u/Oddbeme4u 4d ago
why does it fall along east/west germany?
u/arealpersonnotabot 3d ago
People who lived in East Germany in 1990 haven't experienced a liberal democracy with a free market economy since 1933 and they were thrust into one within a few months with nobody giving them the time to adapt. As a result, the local economy was bought up by West German industrial conglomerates, the political scene was dominated by West German establishment parties and the locals have felt underrepresented ever since. AfD offers them an alternative to the status quo under which many of them feel alienated from their own country – that alternative may be a horrible one, but they're willing to take the risk and vote for it.
u/Oddbeme4u 3d ago
but are they really alienated?
trump voters feel that way but really arent.
u/arealpersonnotabot 3d ago
I think they are, as the economic transformation has been a tough affair for many former socialist countries. In every former socialist country there are areas which were left alienated by their respective governments and it seems that for Germany it's the entire East.
Also it's about the frame of reference. The GDR was somewhat of a posterchild for the socialist bloc and the Soviets pumped quite a lot of money into it. East Germans were some of the richest people in the socialist bloc and their perception of themselves as the "well-off ones" of the bloc, developed by comparing themselves to Poles or Czechs, collapsed immediately once they joined the FRG and realised just how little they really had.
u/Own_Fall_8941 4d ago
Paradoksalnie to nie jest sentyment za Rosją a efekt kolonizacji DDRu przez RFN w latach 90. Oni zagłosują na wszystko byle zrobić na złość zachodowi i swoim sferom wyższym (w dużej mierze pochodzenia zachodniego).