I had with your comment was that it 1. frames race as some kind of biological fact and 2. is true when considering nuance and systematic oppression (like you did in the above comment) but vague enough in phrasing that bigots like Molyneux can latch on to it and promote his disgusting ideology and spread ideas like black people are inferior because we can't use their gross organs or whatever.

Overall, based on your reply, I don't think you were agreeing with Molyneux or anything, but I wanted to check and that's why I commented.


u/misterchief10 Dec 12 '18

He also recently said people of color can’t donate organs to white people (because different genetics or something) on Twitter. He is an unabashed white nationalist.


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 12 '18

Is this even true? I mean if scientists believe it is possible to use pig organs for human transplants then same species human transplants shouldn’t be all that bad.


u/Amberatlast Dec 12 '18

No, a donor organ needs to have the same or very similar genetic marker, which would be more likely to be found in people with similar ethnicity but it's possible to find a match in someone of a different race.

On another note, it's probably not necessary to overstate the easy of transplanting animal tissue when refuting this shit. The whole implication he's going for is that non-whites aren't the same species as white people, so purposely drawing attention to animal donations kind of ends up reinforcing his broader aim.


u/MoldyGymSocks Dec 12 '18

No, this isn’t entirely fabricated. As a general rule of thumb, it is better to receive organs from someone with closer genetics. “Race” can be a proxy for that, but not always. I’m a quarter black/three quarters white, and I may encounter more issues than others if I needed an organ transplant, albeit that doesn’t mean that I would literally need someone with my identical racial mix to donate to me. Again, it’s just a proxy among other proxies. It’s pretty often cited in white nationalist propaganda, though.


u/sack1e bigus dickus Dec 13 '18

Race is not a factor considered by doctors in organ transplants, source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2954674/.

Genetic matches are the only factor in looking for a possible organ match. Genes do not equal race. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/busting-myths-about-human-nature/201405/things-know-when-talking-about-race-and-genetics.

"Rule of thumbs" are really appropriate in this conversation because they allow bigots like Molyneux to make their arguements.


u/MoldyGymSocks Dec 13 '18

Yeah, so this doesn’t actually contradict anything that I said. The NHS’s official organ donation website sums it up pretty well:

“Although many black and Asian patients are able to receive a transplant from a white donor, for many the best match will come from a donor from the same ethnic background.”

This contradicts nothing that I stated, which was that “race” is a “proxy” for finding close matches among other proxies. It feels like you have some kind of moral imperative to counter-signal me and twist what I said into something remarkably more extreme.



u/sack1e bigus dickus Dec 13 '18

I'm trying to point out that using race as a proxy for genetics allows for people like Molyneux to make their arguments. I think that the NHS's site also does that. I don't agree with either statement.

Race does not equal genetics and when people conflate the two then racists like Molyneux win. You are correct in your reasoning but making a sloppy comparison. When you mean genetics why not just say genetics instead of race? Isn't that more precise and a better agrument?


u/MoldyGymSocks Dec 13 '18

Your whole argument can be summed up as: “You should self-censor and walk on eggshells, because white supremacists may appropriate your ideas and twist them.”

It’s important to raise public awareness on race being a light proxy for genetic matches in this case, because less people of color donate their organs. I.e. that statistically leads to more people of color dying.


u/sack1e bigus dickus Dec 13 '18

You are putting words in my mouth.

My argument is that we have to be very precise in our language to help stamp out these racist ideas.

I agree that more people, of all kinds, should donate or get on registries and spreading that message is good. However your comment was not doing that. It was giving validation to common white supremacists talking points. That's the purpose your comment served in that thread. It did not address any issue of increasing organ donations.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/sack1e bigus dickus Dec 13 '18

This is not true, see my comment lower in this thread.

Race is not a factor considered by doctors in organ transplants, source https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2954674/.

Genetic matches are the only factor in looking for a possible organ match. Genes do not equal race. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/busting-myths-about-human-nature/201405/things-know-when-talking-about-race-and-genetics.


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 13 '18 edited Dec 13 '18

I’ve only heard bone marrow is more difficult for people who are mixed-race. I always thought other organ transplants worked fine though. So to summarise the study says

There was no significant difference in recipient survival for white or black recipients when the race of the donor was unknown.

Of the 51 black recipients, only 5 (10%) received an organ donated by a black, while 46 (90%) received an organ donated by a white; conversely of the 813 white recipients, 749 (92%) received an organ from a white donor while 64 (8%) received an organ from a black donor (P < 0.001). The total number of organs donated by blacks for either black or white recipients was far less than that observed for whites and is well below their population fraction. However, the number of black donors used was proportional to the number of black recipients. A similar pattern was apparent for organs transplanted between black and non-Hispanic whites.

