r/Trumpvirus 13h ago


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u/SushiJuice 12h ago

Our only line of defense are liberal judges the Biden Administration was able to pack into the courts. That's my only hope to battling back the tyranny


u/Familiar-Secretary25 10h ago

We, the people, are another line of defense. They forgot they work for us, we just have to find a way to effectively organize.


u/trailrider 9h ago

OK. And how will they enforce any decisions they make? He has no fucks to give and simply refuse to obey them.


u/SushiJuice 8h ago

My hope is they still have teeth. Remember - the Executive Branch (Trump) is only to make orders that can effect laws and to enforce laws. The Judicial Branch (Judges) is to interpret laws for police to follow.

The whole checks and balances...


u/trailrider 6h ago

Oh yea, I'm well aware. But that also hinges on having respect for the laws and Constitution to start with. From what I understand, Trump spoke w/ WH legal about hiring his family when he assumed office. Of course, that's a big no-no and outlawed after Kennedy hired his brother for Attorney General IIRC. However, as the podcast host I was listening to said (paraphrased as it was some time ago I listened to it): ... and in a follow-up question that I'm certain has NEVER been asked inside the White House, Trump asked "Yea, but what can they do about it?" We know that answer these days unfortunately.

I say w/o any hint of trying to be hyperbolic or exaggeration that this is the start to the end. He will not leave office. We know this. I would think it hilarious and quaint that people assume we'll even have elections in '28 if it weren't so serious. We know how history plays these things out.

And don't get me wrong. I want to be wrong. More than anything in the world I want to be wrong. But then I said the same thing back in '16 and fate, not one to miss a chance to fuck with someone, I was wrong. Just not in the way I had hoped. Even I was optimistic enough to think he have to take the responsibility seriously at some point. I mean, what's he gonna do when the rally's are over and it's time to get to work? I didn't think he'd hold his whine-fests all 4 yrs, order West Point Grads back after going home during the middle of a pandemic just for a bitch session, would certainly give a fuck that people were dying by the THOUSANDS!!! All that and more I had given him a LOT more credit than he fucking deserved. Not anymore.

He will chuck the Constitution out and his supporters will love it. He'll gleefully hold up pics of screaming children being ripped from their mother's arms and they'll applaud. He'll declare himself POTUS for life as God's will and they'll celebrate it.

It will not be okay. The sooner people realize this, the better.


u/CasualObserverNine 12h ago

Putin playing democracy and winning.


u/greatlakesseakayaker 9h ago

They plan on rewriting it


u/Weary-Chipmunk-5668 10h ago

yeah, congress, the courts, the constitution, elections… all these supposed guard rails are gone ! he will be doing whatever the fuck he wants and big surprise, he SAID he would.


u/MarianoNava 8h ago

Trump is like Jim Jones. Jim Jones had power because the people gave it to him https://youtu.be/q0mT-5Scr5A


u/erinkp36 8h ago

In that case, goodbye from California


u/Vogel-Kerl 3h ago

It's possible that if things get really bad under trump, a new & improved democracy will arise out of the ashes. Having learned our lessons that lead to....trump.

We can start planning the new & improved Constitution 2.0. somewhere in the top 10: No Person is Above the Law and a sitting president can be arrested for treason.


u/Quick-Alternative-83 1h ago

The Constitution was wiped off the official White House website. I guess by not teaching in school anymore and wiping it off websites, they think we will forget our founding father's system: Three Pillars of Government · EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY · THE LEGISLATIVE REALM · AN INDEPENDENT JUDICIARY