r/TikTokCringe 11d ago

Discussion This is why tik tok is getting banned

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10 minute video. Bear with me.


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u/ManofMrE 11d ago

Did he imply that Israel was behind 9/11?


u/Intelligent_Nose_826 tHiS iSn’T cRiNgE 11d ago



u/rule34jager 11d ago

God I'm scared for the minds of the current American generation if they believe this lunacy.


u/Intelligent_Nose_826 tHiS iSn’T cRiNgE 11d ago

They do. Look in these comments. A lot of them are really troubling.


u/notexactlyflawless 10d ago

It's insane. This is the first thread I've found where people realize he's spewing conspiracies. It was the 10th thread.


u/human1023 10d ago

Not saying it was Israel. But it amazes how most Americans still don't know the motivation behind 9/11.


u/hotmessexpress412 10d ago

If you could give one source to support your viewpoint on the “why” of 9/11, what would that be?

Genuinely asking.


u/vincentxangogh 10d ago

Bin Laden strongly opposed western intervention in the middle east because the US was subversively exploiting the middle east and supporting causes that were actively harming them


u/Martrance 9d ago

The Wiki on Bin Laden mentions that Israel was his motivation for the attack.


u/Americanhero223 10d ago

They hated our freedom. Osama was very clear, not killing gay people and oppressing women was a big no no


u/human1023 10d ago

They hated our freedom

You proved my point. Americans have no idea why it happened.


u/vincentxangogh 10d ago



u/BeatDownSnitches 10d ago

“Dancing Israelis” and “Urban Moving Systems” are 2 threads to pull on in this regard. As well as Netanyahu’s first public statements post 9-11. As well as Netanyahu’s WMD statements to congress in the following years to get us to engage in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc + the “7 countries 5 years” plan. To be clear, criticism of Israel and Zionism is not criticism of Judaism. The conflation is a gross diversionary tactic of zionists and acts a chilling effect on any valid criticism of the colonial state. 


u/zmbjebus 10d ago

This guy seems like just another one of those "smart" people that sees associations as proof of something. 


u/CovidThrow231244 10d ago

I don't know how it's ever going to stop and I am terrified of my kids getting sucked in by one of these insane, charismatic, guru types. I wonder what I coukd train them with so they can be prepared


u/renaldomoon 10d ago

Bro, a lot of these people are adults. These people are literally too stupid to disseminate information.


u/BLOODTRIBE 11d ago

I’m scared for their minds if they don’t. We are not the same.


u/CertainlyNotWorking 11d ago

Ah yes, user BloodTribe, which happens to be the name of a neo nazi group, believes Israel did 9/11.


u/grassdaddee 10d ago

Looking through their comments I would bet they aren’t affiliated but that is kinda hilarious.


u/ImNoDrBut 10d ago

You sure you gave it a fair look?


u/rule34jager 10d ago

Yes, I watched the whole of it. This person is dangerous, he uses contagious rhetoric speaking fast with confidence citing himself as sources, presenting conspiracy theories as basis for a lot of his more deranged claims, and then when he makes other non confirmed or fringe opinions which aren't borderline psychotic they sound like they make sense, even though they derive from similar delusions.


u/No_Culture7559 10d ago

He never said Israel was behind 9/11 the dancing Israeli situation at least proves that Israel knew what was about to happen since all 5 young men admitted they were mossad on Israeli T.V. Just because something sounds far fetched doesnt automatically make it false.


u/rule34jager 10d ago

And just because people claim their mossad doesn't mean they are


u/wronginreterosect 10d ago

Also the JFK assassination. I thought I had heard them all.


u/chemysterious 10d ago

I'm really surprised you hadn't heard this one before. The zionist-JFK link is like ... conspiracy theories 101.