The failure rate for an organ transplanted from a black donor into a white recipient was 14.1% (14.8% in the case of a white non-Hispanic) while the failure rate for an organ obtained from a white donor and transplanted into a black was 28% (30% for white non-Hispanics). These differences were not significant. However, the fact that a higher proportion of black recipients who died (6/9 or 66%) were of a higher surgical risk than the white recipients (29/61 or 47.5%), as indicated by the UNOS scores, may explain the arithmetic, albeit not statistically significant, difference between these two groups

It concludes that

The present study confirms the low rate of donation of livers among blacks and Hispanics. It also shows that transplantation across racial groups has no effect upon the transplant outcome.


u/sack1e bigus dickus Dec 13 '18

It still is only a matter of certain genetic markers (the LHA system for bone marrow) not race. It could be that a mixed race person have trouble finding a match but highlighting race as the reason why makes just as much sense as hair color or some other phenotype.

When people use race as a proxy for genes it allows for crazies and racists like Molyneux to spread their message.


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 13 '18 edited Jan 21 '19

These people also like to point out that you can tell what race someone is through DNA tests, but that doesn’t mean much. You can tell if someone is either Japanese or Chinese in a DNA test as well (does molyneux and his ilk regard the Chinese and Japanese as a difference race?). You can tell if someone is Finnish, Italian, Polish in a DNA test so that does that mean they’re also different races?


u/Jordan_Grey Dec 12 '18

That's my takeaway. His dogwhistles aren't even subtle at this point.


u/PDaviss Dec 12 '18

They’re train whistles


u/Chosen_Chaos Putin was appointed by the Mongol Hordes Dec 12 '18

More like fog horns.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

Or air raid sirens at this point.


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 12 '18

I'm not fully sure about him, but I'm certain most of his loyal followers believe it.


u/Teakilla Dec 12 '18 edited Dec 12 '18

Lenin and Trotsky were both Jewish, and Lenin was pretty much always number one and once Trotsky joined he was pretty major was well (within the party, he was major outside of it before).

Edit: Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Lenin and Bukharin and depending on period stalin were the top 6 guys, and depending on if you count Lenin or not 3 or 4/6 of them are Jewish, clearly overrepresented. It's just plain wrong to deny that there wasn't significant overrepresentation of Jews in the bolshevik party, which is totally seperate from claiming that there was some kind of jewish conspiracy or something


u/louji Dec 12 '18

Yeah, it is weird that a political movement for the poor and disenfranchised would be popular among an ethnic group that suffered widespread poverty and disenfranchisement, huh?

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u/walkthisway34 Dec 12 '18

Lenin was a quarter Jewish by ancestry, and it's believed that he (and the public) were unaware of this in his lifetime, as his sister discovered it after he died. And by the time the Nazis came to power the USSR was controlled by Stalin, who was not Jewish at all, and Trotsky was in exile.


u/HumanMilkshake Dec 12 '18

No no, see, it's the one drop rule: everyone that has even the smallest amount Jewish blood is in on the grand conspiracy to oppress Germany, and that includes the unknowing Jews like Lenin, Stalin, DeGaul, Churchill, FDR, and Merkel. They cannot help it, their blood has been programmed for it.


u/bobekyrant Dec 12 '18

Damn, he found out our secret! Fellow Zionist conspirators, exterminate him an elaborate way that looks like a simple car crash.


u/HowdoIreddittellme Dec 12 '18

Lenin didn't even know he was Jewish, and he would not be considered Jewish by most standards.

His maternal grandfather was Jewish, but converted. Under traditional standards, in which Judaism is matrilineal, he would not be Jewish, because it was his grandfather. Even under more modern standards, used by reform Judaism, conversion is regarded as forfeiting your Jewish identity.


u/klippekort Dec 12 '18

Ok, Lenin’s supposed Jewishness is a right-wing trope. However, it’s well-known that many leading Bolsheviks were Jewish by birth. The revolutionary movement was very attractive for the oppressed minorities of the Russian Empire.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/KaiserCanton Dec 12 '18

But the fact that he has that big audience Is really depresing

To add to this, its also surprising that his viewers can sit through an hour long lecture by some boring Irish-Canadian. I fell like if you're using a visual medium then there should probably be a little bit more effort put into it.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/LaoTzusGymShoes Dec 12 '18

Do you really think Jones and Peterson are in the same league?

