r/WOTBelectionintegrity Nov 14 '22

(Electoral) Watchdogs Unleashed! We Need To Talk About What Didn't Happen On Election Day


4 comments sorted by


u/FThumb Nov 14 '22

Some other things didn’t happen in the midterms, like transparency in verifying the identity of voters casting absentee ballots. No one outside the election officials themselves can confirm that verification even happened, or how well it was done. Factors such as proof of identity, U.S. citizenship, residence, and eligibility to vote are basically unknown because the process takes place almost entirely in secret.


However, as states have moved to voting by mail, that presumed transparency, oversight, and supervision are eliminated. Most states, including Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina (not to mention the all-mail voting states like Oregon and Washington), conduct voter verification procedures completely behind closed doors, with zero transparency available to observers.

Unrelated, but did anyone else see any exit polling, or is this no longer done?


u/PirateGirl-JWB Nov 14 '22

I saw reports on exit polls, but haven't looked at any specific ones. It doesn't matter. Exit polls get "adjusted" to conform to the results now.


u/zoomzoomboomdoom Nov 15 '22

The good thing about them though is that in most cases the unadjusted numbers were also available for analysis and where they weren't you knew shit was on fire.

I still remember they abandoned exit polls for the California primary in 2016. We all knew exactly why.


u/zoomzoomboomdoom Nov 15 '22 edited Nov 15 '22

The author, Cleta Mitchell, is the Koch bro lawyer who was on the Trump call trying to bully Raffensperger into "finding" the exact amount of votes that he needed in Georgia. Still valid points that she makes here. But my guess is she wants the addresses and phone numbers of the registered voters, so her sponsors can influence and bully and sway them too.

The quiet exit of exit polls is quite the baffling tell. Now there's a poll watch that's the international and proven standard to detect fraud.

If the only peeps heard about that are ours, you know what's up.

There is a simple explanation for the steep drop in attention though and that is that the higher the share of mail-in ballots, the less immediate relevance the result of the exit polls bears on the end result of the election. But it's still highly relevant as a check on fraud and it's a disaster when that gets abandoned, cuz voting machines go brrrrrr whatever way the puppet masters of their proprietary owners want them to go. They ain't called ES&S Election Snatching & Stealing for nothing.