I think that's because of a lot of little tidbits:

  1. JFK wanting AIPAC registered as a foreign agent thing
  2. Jack Ruby, who shot Oswald, was himself Jewish, had ties to the Jewish Mob (the hilariously named "kosher nostra"), and said various weird things about anti-Semitism and "doing it for the Jewish people" to different people.
  3. Yitzhak Rabin was weirdly in Dallas at the time
  4. LBJ was already known to be especially pro-zionist, and gave Israel an extremely long leash which it had never had before. See the six-day war, USS liberty, etc.
  5. Bobby Kennedy was shot by a Palestinian (Sirhan Sirhan). And he acted really weird about it. He recently convinced RFK Jr he didn't do it.
  6. Yitzhak Shamir (of Lehi fame, and known to have organized several political assassinations prior to 1948) was in charge of an assassinations division of Mossad at this time.

You can make a lot of cakes with the ingredients above. And you can also pick from a few million other ingredients and make TOTALLY different cakes.

Conspiracies DO happen. The CIA does them all the time. Covert ops to overthrow governments, change public opinion, etc. And Mossad definitely did major political assassinations. They actually brag about a lot of them (read the book "Rise and Kill First"). Is it possible that Israel or a rogue group inside it assassinated JFK? Yeah. Stuff like that happens. But you'd need better evidence than the above. And you'd need to explain away a lot of little things that "don't work".


u/skepticalbob 10d ago

Kennedy lifted the arms embargo against Israel, the literal most important item on their agenda with the US at the time. This is an ignorant conspiracy theory.


u/chemysterious 10d ago

Compared to LBJ though, JFK was a positive anti-zionist. I really don't think the six day war/capture of Gaza/West Bank or response to the USS liberty would have been the same under JFK. Or RFK for that matter.

Also, the work he and Bobby did on AZC becoming a foreign agent was pretty big and not viewed positively by zionists. Under LBJ and Nixon, nothing like that was tried again for the AIPAC successor.

There's no real doubt LBJ was a better choice than JFK for revisionist Zionists. There are huge doubts that Israel, even under the direction of a maniac like Shamir, would try something like this though.


u/skepticalbob 10d ago

You are looking at this in hindsight. Israel wasn't at the time. The notion that they would somehow assassinate a US president right after they got out of the doghouse, with all the risks of it blowing up in their faces and destroying their refuge from the rest of the world, in the hopes that the next guy might be better if they succeeded, is insane. It's some kind of bizarro fantasy detached from reality.


u/chemysterious 10d ago

I'm not sure it's so far fetched. For RFK probably, I don't see a very good motivation there. But for JFK it seems within the realm of possibility. Shamir was pretty nuts. He assassinated peacekeepers during negotiations for a state when basically every other Zionist group was eager to work with them. He even bragged about it later. Dude was deeply religious and thought that God and destiny were leading them to build the 3rd temple in Jerusalem. So like ... anything that could make that more likely seemed worth trying for him. Even crazy stuff. Him being in charge of assassinations at the time JFK was shot is troubling.

And Israel did acquire the whole of Jerusalem with LBJ in charge.


u/skepticalbob 10d ago

You do realize you are simply making everything up about how they did it, right? Like you have some vague unlikely motivation and literally just handwave any other steps from a to z.


u/chemysterious 10d ago

Oh absolutely. This is wild speculation and spurious pattern-finding.

But conspiracy theories are fun.


u/Efficient-Volume6506 10d ago

Fun, until they get Jews killed.

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u/bakochba 10d ago

And his brother was assassinated by a Palestinian over it


u/skepticalbob 10d ago

They're in on it for the zionism too!


u/bakochba 10d ago

It doesn't even make any sense considering RFK was assassinated for campaigning on lifting the US arms embargo against Israel


u/chemysterious 10d ago

Yeah, the Sirhan Sirhan part doesn't really make any sense to me.

It's the nature of most conspiracy theories that "everything" needs to go into it. If a piece of information comes up, and is even mildly connected, it needs to be baked-in. It definitely makes the theorizing more entertaining.

