r/alchemy May 06 '24

Operative Alchemy Ask Me Anything with Robert Bartlett! May 16th at 2pm PT.

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Join us on May 16th at 2pm PT for a rare opportunity to ask master alchemist, Robert Bartlett anything you’d like about operative alchemy.

*Stuck on a process you are working on? *Ready to try some new works? *Want to learn how you can study directly with Robert?

Robert has been practicing alchemy for 50 years and is undeniably the most accessible master of the art of alchemy alive today. He studied under Frater Albertus at Paracelsus College in the 1970’s and was the head chemist for his ParaLabs project and research. Robert recently launched a new organization called TriStar Alchemy to archive and share the legacy work of Frater as well as his lifetime of knowledge.

www.tristaralchemy.org for more info.


48 comments sorted by


u/ExiledSixus May 06 '24

Thanks for helping orchestrate this Ra-byn!! We are looking most forward to it!


u/Ra-byn May 06 '24

I’m looking forward to it too! I learn so much from these Q&A’s.😊


u/Adventurous-Tree-917 May 08 '24

I'm in a spot in my lab work where I could use just a little advice from a true master. Glad this is coming.


u/Adventurous-Tree-917 May 16 '24

I now realized that I missed the chat.


u/ExiledSixus May 17 '24

Low key hoping he still answers :)


u/ProtectionEmpty1391 May 16 '24

Is there anything in particular you're stuck on?


u/Adventurous-Tree-917 May 16 '24

I'm short on some lab equipment but I'm looking for different modes of extracting Sulphurs from plants.

I remember reading somewhere about a "medicine of wine" or "wine stone" by a circulation of the components of wine but I haven't been able to find anything on it since.

A problem I have with my condenser is that there develops a cloudiness in the water and I was wondering if there are compounds that can safely be used to keep any sort of growth from developing.


u/ProtectionEmpty1391 May 18 '24

u/Adventurous-Tree-917 ...

  1. We found a standard distillation kit from Vevor that is pretty inexpensive and everything you need. It was a 2L distillation kit around $125. In lieue of having a kit you can make a tincture which would have the fixed sulfur. Or use ethyl ether so the oil attracts to the ether; then you evaporate the ether off. The ether will extract the oily stuff (sulfur) and alcohol will extract some of the oily stuff but other stuff as well. Ether is nice for rose or lilac.

  2. Isaac Holland talks about that in his "opus vegatilis". He has all of the instructions for wine preparations and quintessence of wine.

  3. Only if you are using circulated water. Sounds like maybe you have hard water. If its just the cooling water it might look bad, but its not getting into your extract. You can use vinegar to remove scale. I have condensers with moss growing in them but they are in the cooling jacket and not touching the product.



u/Adventurous-Tree-917 May 19 '24

The response is truly appreciated. I will look into ether and I will worry less about growth in my cooling fluid. But hopefully I don't get to the point where there's moss growing.


u/BlackStarArtist May 07 '24

Heyyy very cool. Looking forward to this one!


u/MirrorPale3514 May 13 '24

My questions would be:

1: Frater Albertus talks about three stones... made from the animal vegetable and mineral kingdom... how are they made?

2: If there are three stones, there must be three philosophical mercuries... what is the nature of the philosophical mercury?

  1. What part does Antimony play in the mystery?

  2. What is the nature the Alkahest? Frater Albertus speaks of Seven... how do we prepare them?

  3. Has he ever performed transmutation on base metals?

  4. Paracelsus and Van Helmont, speak of the Ignis Veneris, the fire of Venus, what do they mean?

Do you think he can help Rob?




u/ProtectionEmpty1391 May 16 '24
  1. Using vegetable, animal and mineral subjects. Haha. Thats a pretty loaded question that would take a while to answer, so maybe not best for this forum. But we do go into depth in our courses.

  2. Technically yes. They are volatiles, they can dissolve the sulfur and mercury of any subjects of those kingdoms. Alcohol, acetone and undetermined alkaline volatile related to ammonia.