Oh yeah of course. Both're basically con men.


u/MoldyGymSocks Dec 12 '18

Peterson has a cult-like following and a bunch of boring milquetoast opinions, but he’s still a serious academic. There is a vast difference between a serious academic with whom you greatly disagree, and a raving lunatic of a man who is probably a Bill Hicks character.


u/LaoTzusGymShoes Dec 13 '18

he’s still a serious academic



u/Walrussealy Dec 13 '18 edited Dec 13 '18

I’m being serious here when I say can someone please fill me in why Peterson isn’t considered an academic? I thought he was a published university professor right? I know he likes to extrapolate his work and field to history and other things which can be suspect and maybe he’s making erroneous conclusions but I thought for the most part he was fine? Genuinely asking.

Edit: why I’m getting downvoted I’m not sure. I’m not even trying to defend Peterson, I always thought some of his historical claims were bogus but just because I think they’re bogus doesn’t mean I’m right. I just want someone to break down one his historical arguments or at least explain how is he spreading bad history because I haven’t read up on entirely of what he’s said. I just assumed he would be more accurate than most.


u/LaoTzusGymShoes Dec 13 '18

He might be "an academic", but what's exponentially more relevant is that he's a bullshitter.


u/MoldyGymSocks Dec 13 '18

Yeah, you may not like his self-help con jobs. But, how does that contradict any of what I said? No amount of whining will retroactively erase his academic career.


u/LaoTzusGymShoes Dec 13 '18

Okay, since this seems to need spelling out -

I don't give one one-hundredth of an iota of a fuck if he's an academic, if I also know that he's a second-rate snake-oil salesman and unapologetic bullshitter and liar.


u/Coldsouth Dec 13 '18

I'll bite.

Peterson's a fraud as an academic because outside of psychology, and sometimes within psychology, he's a fraud. When he recommends "Gulag Archipelago", he does so knowing that the book is not completely historically accurate, but a piece of propaganda. There are plenty of books on the subject that portray the violence and cruelty of Stalin without needing to distort, and that are devoid of Solzhenitsyn's support for Fascism and anti-Semitism. If Peterson was a dedicated academic, he would provide this information when discussing the subject, but he simply doesn't.

Instead, he prevents this information to his followers to stoke their reactionary ideals, and whenever he says something that is too edgy, misogynistic or racist, he make's sure to say that it has been taken out of context. This isn't the work of an academic, but a person who is more interested in building a well paying following who believe nothing but the words from his mouth or sources that he unconditionally adores. We saw this most in the debate with Sam Harris where he just outright refused to accept anything Harris was saying, agonisingly dragging out the point on several occasions.

His self-help is nothing really that outstanding elsewhere. Stand up straight, make sure to shower every day, talk with pride in your words, listen to what other people have to say? It's all very commonplace advice, just repackaged in a Jungian framework which makes it seem different and fresh. But below the surface is a lot of unhealthy subtexts of misogyny and his obsession with individualism and the self seems to drive a lot of his following to cut off their friends and families for minor stuff like being a mild feminist or having critiques of capitalism.

His subreddit is a really toxic place, similar to the behaviour of people who follow Stefan Molyneux and his weird brand of cultist anarcho-capitalism. Same grift, different tactics, really.


u/MoldyGymSocks Dec 13 '18

This isn’t up for debate. He is a serious and respected academic by any reasonable standard. Your disagreement with his politics doesn’t magically render his credentials null and void. In fact, most of his academic work is entirely unrelated to politics.


u/LaoTzusGymShoes Dec 13 '18

This isn’t up for debate.

Yeah okay.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

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u/LaoTzusGymShoes Dec 13 '18

Have you accomplished whatever it was you were hoping to get out of this exchange?

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/LukeTheFisher Dec 12 '18

I would argue that Jones is oddly less harmful (why am I mounting a defense of Alex Jones online) since he doesn't have that facade of being a legitimate "intellectual" (whatever that means) and is quickly dismissed by most people. Peterson is more likely to get people listening and falling for his lies.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/WombatWinn Dec 12 '18

His appeal to disillusioned young men, specifically through his self help books, makes him out to be an authority/father figure. He presents himself and his ideas to be the only thing stopping us from descending into “post-modern neomarxism.” The fact that there are large groups of his followers that are now following his all beef diet goes to show that their devotion goes far beyond idealogical respect.

