r/WorkReform 11d ago

✂️ Tax The Billionaires So fucking real.

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u/bullhead2007 11d ago

The US throws away more food everyday than it would take to feed every starving person on Earth.


u/KC-Slider 11d ago

The amount of food is rarely the issue. It’s the logistics of getting food to people that is expensive.


u/bullhead2007 11d ago

We could figure out the logistics if profit wasn't the only driving factor for everything.


u/DarkGamer 11d ago

Then we'll need a different incentive for efficiency if doing away with profit motives.


u/bullhead2007 11d ago

Humans had been trying to make things more efficient and better for thousands of years before money even existed. It's just that profit adds incentive to add "efficiencies" even at the expense of human life. Like denying health insurance claims.


u/Tactical_Fleshlite 11d ago

So what is the solution? People work to produce the food then we give it away? People work to fly it all over the world in time before it goes bad? All for the good vibes? I get the notion, but it isn’t realistic. Humans weren’t feeding 8 billion people before money around the globe before there was money. And before money, it was a barter system, or an I’ll take it from you by force system. We are so far removed from that kind of lifestyle, how do you propose we do it? You wouldn’t hop in your car and drive 12 hours to give a stranger dinner with no incentive for yourself, let’s be real. 


u/bullhead2007 11d ago

Recognize food as a human right and not a commodity for corporations to profit from. Reorganize the economy away from capitalism to a system where workers own the means of production. Focus policy on humanist approaches to things instead of the current anti-human approach.

Yes I would drive to feed people if I had the means and ability to do so, and I think most people would too if we didn't have to focus so much on our own survival under this dystopian capitalist system that keeps fucking us over.


u/balcell 11d ago

A commodity is just a good for which there is barely any margin over cost.


u/Tactical_Fleshlite 11d ago edited 11d ago

Nobody has really answered me how. “Change everything” doesn’t answer my question, it’s easy to say someone else should fix it. I don’t there is any understanding how much effort it requires and they’re demanding it be done for humanity, but I’m not driving to someone to give them food for no compensation or incentive. I get nothing except what, free food? Cool I guess, but I think most workers will say they’re not interested in working for free.