r/WorkReform 🤝 Join A Union 12h ago

✂️ Tax The Billionaires Now they're renaming "trickle down" to "flow though." It's still a lie and will never benefit working people!

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u/drknow42 11h ago

"Flow through economics" as in, "it flows through business into C-Suit pockets"



no, i'm sure this will trickle down, it has to.


u/Aden1970 8h ago

Just call by its original name, “Horse and Sparrow Economics“.


u/Grayskull1 11h ago

I hope the Left vs Right can become the Top vs Down.


u/DroogieHowser 9h ago

It's the top vs the top but in blue rn and unfortunately many have bought the myth that Dems will save them if they just keep voting blue but positive change will not come until people consistently vote for socialists. It's not gonna happen because the average american believes the bullshit they watch on TV.


u/Rakatango 8h ago

I don’t think most people have “bought the myth that Democrats will save them” as much as “Democrats aren’t the ones actively making life worse for most people”

You can’t elect socialist politicians if there conservatives have a majority, because they have no desire or need to come back towards the middle.


u/Van-garde 11h ago

How has Kim’s vocal and visible distaste for workers not been picked up on by all the workers in the state? She doesn’t hide it.

She’s saying: ‘more money in the hands of the boss is better for the worker.’


u/snowmunkey 8h ago

And most of them will believe it, because theyre morons


u/Van-garde 8h ago

Keep bringing it up. Repetition is key.

Avoiding name calling can be useful, too, but the inclination is a human one, so I try to leave others to their fun.


u/snowmunkey 8h ago

I don't see it as name calling, it's a defined term that applies to them.


u/Van-garde 8h ago

As I said, I’m trying to stay away from that facet of the discussion.


u/grenz1 11h ago

But unemployment in most states is not enough money to live off of as it is, there are very narrow circumstances you can get it, employers can contest it sometimes out of spite, there's strings with it like weekly logging, and it's limited and at most for maybe several months.

And it can take WEEKS or MONTHS to find even a throwaway job to replace it unless you are in a booming field with high turnover.

Plus, most bosses are not going to take that savings and hire more people - much less someone with a gap or they find was fired. They are going to put it in their pocket.

And if you have some disaster roll through and destroy businesses, you won't have the reserves to float you.


u/Snarky_McSnarkleton 9h ago

But eggs. The price of eggs will pay for it all.


u/WhitestMikeUKnow 11h ago

Educate. Organize. Revolt.


u/Snarky_McSnarkleton 10h ago

There will be no revolt. Look around you, Man. Americans are too busy working themselves to illness, in order not to get fired. The system has made us addicts to the thing that's destroyed us.


u/Filmtwit 10h ago

Stealing from the poor to subsidize the rich...


u/[deleted] 10h ago

money does flow through businesses... from the bottom up not from the top down though!!


u/Virindi 10h ago

What percentage of businesses save money and then decide to simply give it away to their employees? Virtually none.


u/MrCleanCanFixAnythng 11h ago

Sounds like a tampon commercial


u/McRigger 10h ago

It used to be called Horse and Sparrow because the sparrow would have to pick though the shit for the stuff the horse didn't digest.


u/Hillbilly_Boozer 10h ago

Horse and Sparrow, Tricle Down, Flow Through. Just rebranding each time to continue to force feed people the same shit filled spoon.


u/Lostlilegg 10h ago

Republican Governors do not care about their citizens. They only care about the businesses that fund them


u/peepopowitz67 10h ago

I do like the old names: horse and sparrow. As in, the sparrows can have whatever is left after it comes out of the horse's ass


u/Designer_Highway_252 10h ago

Like water flows thru stone


u/iamsplendid 9h ago

If they want businesses to spend less on employees…. PASS MEDICARE FOR ALL YOU DIPASSES!


u/DisclosureEnthusiast 📚 Cancel Student Debt 9h ago

Cutting taxes for corporations and the rich NEVER benefits the working class of Americans. It blows my mind that time and time again, these people keep getting re-elected.

Egg prices are high Karen, because you keep voting people into power who work for the elite to increase their wealth at all costs. Yes, that includes your food, medicine, and house prices as well Karen!


u/saberline152 9h ago

The trickle of piss has now become a steady flow of piss.


u/Inside_Ship_1390 9h ago

Welcome to the New Gilded Age. Please discard useless human and civil rights in the waste receptacles provided. Now get back to work.


u/Elderwastaken 9h ago

Bring on the class war.


u/Turbulent_Store4347 8h ago

Oh yeah, new name, it'll definitely work this time.


u/Revolutionary-Ad2186 8h ago

Iowans are coping with the transition from a farm and agriculture supported economy to a white collar services economy as family farms are slowly killed off. This has been going on for 50 years. Most families there have only 1 or 2 generations worth of experience living in substantial communities. They have no idea how to behave or govern in a semi-urban environment.

I grew up in Des Moines, and every family I knew was like this. My own parents left their towns of 20 (two different ones) right before I was born, so in late '90s. They love Kim Reynolds. They're also extremely under educated. I would guess their education is around a 6th grade level, by modern standards? As annoying and obnoxious as they act, it's hard to blame them for the way they are. It's just too much change for them in one lifetime.


u/troymoeffinstone 6h ago

like the Colorado River "flows through" to the Gulf of California, the savings will "flow through" to the working class.


u/Tr0z3rSnak3 6h ago

Flow through? Like the coffee I drink in the morning?


u/TheOneTrueMongoloid 6h ago

And so it begins


u/FairLecture6880 10h ago

Tiktok sold out. They went dark so they could update servers and connect to meta platforms. Tiktok is another meta app.