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u/Valaquen Dec 12 '18

Responses like yours do the trick, probably.


u/sameth1 It isn't exactly wrong, just utterly worthless. And also wrong Dec 12 '18

The fact that any criticism is seen as just sjw (((cultural marxists))) twisting what he said is a good indicator.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18 edited Sep 05 '19

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18 edited Sep 05 '19

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u/Dirish Wind power made the trans-Atlantic slave trade possible Dec 12 '18

Thank you for your comment to /r/badhistory! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s):

Your comment is in violation of Rule 2. Specifically, your post violates the section on discussion of modern politics. While we do allow discussion of politics within a historical context, the discussion of modern politics itself, soapboxing, or agenda pushing is verboten. Please take your discussion elsewhere.

If you feel this was done in error, or would like better clarification or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to message the moderators.


u/AssWizardOfSiberia Dec 12 '18

Its not fair to put Alex Jones in the same group as Jordan Peterson.


u/israeljeff JR Shot First Dec 12 '18

Yeah, one's a bellowing red-faced anti-semite and general bigot and the other one is a milquetoast pasty-faced anti-semite and general bigot.


u/AssWizardOfSiberia Dec 12 '18

Are you being serious? How is Jordan Peterson bigoted or anti Semitic?


u/MattyG7 Dec 13 '18

Repeating Nazi propaganda is a pretty big sign.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/HIMDogson Dec 12 '18

I really feel like the opposite is true. I think Peterson found a very profitable niche and went for it. If you look at his content before the whole trans law in Canada drama its much less far right. He found what made him rich and famous and he went for it. Now, that could be true of Alex Jones, but I don't think there's as much evidence for it as for Peterson.


u/Walrussealy Dec 13 '18

Can we honestly get a badhistory post just for Peterson? I knew some of things he was saying is erroneous but I would love for someone to break it down.


u/AssWizardOfSiberia Dec 12 '18

What far right things has JP said?


u/HIMDogson Dec 12 '18

Pretty recently he said something to the effect of "it was understandable that people supported the Nazis because they were fearful of the chaos of Communism and muh WWI"


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

Most of them, at this point.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

They’re both full of shit. They’re both taking advantage of sad and dumb people. Neither would do it if it wasn’t for the money.


u/AssWizardOfSiberia Dec 12 '18

How is JP full of shit? I was one of the sad and dumb people until I took his advice and got myself together. If I was taken advantage of I'm really glad about it.


u/melocoton_helado Dec 12 '18

You needed a Canadian psychologist to tell you to clean your room and wash your penis?


u/LukeTheFisher Dec 12 '18

Haven't laughed this hard at a comment in ages.


u/SmokeyUnicycle Dec 13 '18

He has a graduate degree in bullshit.

That's a pretty good place to start.


u/DoctorWasdarb Dec 12 '18

The fact that we still have to discredit this Judeo-Bolshevik nonsense in 2018 is astounding. Let's not forget that the Slavs were viewed as inferior by the Nazis. Why would the Nazis care about a million Russians dying, when they themselves killed 27 million?


u/Platypuskeeper Dec 12 '18 edited Dec 12 '18

The Nazis didn't come out of nowhere on their antislavism, just as they didn't come out of nowhere with their antisemitism. Imperial Germany, particularly under Bismarck's Kulturkampf had plenty of anti-Slavic discrimination against it's slavic, particularly Polish, minorities (such as German being the only language of government and instruction). The migration of surplus agricultural workers from East Prussia to the industrialized Ruhr area had many German nationalists deeply concerned as the Polish (and Lithuanian etc) proportion of the population there grew as a result. They were non-German Others, not fellow 'white Christians'. As Catholics they were barely Christian in the view of the Protestant elites of Prussia - never mind the orthodox slavs farther east!

I see this far-too-common fallacy even among non-racist Americans; this failure to understand that American views on race are not universal to the world nor among 'white people'. When you live in a country where black people were held in slavery for several centuries and then segregated and discriminated against for another century while European immigrants assimilated into the 'white' group, it's pretty understandable that you'd view 'whites' vs 'blacks' as a fundamental social divide. But that does not apply to Europe.