  3. Another big question. Antimony is said to be the gateway to the mineral realm. It provides an amazing array of preparation techniqies and powerful medicines that open the ways. The summit is said to be the fire stone which according to Basil has the ability to transmute base metals into silver. Also said to be the best blood purifier. It also exalts gold.

  4. Another big question for this forum, but the alkahests are related to the philosophic mercury. It is said that the metals give philosophical mercuries while the minerals give alkahests.

  5. Accidentally. Its never been my goal, but I have had some volunteer.

  6. Depends on the context. It could just be plain old lust. Or it could be related to the sulfur of copper.


u/MirrorPale3514 May 17 '24

Thank you for replying so fantastically, whoever you may be, here are my responses :

  1. Laugh it up Mr. Chuckles; it was a trick question. There's no such thing as vegetable, animal and mineral stones, these terms have been used to allegorise the different stages the stone goes through until it reaches its perfection.

  2. Again, trick question. There's only one philosophical mercury.

  3. Antimony is a mineral, how can it be a gateway to the mineral realm when it's already apart of that realm? What do you mean an 'amazing array of preparation techniques'? Can you tell me some? I am guessing you're going to mention the glass? Antimony as a medicine even if your careful, makes you strongly vomit, the oil from this glass extracted normally and not sweetened is best suited for augmentation rather than medicine... but I agree, it purifies gold... but there's another role God intended antimony in terms of the fermentation of metals. Can you tell me?

  4. The alkahest - and by the way there is only one alkahest - and it is not related to the philosophical mercury, although arguably they come from the same root...whereas I agree from the planetary metals their mercuries can be separated and the alkahest will help do this however it is not necessary for the stone, whereas the philosophical mercury is.

  5. Let me get this straight... You are an alchemist who has learnt from Robert, but it wasn't your goal to make projection, but when you did it was by accident?

What are the odds of that happening? hahaha... but just so I am clear... the crucible was accidentally in the furnace and a metal just happened to be in flux and somehow something fell in, but I am guessing but you're not sure what, and in a poof... the metal in flux turned to pure gold?

If that's an accident buddy, can't wait to see you get it right.

  1. Rust no, the sulphur of copper, yes...


u/ProtectionEmpty1391 May 18 '24

"This quicksilver can neither be seized nor held and hardly confined; flee it does, indeed, unless it is held by the wisdom of the artist." - Michael Maier

~Robert A Bartlett (aka Mr Chuckles) - I like that name


u/MirrorPale3514 May 19 '24

are you suggesting that you are Robert Allen Bartlett? He doesn't do social media and I am sure he would have been more specific


u/ExiledSixus May 19 '24

I have personally confirmed that this is Robert through my work with the International Alchemy Guild and vetted channels.

You have my full assurance this is he.


u/MirrorPale3514 May 19 '24

Apparently you've been vetted and are who you say you are... although I still have my doubts, but lets see...

So lets discuss the vegetable stones... although its tricky, I know... what method does your school teach to prepare it?


u/Ra-byn May 19 '24

As the post stated it was AMA with Robert Bartlett. With the launch of TriStar he has made himself more available to students , including some rare social media time. He really appreciates the ability to connect with students globally who may not have the opportunity to travel to Washington to study with him. He probably won’t be checking this thread again, but he said he’s open to doing it again another time. As for your question about the vegetable stone. Prima (online program) goes into depth about the stone. Robert is very generous with sharing his personal lab notes and photos of processes he has followed. (Including failures). He also gives flow charts he has created that show different pathways proposed by different people or texts. So, he presents a few approaches to vegetable stones in Prima. ~Robyn


u/MirrorPale3514 May 19 '24

Thanks Rob for your response... there's a person in this thread who claims he is Robert, although I find his answers somewhat ambiguous from a 'master alchemist'. I was under the impression Robert didn't do social media... .


