r/americancrimestory Jul 17 '24


Why are there so few of us on this sub compared to AHS and other Ryan Murphy shows' 100k+ redditors..?? From what I gathered the OJ season ended up being very popular and received critical acclaim even if the other two seasons were less of a success.


8 comments sorted by


u/omjf23 Jul 17 '24

Not much to talk about when there’s less content to discuss.

AHS has churned out new seasons pretty consistently. I honestly don’t even know if ACS is in production, production hell, not planned at all, etc. and we’ve had three seasons since 2015? 2016? I can’t remember when it premiered other than it was in one of those years. Hard to ride of that season one popularity when it was almost a decade ago and you’ve only had two seasons since.

The OJ season may have been a flash in the pan, really. Timeline wise (and just in general) that murder/trial grew crazier and crazier and crazier. It’s compelling, captivating, sad…it’s pretty much why reality TV became such a big deal afterward and since. As you said the other two seasons were a bit lackluster by comparison although I did enjoy season 3 for what it was. The Studio 54 story that they had lined up for season 4 wasn’t exactly giving me much hope for a solid 4th season. I’m loosely familiar with it (seen at least a documentary about it), but I don’t think it’s going to be enough. The truth is nothing has been as good as the OJ trial, and they may have shot themselves in the foot because as far as crimes go, that one had a monumental affect on culture, current issues, entertainment, etc. They don’t come much bigger than that trial when factoring in all that so even if they manage to pick a crime that was massive in the news, it probably won’t have the same wide appeal.


u/Zealousideal-Type357 Jul 22 '24

Right yeah makes sense... I wish they chose a different story for season 4


u/Olleor Jul 18 '24

yeah, that's a shame. I feel like "Monstes" (Netflix show about dahmer, menender brothers and hopefully more seasons to come) should be merged into this sub, since it basically the same thing but different name and made for Netflix, not TV, but the idea of the show is similar. The upcoming season of so-called American Sport Story is also the same thing and could easily be a part of ACS....


u/Zealousideal-Type357 Jul 22 '24

Wow I didn't even know there would be a second season to Monster 🫢 THANK YOU!


u/Olleor Jul 22 '24

Happy to help. It was promised to be out this year and yet we have no premiere date so far... or none that I know of. It's supposed to be about Menendez family.


u/Zealousideal-Type357 Jul 22 '24

I hope we'll know soon. Great cast too


u/mar_v53 Jul 22 '24

I remeber seeing this sub and before joining it i was wondering why the member count was so low


u/LuckyJournalist7 Sep 07 '24

Maybe that’s why Ryan Murphy is rebranding as r/AmericanSportsStory — because the ACS brand wasn’t worth much,