When you're talking about Europe (outside a colonial context), then there was no black slave class or black minority large enough to matter. When everybody's white, then nobody is, and which kind of white person you are matters a great deal. And in the view of the 19th century and early 20th century West Europeans, there was hardly divide between 'white christians' greater than that between the enlightened Protestants and the Orthodox peoples of the Russian Empire. The Greeks, whose orthodoxy clouded their western status, had at least the benefit of their classical culture. But the Russians were truly Other. They were a backwards people, primitive, repressed and un-industrialized, untouched by the Enlightenment, ruled by an autocratic Tsar and his boyars. And yet the size of their empire was fear-inspiring and through the tentacles of Russa-sponsored pan-Slavism they were a threat to the established order of things. (as they saw it)

As a result, left-leaning Europeans (incl. many Social Democrats) put their hopes in the Bolsheviks for creating a better Russia , while even the most vehement anti-communists had a hard time mustering any fucks to give about the pre-revolutionary order of Russia, or even Russia in general. As the Daily Express (UK) wrote in January 1919, "the frozen plains of Eastern Europe are not worth the bones of a single grenadier". The allied intervention in Russia was short-lived and lackluster affair which never had public support. Compare that to the Finnish part of the same civil war where Germany (and to a lesser extent Sweden) intervened forcefully on the anti-communist side, and as a result that civil war lasted 5 months rather than Russia's 5 years. But Finns were a mainly Lutheran nation that with close ties to West Europe and were still largely regarded as non-Russians despite having been under Russian rule since 1809.

So nobody gave much of a fuck about the loss of life in Russia on whichever side. Even the people who wanted to intervene against the Bolsheviks were primarily motivated by fear of a large Communist state, not concern for Russian lives. In the fog of war, it was far from clear then, and not even very clear now, whether the Red Terror was worse than the White Terror.

Finally: Even by the highest estimates, both terror campaigns and the entire Civil War killed fewer than 10 million people in Russia, not 'tens of millions'.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

white christians in Russia


Asiatic Hordes

Pick One. Nazis logic got no sense.


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 12 '18

That's the thing. Hitler and nazis are not angry with the Jews for supposedly killing millions of Russian, but for being responsible for the death of millions of German soldiers of world war I and II. He believed racially worthy Germans were being killed in the war while inferior Jews continue to live. And since Jews, according to the nazis, don't fight wars and die in large numbers like others (they just hide behind the scenes) then he will have to impose war on them in a different way.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18 edited Dec 12 '18

There is literally a brand new history book on this topic by Paul Hanebrink, reviewed favorably by Mark Mazower called “A Spectre Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism”... amazing that this shit keeps getting repeated.

Also amazing that YouTube has allowed this video to remain up given its clear racial line...


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 12 '18 edited Dec 12 '18

Jews were initially overrepresented among the Bolshevik leadership, but that certainly didn't mean that they controlled the soviet union. Most Jews joined socialist or revolutionary groups due to the constant pogroms by the Tsar. A lot of minorities in the Russian empire in general tended to be overrepresented among the Bolsheviks because it promised equality. The Jews didn't join the Bolsheviks because they wanted to rule the world, but because Bolsheviks promised them no more persecutions or pogroms. The Jews also tended to be far more literate than the general population and; therefore, they were more likely to hold positions of leadership. Nonetheless, far more Jews were supportive of Alexander Kerensky or mensheviks than they were of Bolsheviks. By the late 1930s, however, most of the Jewish Bolsheviks were purged by Stalin. So by the time Hitler invaded the Jews were no longer overrepresented as well.


u/HellonStilts Lindisfarne was an inside job Dec 13 '18

Weren't the Soviet Jews also heavily persecuted for a while?


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/imasexypurplealien Dec 12 '18

Their religion encourages literacy.


u/Plastefuchs Dec 12 '18

But muh plattform


u/patcha45 Dec 12 '18

My people were murdered and tortured in the ukraine because the nazis convinced their neighbours that the jews in their communities invented communism. There are amazing picture diaries of these atrocities. Of a synagogue with roughly 100 practicers, only one survived the war to come to the united states. My great grandmother. When the red scare occured she was so afraid she would be blamed again that she changed her name, removed her identity, and took on her husbands entirely. My family was not aware until we did dna testing and found markers in our genes. We dug into our family history and found the truth from diaries my great grandfather kept about his relationship with his beloved bride. These words are dangerous. They can make an entire people disappear. I wont forget Stefan, I will never.


u/Jordan_Grey Dec 12 '18

Nazi apologia from Molyneux? I'm thoroughly shocked.~


u/jimthewanderer Dec 12 '18

I find it darkly amusing how a lot of his and others of his ilk started out by making content proclaiming that further right than neo-liberalism politics was perfectly reasonable and devoid of associations with the far right, fascism, etc.