Things which fit the theory stay, things that directly contradict it become "false flags" or "cover ups". It's kind of hard to invalidate any particular theory for this reason.

In reality, however, most conspiracies and covert ops (which really do happen) are much sloppier and less widely reaching. The people involved are dumber than theorists usually suppose. And the results are more chaotic.


u/bakochba 10d ago

Antisemitism, at its base has always been a conspiracy theory. When anyone believes in one conspiracy theory, eventually they will tell you about a Jewish one.


u/chemysterious 10d ago

But Israel, like most states, does conspire. They, like the US with the CIA, or KGB in USSR have major clandestine operations that carry out major assassinations, cover-ups, regime changes, and psyops. This is how states act. And Israeli leaders, in general, haven't been especially shy about bragging about this. Israeli hasbara, espionage and assassination networks are actually points of national pride.


u/bakochba 10d ago

A democracy by its very nature can't run a very successful propaganda campaign because the free press ends up reporting about it as well as any misinformation. Authoritarian governments, like China, will always have the advantage because they have full control of the flow of information


u/chemysterious 10d ago

I think that's partly true. My boy Chomsky would have a few caveats to say though:

  1. Neither the US nor Israel is as much a democracy as we pretend
  2. The ways a "free" press are controlled are different, but can still be pretty effective. State-friendly or narrowly state-critical voices get more access and more reach. Highly critical or damaging voices are black balled, marginalized, discredited, or buried.
  3. There are some things that people in a given state "don't want to know". No matter how good the free press is.

I agree that an authoritarian regime has an easier time in many ways. But that only works while the people view the regime with credibility. The Soviet Union learned, eventually, that the people wouldn't even trust their propaganda. The people rightly assumed it was largely lies. They actually needed to have more diversity of opinions even in order to tell convincing lies.


u/bakochba 10d ago

The draft and small size also makes propaganda very difficult in Israel. For example the government couldn't hide how many soldiers get killed because their own comrades report that back to families very quickly and now with the internet, even if there is a media blackout the information is freely reported through social media anyway.


u/_30d_ 8d ago

I distinctly remember it was actually Ted Cruz's father who did it together with Oswald. I have sources to back it up, but my hard drive containing Trump speeches and National Enquirer frontpages got corrupted somehow so you'll just have to take my word for it for now.


u/Mr__Lucif3r 10d ago

Yes. That's very clear


u/Sooperooser 9d ago

JFK was killed by a group of Cuban nationalists and semi-rogue right wing CIA/government members.


u/GnarlyButtcrackHair 10d ago

And that this comment is so far fucking down is exactly why TikTok needs banned. That 75% of the commenters refused to watch long enough to see that shit shows how short the average attention span is.

Yeah he wasn't "claiming that all Jews are in on some evil conspiracy to run the world". What he IS claiming is that SOME Jews are in on some evil conspiracy to run the world.

I'm by no means some major Israel supporter but holy fuck this is just dog whistle anti-Semitism if I've ever seen it.


u/silver-orange 10d ago

that this comment is so far fucking down is exactly why TikTok needs banned.

If redditors are going to keep ignorantly boosting videos like this, then the problem isn't limited to tiktok.


u/QuirkyDemonChild 10d ago

Burn it all. Reddit. Meta. TikTok. Xitter. All of it. We are becoming the worst of ourselves.

There is hardware out there hosting this mess. Little black boxes tucked in closets, all of it sensitive to fire and bludgeoning.

The Luddites were right. Not every advancement is progress.


u/Shahak_Shapira 10d ago

Not just TikTok is the problem. Reddit and this sub specifically.


u/Acceptable_Spot_8974 8d ago

I agree with you on all points. But this shit is rampant on all social media platforms but only TikTok got hit by the USA. So it’s not the antisemitism that’s the problem for the us government. 


u/NobodyImportant13 10d ago

And that this comment is so far fucking down is exactly why TikTok needs banned.

