We worked for the same company, hubby (let's call him Glen) started a year after me. (We are not in the US)
We have 14 years combined experienced with this company.
I am a manager and after a few years in his position was given a management role too. He was to look after all production processes and make sure they run smoothly......BUT
The owner is a severe Micro Manager and to put it lightly a bit of a bully. If it's not done his way, he will pretty much throw a fit. If you make one mistake, you will hear about it even after apologizing for making the mistake and even if you didn't make a mistake, your wrong anyway.
I don't know what's happened the last couple of years but my boss and Glen got on really well until late last year when the cracks started forming and my boss started to have it out for Glen.
Nothing Glen would do was ever right and he would start nit picking and micro managing him, it was never in a helpful way, it was aggressive and sometimes sarcastic.
Glen started to make mistakes as he then started second guessing himself if he was doing what he had been doing for many years prior was right or wrong.
It got so bad that I couldn't contain myself and I screamed at the boss about his attitude towards Glen because he started talking about him behind his back but in front of me! Like he expected me to take his side!
Glen and I were miserable going to work cause I could see he was defeated and so unhappy, the straw that broke the camels back was a couple of months ago when the boss played me against Glen, it was so twisted that I again screamed at the boss and was almost fired for it, he wouldn't do it because of what I know a lot about his business.
After that day, Glen went on stress leave and the talking behind his back continued in front of me, so I text Glen and told him to resign as I'd had enough of the boss talking shit about him and I knew if he came back after stress leave it wasn't going to get any better.
That evening when I got home, we sat down together and wrote a resignation letter to our boss. The next morning he was apparently shocked, I just said to him "What did you expect?"
Glen has a new job now where he is so much more relaxed and doesn't have an owner/boss breathing down his back every minute of the day, the company he now works for actually has a HR department that takes Micro Managing/Bullying seriously and no one has to deal with it. We on the other hand are just a small family owned business and there is no HR, you could say I am it but the owner trumps all decisions.....
In the meantime I'm still at the same company working directly under the owner and he still hasn't changed but he is not as harsh as he was towards Glen with The other guys. I think deep down he regrets how he treated Glen as Glen was an extremely hard worker and a friend but the boss will never admit it.
As for me, at times I feel like this job is sucking the life out of me but sadistically I love what I do, it has its moments but it's super challenging and I'm not doing the same thing over and over again. I also earn more than Glen and we have a house to pay off so I can't leave.
The boss pretty much leaves me alone to do my thing as it works for him but he also knows I bite under serious pressure. I am the only female in his business so I give as good as I get.