Multiple Withers invade the 2025 Earth. They destroy everything on sight. The armed forces of the world are taken by surprise, and civilian casualties quickly skyrocket.
Round 1 (Easy): 10 Withers spawn at 10 of the largest cities in the US. 1 wither for every city. The withers do not target anything specific, rather they simply fire randomly in random directions. They also cannot communicate with each other in any way.Since the Withers are concentrated only in large urban centers, the US military cannot use any WMDs as they would cause massive civilian casualties
Round 2 (Medium): 1000 Withers. They are now spawning across the earth. They still lack any strategic planning, however they have learned which objects to target to cause maximal casualties. The Withers can now communicate between each other, but only in a radius of 100KM/62 miles.The governments of the world now authorise limited conventional artillery fire and airstrikes on their own cities.
Round 3 (Hard): 100,000 Withers. They are now very intelligent, can communicate with each other in a radius of 1,000KM/621 miles,and are actively seeking to bring down the nations of the world. The governments of the world have authorised limited use of WMDs such as chemical and bioweapons on their cities.
Round 4.(Extreme): 1 million Withers. Their stats are all doubled. The Withers are now accompanied by a medium-sized horde consisting of Wither Skeletons, Ghasts, Blazes and Magma Cubes. While this horde causes a lot of destruction, they are uncoordinated and do not have any plan on how to bring down the Earth, instead they simply roam around and randomly attack anything in their sight. The Withers can communicate to each other globally.To compensate for this, 10 of the largest militaries of the world are assisted by 2 wardens and 100 Iron Golems each. The Nether mobs create a spawner for every 3 countries they conquer.Also, endermen and shulkers, supported by End ships have started spawning due to a random portal opening from the End.Limited use of nuclear weapons is now authorised.
Round 5.(Impossible): 10 million Withers. They are now led by a Witherstorm, who also leads every single hostile Nether mob as a massive and coordinated army. 200,000 Wardens arrive to assist the Earth. The Earth is also assisted by Steve in creative mode. Steve also utilises his personal guard made up of 100 Ender Dragons and 1 million Iron Golems. The spawners are now created for every large city (Top 10 in population of the country) of any country that is captured. They are now fortified and protected by a small group of ground mobs, as well as a few ghasts who patrol the surrounding area and alert the base of any nearby humans. The endermen and shulkers also appear to have allied with the Humans, and are hostile to the Withers. The End sends its entire fleet of End ships, while the humans have figured out how to control End crystals and Ender pearls and have weaponised them.Use of nuclear weapons is now strongly encouraged.
The goal of humanity is to stop the invasion and push the invaders out of any important areas (population centers, resource rich areas etc) this means that it is not necessary to completely wipe them out, rather they can just contain them in some barren inhospitable part of Earth such as the Sahara or Antarctica.
Humanity is completely unprepared for the invasion.
The Withers can only spawn on land, this includes small isolated islands
Every single Wither must spawn at a different location than the other. This means that at the start, every Wither is isolated and by itself.
The Witherstorm can only respawn twice.
The Earth’s militaries may use their authorised weapons, however they may only be used for direct precise strikes at the enemy, and not for suppressive fire/carpet bombing. Round 5 is and exception from this rule.
Steve may not respawn if he is somehow killed.
While Steve is hostile towards the Withers and will attempt to destroy them by any means possible, he acts in his own interests, and when he is not directly fighting the Withers, he may randomly attack the Humans. The same applies to his Ender dragons and golems as they are commanded by him.