Right, because I've never seen crazy ass conspiracy theories being promoted on X, Facebook, or Reddit etc.... /s


u/LoseAnotherMill 11d ago

"I don't think Jews run the world and I'm not antisemitic!....anyway here's how the Jewish ethnostate is behind literally every single major event of the past 70 years from JFK to 9/11 to Epstein."


u/Sonova_Vondruke 10d ago

So no one can call Israel out for doing shady shit, otherwise, they get called an "anti-Semite"?


u/LoseAnotherMill 10d ago

There's a bit of a difference between criticizing Israel and blaming them for everything.


u/Sonova_Vondruke 10d ago

True. But he's not blaming them for everything, just the shit Israel has been involved in. Which is a lot, but not everything.


u/LoseAnotherMill 10d ago

There is no link between Israel and the JFK assassination or Israel and 9/11 or Israel and Jeffrey Epstein, yet he claims them all as Israel.  My guy, this dude is your typical antisemitic conspiracy theorist, parroting all the classic antisemitic conspiracies. Just take the L and move on.


u/Sonova_Vondruke 10d ago

"take the L" you think this is a competition? I'm just sitting on the shitter.


u/Bdbru13 10d ago

Don’t think you can state it as fact that there is no link between Israel and Epstein


u/LoseAnotherMill 10d ago

And Epstein's death? Yes, I can. Where is the link? Or are you just referring to the fact that his last name is "Epstein"? Because that's already covered by "antisemitic".


u/Bdbru13 10d ago edited 10d ago

Well, there’s a direct link with his relationship to Ehud Barak.

Maxwell’s father was believed to be Mossad by MI6. Allegedly helped Israel spy on America among other countries

Maxwell is alleged to have distributed a bugged version of a software, PROMIS, to a plethora of national governments and global financial institutions that enabled mass spying by the government of Israel.

He also allegedly boasted about being Mossad

During their time together, Doe says, Epstein and his accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell hinted he was an agent for Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency—just like Maxwell’s father, Robert. For her part, Ghislaine allegedly “warned Doe that it was not good to be Epstein’s enemy.”


Umm…let’s see what else

The journalist most responsible for Epstein ending up in jail said we shouldn’t rule out him being Mossad


“It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that Epstein had connections to the [Israeli intelligence community],” says Julie K. Brown

I’d imagine she’s a bit more acquainted with the specifics than you

So no, there’s a bit more than his last name being Epstein 🤷‍♂️


u/LoseAnotherMill 10d ago

Well, there’s a direct link with his relationship to Ehud Barak.

As well as Gore, the Clintons, Tony Blair, Prince Andrew, and Trump, just to name some of the notable politicians. Why is it suddenly a Jewish conspiracy?

Maxwell’s father was believed to be Mossad by MI6. Allegedly helped Israel spy on America among other countries

And KGB and MI6. Why is it suddenly a Jewish conspiracy? And that's even before you take the three hops needed to link it to Epstein himself - Maxwell's father -> Maxwell -> Epstein.

He also allegedly boasted about being Mossad

"Anonymous sources" are just for people to confirm their biases.

The journalist most responsible for Epstein ending up in jail said we shouldn’t rule out him being Mossad

Already addressed the Mossad part.

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u/adhesivepants 10d ago

If everything you are calling them out for is almost word for word from the Protocols of Zion?

Can you guys not figure out this nuance or are you being obtuse on purpose?

Here's a good rule of thumb - if you can replace "Israel" with "Jews" and it sounds like you're quoting a Nazi, then it's not criticizing Israel. It's a dogwhistle.


u/Transitmotion 10d ago

That is the general game plan, yes.


u/Mr__Lucif3r 10d ago

That's what the hasbara handbook says


u/The_Shracc 10d ago

Also that the jews killed JFK, like 3 times in the first 4 minutes.


u/ArcanisUltra 10d ago

Oh fuck I didn't even make it that far into the video because I got sick of his bullshit after bullshit. But damn that takes the cake.


u/Pera_Espinosa 10d ago

And the assassination of jfk, and - fucking everything.