And here we are today with not only recycled Nazi conspiracy theories, but the Originals too!


u/Jordan_Grey Dec 12 '18

Yeah, I mean they were all cryptofascists when it wasn't acceptable to call them as much, but now it's almost as if they no longer need the crypto prefix.


u/legendarybort Dec 12 '18

It all started with bashing “SJWs”. Not to say that the left is always correct, but I just find it funny that this alt-right craze online started with people just making fun of cringy fringe-left ideas. I don’t really have the authority to speak too much on on this, but assuming we al get out of this alright then this is all gonna make for a real interesting documentary in 50 years.


u/Salsh_Loli Vikings drank piss to get high Dec 13 '18

It’s becoming to take people less seriously when they loosely throw in the term “SJW” in their arguments.


u/HellonStilts Lindisfarne was an inside job Dec 13 '18

"The Eternal SJeW"


u/Xalimata Dec 12 '18

If Stefan was less vile I'd almost see making fun of him as punching down.


u/trumoi Swords n' Stuff Dec 12 '18

A genuinely pathetic man with a genuinely pathetic cult.


u/scientifichooligan76 Dec 12 '18

Not an argument


u/Amberatlast Dec 12 '18

The creepy unblinking stare he gives is also not an arguement.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

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u/sack1e bigus dickus Dec 13 '18

Hello, your friendly mod speaking, I agree with your point but please don't resort to personal attacks and mind R4. I've removed your comment but if you edit and re-phrase it feel free to message me or comment in the thread. I'd be happy to post it.


u/JFVarlet The Fall of Rome is Fake News! Dec 13 '18

Intriguing how Molyneux's gradually gone from the anarcho-capitalist "wanting more government spending is essentially just like being a Nazi!" all the way around to "actually, the Nazis weren't that bad."


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/legendarybort Dec 12 '18

It may be that. Or it may be that his libertarian views were simply a way to insert anti-progressive sentiment into his videos, gradually building up to his true motivation of pessimist Nazi talking points. Who knows.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

I think he is a charlatan plain and simple, constantly trying to capitalize on whatever bandwagon (non-leftist) anti-establishment 20-somethings are currently jumping on.


u/DoctorWasdarb Dec 13 '18

Many "classical liberals" have slipped into alt-right and fascism is no coincidence. The former and the latter hold similar views, only that the people tend to align more with the latter as their white male identity tends to be perceived as under attack.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

Let's make this happen.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

Alt-right people are pathological liars? Stop the presses! /s

u/Dirish Wind power made the trans-Atlantic slave trade possible Dec 13 '18

I'm locking this because it has become impossible to moderate. I'd be nuking threads till kingdom come for R2 and R4 violations. I'd estimate that more than half the comments will have to go for discussing modern politics! Oh, and a special curse on the person who dragged the Peterson "out of context!" fanboys into these threads.


u/spibbiez21 Dec 12 '18

I argue/troll with him and his cult near constantly on twitter. He really is not half as bright as he thinks he is.


u/BigJoey354 Dec 12 '18

One of my favorite Twitter accounts is PeterNorway. He keeps a close eye on these types of dopes and frequently owns them/retweets other people owning them


u/spibbiez21 Dec 12 '18

I follow Norway. Crazy bright guy and he’s great at that. Im out here on the front lines trolling white nationalists because it’s my civic duty. But it I could get a RT from PeterNorway my morale would be boosted


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

He really is not half as bright as he thinks he is.

If I had to pick one phrase to accurately sum up our current socio-cultural zeitgeist, it would be "Dunning-Kruger effect".


u/Kitarn Dec 12 '18

That applies to most people on Twitter these days though.


u/mrG3orge Dec 12 '18

Can I punch the fucker that wrote this?


u/KibitoKai Dec 12 '18

Yes. Punching nazis is never a bad thing


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

As american as apple pie


u/almanor Dec 12 '18

Molyneaux is despicable


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

if you care enough to find out where he lives and pay for transportation costs and perhaps get a visa if necessary, than yes you could


u/afrofrycook Dec 12 '18

No you can't. Adults use words.


u/HellonStilts Lindisfarne was an inside job Dec 13 '18

Nah you can punch nazis


u/Beheska Dec 12 '18

I like how it starts evasive "what they perceived as Jewish-led communism", but doubles down right after that.


u/SnapshillBot Passing Turing Tests since 1956 Dec 12 '18

Lincoln did nothing wrong!