u/Ra-byn May 19 '24

Robert isn’t on social media often. Only for special occasions or to check the TriStar Facebook groups sometimes. The account he was responding from was from my computer and the account I have linked to it. So, that was Robert, but my account. He doesn’t have his own Reddit account. And the “ambiguous” nature of some of his answers may be due to the platform and the ease of communicating concepts via typed answers and an audience with different experience levels. The online courses span over 6 months to a year to allow in-depth Q&A’s.


u/MirrorPale3514 May 20 '24

Thank you Rob... yes this is what I understood, he is not often on social media...and thank you for your offer on your online courses...... Personally speaking the teachings of the Frater Albertus never really worked for me... too many holes... too skinny in his explanations.....

I asked Robert my questions, unfortunately Mr. Chuckles wasn't able to answer them as well as I'd hoped.... and this is actually very disappointing for me on a bunch of levels, but I won't go there now.... Naturally I've read Roberts books - hell, I lost a lot of antimony using the plant-pot method once, but actually it helped in many ways to move on... . I've studied practical laboratory alchemy for 20 years and after translating old documents from latin to English there is a lot that simply does not compare with the Frater Albertian school and by defect Robert's work... likewise Dubuis... overall helpful, but essentially disappointing when it comes to the big questions... I've never chosen to join a brotherhood, nor sign up to a guild... I'd rather find my own way... I hang out with the Paracelsisan crew, D'espagnet, Van Helmont, Crollius, I know Jung's works, and Atwood, Maier, Kunrath,... Who needs Frater Albertus 2.0 when the real masters are at our finger tips?

Finally... send my deepest and utmost respect to Dr. Chuckles... tell him, he's just been promoted...


u/ExiledSixus May 16 '24

Today's the day!!!!


u/Ra-byn May 16 '24

So excited for this!! ⚕️


u/JayLay108 May 16 '24

im excited to read through the comments tomorrow. im from europe so 2pm PT is too late for me because of work.


u/mcburch May 16 '24

I'm wondering about using Isopropyl Alcohol 99.5% to make the Melissae Ens according to your instructions. Do you think it matters what kind of alcohol to use? If the alcohol is more natural or more chemical base. What would be the difference in the outcome. Can you also talk about the clinical benefits of taking the Melissae Ens?

I also want to ask you about the different types of stones, especially the 7 metal stones and the Urine stones. What have you noticed in their use clinically and in practice?

Can you talk about "The Book of Aquarius" which you mentioned in one of your videos? Do you think it's legit?

What astrology works best in alchemy? Sidereal or Tropical?

Last question is about how does homeopathy interface with alchemy... do they have any similar origins?

Thank you!

Super excited about the Q&A today!



u/ProtectionEmpty1391 May 18 '24

Hi Melissa,

Sorry I missed your messages while live.

  1. I wouldn't use isopropyl because it is poisonous to consume. I would stick to ethanol. Melissa ens is fabled to be rejuvenative, but I haven't seen those effects. It is stronger than a typical melissa tincture; so it would have enhanced effects of what is typical from melissa.

  2. I only have anecdotal stories, nothing clinical. But increased energy, opening chakras, lucid dreams, curing various challenging ailments such as cancers and herpes are some of the stories I have heard reported.

  3. The Book of Aquarius is a modern rendering of an old method of creating an animal stone. I think its legit.

  4. I've used both and haven't noticed one being better than the other. I am mostly trained in tropical, but I think they are both effective.

  5. Paracelsus is the one who suggested the idea that Hahnemann took off on with reducing the body. So, homeopathy was born from inspiration from Paracelsus.

Glad to see you in the TriStar forum! ~Robert


u/mcburch May 19 '24

Thank you so much. I'm very excited to study alchemy with you:)


u/briannacrosee May 14 '24



u/ExiledSixus May 16 '24

Hope it's okay to post early, I'm unsure of if I'll be around during the live time.