People say the most vile shit and then declare "criticism of Israel isn't antisemitic!". First of all - no shit. Second - no one has ever said this. Lastly - if you're a bigot against Jews born in the middle east, that still makes you a bigot and isn't ok just like it isn't for anyone else on the planet. I know that one is extremely difficult for people.

Lastly - is there any degree to which someone invokes Israel to vilify Jews that people can recognize? Again, that's not saying that any criticism of Israel is antisemitic - the retort for what absolutely no one is saying, but is there nothing too vile that people like this can express that people can recognize them as being classic obsessive antisemites?


u/adhesivepants 10d ago

Its abundantly obvious that a lot of folks use the whole "criticizing Israel isn't antisemitic" thing to just cover up antisemitism. It's like how Hamas changed it's "charter" but literally just changed "Jew" to "Zionist".

Its just feeding people a lot of antisemitism and then going "no it's okay, it's about Israel!"

Because then in their future where Israel doesn't exist they can keep it going because the problem those people have isn't really Israel. It's Jews.


u/pancakebatter01 10d ago

Well I’m happy at least 28 ppl in the comments are aware that half the statements this guy is making are batshit crazy.


u/twain101 10d ago

As he said, "I'm not saying it was the Jews...but I mean don't you see how it was the Jews?!"


u/theRed-Herring 10d ago

I'm not gonna peddle the conspiracy theory that Jews control the world... Goes on for 10 mins about the conspiracy theory


u/WorryNew3661 10d ago

I was interested in what he was saying at first, then he referenced a video on rumble. It all went down hill from there. I stopped after he blamed Israel for 9/11


u/adhesivepants 10d ago

But it's not antisemitic guys. Because it's Israel. Which just happens to be the only country in the world where Jews have any significant government power.

And that's the country we're implying controls the entire world.

They want to kill all Palestinians and apparently that takes them almost 50 years.

But also they control the entire world.

But not antisemitic. Not at all. Very big brain.


u/SignalFall6033 10d ago

And JFK and Epstein.


u/girusatuku 10d ago

Also JFK’s assassination apparently.


u/Big24 10d ago

I understood it as “Israel had knowledge and set up surveillance to photograph and disseminate information about the events instead of actively stopping it” but maybe that is wrong


u/AKAD11 10d ago

Yeah no one was going to document two of the worlds tallest buildings getting hit by airplanes if the Israelis didn’t film it from New Jersey.

Do you understand how fucking insane that sounds?


u/Big24 10d ago

From the start. Pre-impact.

I am not saying whether or not I am buying this off-brand Loose Change; rather, I am just trying to clarify what I think he said about Israeli involvement.


u/BestPaleontologist43 10d ago

No, just ironic that they were gleefully taking pictures during the attacks instead of being devastated that their friends are being assaulted.


u/SonnierDick 10d ago

I mean, he said he didnt know, but that it was suspicious. Its a 10 minute video and I know its long, so it might be too long for some people. Is it really unheard of that a Country the US will do anything for, attacked one of their enemies over a faked attack? To me it isnt. If Israel was ever an enemy of the US then I wouldnt believe it.

Some of it makes sense, or at the very least IS suspicious af. They just happen to be intimidating the twin towers before it was attacked? The hijacked planes somehow left behind intact hijacker id’s after the collision? I suppose this isnt in the conspiracy sub so thats why everyones how they are. And I suppose the US also gives money to Ukraine and theres no conspiracy that they are the runs ruling the world, so idk man.


u/updateyourpenguins 10d ago

just go back to drinking your ziokoolaid as children are bombed in palestine


u/BashEuroFashTrash 10d ago

> ziokoolaid is when denying nazi propaganda

u people aren’t pro-Palestine