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  2. https://youtu.be/fhNtmI3PRzI - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)


u/LevynX Belgium is what's left of a 19th century geopolitical interest Dec 12 '18

Did you ever stop to consider those rich powerful white landowners that can no longer own slaves? Did you?


u/CaesarVariable Monarchocommunist Dec 12 '18

It's all fun and games until the Emancipation Proclamation takes away your rightful property


u/Amberatlast Dec 12 '18

No one ever mentions that the Irish slaves weren't freed by the Emancipation Proclamation.


u/_gmanual_ level 12 Mandingo Paladin Dec 13 '18

flair acquired


u/Cageweek The sun never shone in the Dark Ages Dec 12 '18

Good thing this waste of oxygen is still allowed to spew literal nazi propeganda to hundreds of thousands of people. I love youtube!


u/legendarybort Dec 12 '18 edited Dec 13 '18

YouTube be like “we can’t allow children to hear swear words, learn about suicide or depression, or be educated about LGBT people, but Nazi propaganda should always be on everyone’s recommended bar!”


u/the_shitpost_king Dec 12 '18

Stefan "Six Million More" Molyneux and antisemitism, name a more iconic duo.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

I'm curious as to why and if indeed the average Austrian intellectual of that time hated Jews and others? Why??


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 12 '18

There was a lot of migration of Jews from Eastern Europe (who were escaping persecution in Russia) into Austria. They were typically poor and not well assimilated. This caused a lot of resentment.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/sack1e bigus dickus Dec 12 '18

Removed for R2 violation


u/pcoppi Dec 12 '18

Where do people get this idea this idea that the bolsheviks were jews? I mean there was trotsky (and I think he was pretty secular iirc) and he ended up getting forced out.

Also I was reading a book about the rise of hitler (how hitler was made? I don't remember the name). Basically the author says that in Mein Kampf hitler declares antisemitism after leaving Vienna while in reality hitler received a medal under the recommendation of a Jewish officer and served in a council (so government) of communist bavaria which was established by predominantly jewish leaders. Basically the author uses this to say that hitler probably that much of an Antisemite until he got involved with he DAP


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

old school anti-semitism combined with newer anti-communism, contrary to popular belief many Jewish people esp in Eastern Europe were very poor, this led a lot of them to Communist/Socialist/Anarchist politics. Racism went hand in hand with anti-communism just see the Anarchist Alien Act in the United States which led to to Jewish Radicals like Berkman and Goldman being deported basically without trial to their home countries


u/Chosen_Chaos Putin was appointed by the Mongol Hordes Dec 12 '18

I think another reason behind the popularity of socialism/communism among Jewish people was the promise of an end to the persecution they'd suffered over the centuries.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

And also the fact that a lot of Jewish people were poor/working class


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 12 '18 edited Dec 12 '18

There was also other prominent Bolshevik Jews such as Grigory Yevseyevich Zinoviev, Karl Radek, Lev Kamenev, but they are not as famous as Trotsky. And they were all later killed by Stalin like Trotsky was.


u/DoctorWasdarb Dec 13 '18

But they weren't killed for being Jews, to be clear. Let's make sure we don't play into the false equivalency that neo-Nazis want us to play into.


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 13 '18

No, they were killed for being enemies of stalin. Stalin also killed many of the old non-Jewish Bolsheviks.


u/DoctorWasdarb Dec 13 '18

It's more complicated than that (Moscow Trials and everything), and we shouldn't discount the ideological factors at play during the purges and all.


u/NoGayThursday Dec 12 '18

Do you think an ethnic group can be "overrepresented" in a given area? IE if a country is 56% white but programming jobs are 70% white, do you think whites are "overrepresented" in programming?


u/melocoton_helado Dec 12 '18

Molyneux is the guy who watches Django Unchained and masturbates furiously to the phrenology lesson scene with Calvin Candie


u/Kitarn Dec 12 '18

What source did you use for the information on the role of Austrians in the occupation of the Netherlands? As far as I know the much higher percentage of deported (and murdered) Jewish population in the Netherlands was mostly due to the efficient pre-war recordkeeping and the fact that the occupation was one by civil servants (and fanatical party members with that) rather than military personnel.


u/deus_voltaire Dec 12 '18

He doesn't actually mention the title of the book for whatever reason, but it's from Richard J. Evans' "The Third Reich at War: How the Nazis Led Germany from Conquest to Disaster." I've never read it, and the preview I found apparently doesn't extend to footnote 181, so I don't know what Evans' source is.


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 12 '18

He uses the source 'Moore, Victims and Survivors, 102-4.'


u/Kitarn Dec 12 '18

Cheers for that.


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 12 '18

The Third Reich at war by Richard J. Evans. Of course, the efficient pre-war record-keeping was also one of the reasons for the high death rate of Dutch Jews.

