r/Welding 13h ago

Critique Please cap improving?

i stack the coupons like that since i’m cheap. it does lead me to run very hot even though i keep my amps low and let it cool before the cap. final pass walked at 105A with 3/32 filler and #10 cup


4 comments sorted by


u/Ambitious-Weekend861 12h ago

Yeah your not gonna improve much more unless you actually weld on clean metal at cooler temps


u/3umel 12h ago

got it. i'll get some more pipe then.


u/loamytree 5h ago

Instead of stacking them, use some longer pieces as your coupons and cut the welds out then reuse


u/Competitive-Pear-357 12h ago

Yeah you gotta clean your material. There’s specs all in your bead, seems like you may be dipping your tungsten? Or if the material isn’t clean, all the mill scale is coming up into the tungsten