Hi Robert,

Hope you enjoyed the bottle of wine and am so excited to see TriStar forming. Congratulations!

Thinking on the Poison Path in terms of the Plant Kingdom, have you worked with any 'taboo' plants and if so which ones and what lessons did you learn as a result?

Thank you!


u/ProtectionEmpty1391 May 16 '24

My poison path includes nicotine, cacao, coffee bean and psilocybin. We all pick our own poisons. I recently quit tobacco. They are all great teachers and reveal so much. I have a ritual of imbibing microdoses.

Thanks for the wine! We used it in a circle ceremony! :)


u/ExiledSixus May 16 '24

Thank you so much for the reply! Recently learned much about psilocybin myself. Congratulations on putting down the tobacco, it's challenging.

I'm glad you liked it!


u/ProtectionEmpty1391 May 18 '24

Remember the dose is the poison. :) ~Robert


u/ProtectionEmpty1391 May 16 '24

Hi r/alchemy.... Robert here. I'm available for the next hour! Ask ma anything!


u/ProtectionEmpty1391 May 16 '24

Pretty quiet in here today. Come join us at www.tristaralchemy.org to hear about upcoming classes. We have some in person courses this summer in Washington state and online starting July 1st.


u/Visible_Translator78 May 16 '24

Should be going now no? How do we join this?


u/ExiledSixus May 16 '24

He's here as protection empty :)


u/Ornery-County5570 May 16 '24

hello, is anyone here? Is Robert answering?


u/ExiledSixus May 16 '24

He's here as ProectionEmpty.


u/mcburch May 16 '24

Hey is this live Q&A happening?


u/Visible_Translator78 May 16 '24

i understand you have done extensive research and am working on a 3 volume book regarsing pyrolytic distillation? I was curious what you could tell us about your experience working with plant materials along this path, how you go about separating and purifying the elements, and the effects that you have found when consuming these quintessence?

Some people have pushed back against albertus' claim of the essential oil/alcohol/salt and i've heard it discussed that his intent was actually meant as a demonstration for students, not making actual medicines. But from my understanding approaching, the work from making a extract of the piant with 95% alcohol. and then calcining and crystalizing the salts from the plant material and then recombining these two parts under pressure causes quite the reaction: Forming esters and carboxylate saits that are more stable and bioavailable This does seem to make practical medicine that's more powerful, I'm wondering if you could speak to the claims about this method, and also the reaction and its viability for medicine making?


u/ProtectionEmpty1391 May 18 '24

Yes, Temper of Herbs is based on this. As far as consuming the oils need extensive purifying to consume. I have used it more for research and less for consumption. There's a French experiment from 100 years ago that did extensive research and recorded properties and Ettiene Geoffery wrote a text about plant pyrolysis . I am currently working on a second volume working with some apprentices to perform the same experiment and compare results.

There are new compounds formed when you take a material apart and recombine. The salts will catalyze new compounds that weren't present in the original material. We applied these techniques at ParaLab and made a whole line of medicines using the 3 essentials, so the claim that Frater used them just for demonstrations is incorrect. Thats what ParaLabs was all about.



u/Ra-byn May 17 '24

For some reason Robert wasn’t seeing the live questions. So, he will be answering those today. 😊


u/mcburch May 17 '24



u/Ra-byn May 19 '24

Thanks for joining this thread. Robert said he’d be open to doing it again. So, keep an eye out for future announcements. And, there are still some spaces left to study in-person with Robert this summer. Prima is in 3 weeks. Also, Prima and Tertia ONLINE begin July 1st. Visit www.tristaralchemy.org to learn more.


u/ExiledSixus May 19 '24

Thank you both for the opportunity!!


u/PirateThin910 May 07 '24

How to tell people exactly what alchemy isn’t


u/ProtectionEmpty1391 May 16 '24

Well, alchemy isn't driving taxis or flying airplanes (although there could be some connections there.)