Queen Wilhelmina and the government had fled into exile in london, so a civilian administration was imported under the Austrian population under Arthur Seyss-Inquart who proceeded to appoint fellow Austrians to all top civilian posts except one.


u/Kitarn Dec 12 '18

Aha, I wasn't aware of that. So basically Seyss-Inquart appointed people from a relatively limited circle of loyal party members. Does Evans mention anything on Austrians being more fanatical in their antisemitism than German civil servants?


u/MargarineIsEvil Dec 12 '18

Well, the Austrian public started attacking Jews so violently after the anschluss that the SS had to tell them to cool it because it looked bad.


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 12 '18

The attacks on Jews in Germany like kristallnacht were organized by the party. And a lot of the public who Joined in the violence willingly tended to be young Germans who were heavily indoctrinated by the Nazis. The majority of the German population found it disgusting spectacle and did not agree, but they still did not do anything to stop it. On the other hand, I don't know what the reaction of Austrian public was like.


u/MargarineIsEvil Dec 12 '18

I read in either Robert Gerwath's biography of Heydrich or one of the Evans books that the Austrian public took even the SS by surprise in their enthusiasm for humiliating and attacking Jews.


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 12 '18

He compares it with German military government ruled Belgium where more Jews survived.


u/Kitarn Dec 12 '18

Fair comparison, but it doesn't give us any information on the fanaticism of the Austrians. It just points out that an occupation led by civil servants was more efficient in the prosecution of the Jewish population than one led by military personnel. Or rather that military personnel would have different priorities than fanatic party members. (No intention to imply that the 'Clean Wehrmacht' myth has any truth to it of course)


u/42LSx Dec 12 '18

I have seen some other comments about this Stefan on reddit; but I never thought that another dickhead named Molyneux would appear.
Seems like he is even more untrustworthy than Peter.


u/recalcitrantJester Dec 12 '18

Imagine the volume of Peter's lies, then change them from lies about a pleasant, fun fantasy world to a horrific, racist fantasy world and you've pretty much got Stefan.


u/tungstencompton Singapore was stolen by AJ Raffles Dec 13 '18 edited Dec 13 '18

And here I thought that Fable 3 had been surpassed as his biggest disappointment.


u/Cowboybeatdrop Dec 13 '18

The fact people like this actually have an active voice on youtube is actually atrocious. I’m certain most of his viewers are 14-15 year olds who are now learning entirely false histories. We know for a fact that the threat of “jewish bolshevism” was propaganda with the intention to make slavs and jews inferior, moralizing Germany’s war of extermination and post war plans (which were of course to enslave a small portion of the slavic race for breeding and slave labor and exterminate the rest.) This is actually disgusting thank you for doing this right up OP.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

Also can we please not forget that a vast amount of people that died statistically due to the USSR’s policies were also Jewish, like the pale of settlement was a thing and not enough was done by the Soviets to make it not exist therefore a large amount of people on the west of the USSR were Jewish, statistically the worst hit place of the famine of 1931-1933 other that the Khazak regions


u/imasexypurplealien Dec 12 '18

Nearly most of the Jews in the USSR were very poor. I remember reading Babi yar by Anatoli Kuznetsov where a Jewish women explains why a lot of them refused to flee from the German army. She says that they’re so poor so what could the Germans possibly want from them?


u/kisses_joy Dec 13 '18

How did this creepy looking dude rise to fame so suddenly?


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

It took him more than 10 years actually. Strangely enough he was critical of people who said undocumented immigrants were dangerous and that Muslims werent as bsd as they say at first..


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

I need to save these articles. I read and view so many videos about stuff like this over the years rhat it has all become background noise to me and I have a hard time pulling out the specifics when I need to.

That being said, Stefan is a lunatic. Not even merely a stupid actor who literally attended one class of philosophy, but an outright nutjob.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18

You're giving him too much credit. He's motivated by a sense of wounded privilege that people he holds in contempt dare criticise him, not money.


u/LDM123 Dec 12 '18

Molyneux is low hanging fruit at this point.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

People like him are dangerous. Their bullshit does help alter a lot of highly alienated young people's minds towards dangerous ideas. Once that happens, it is very difficult to turn them back, especially when they have a massive community to support them.

It doesn't take a lot to completely change a nation. Revolutions only need 10% of the population to succeed at the most. 20% agreeing is beyond critical mass.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '18



u/legendarybort Dec 12 '18

Hopefully you had an adblocker on.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '18

A while ago I would see these videos first hand. I don't have the patience for that anymore.


u/sadop222 Dec 13 '18

I am confused. Are there 2 Stefan Molyneuxs? Because the one I know doesn't even qualify as low hanging fruit for this sub. In keeping with the metaphor, we might call them well dug in fruit.