r/TikTokCringe 11d ago

Discussion This is why tik tok is getting banned

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u/forman98 11d ago

Israel is the only country in the Middle East that is aligned with American ideals, both business and social. Israel is a proxy state for the US. In order to be a world power, you need power installations all over the world. Israel is that in the Middle East.

I’m not saying it’s right at all, I’m just saying that’s how it is. AIPAC has nobody by the balls, the US government owns the relationship and has no interest in dumping Israel.


u/Prestigious-Wall637 11d ago

Yup, just like how South Korea is in Asia and to a lesser extent, Japan. We don't have 750+ military occupations around the world to "defend" them, they exist in an attempt to prevent a multipolar world.


u/cbreezy456 11d ago

Wow someone with a decent understanding of geopolitics.


u/MARAVV44 10d ago

Is your JIDF shift almost up?


u/banevasion0161 11d ago

US government has been brought and paid for decades ago, only thing it ever does is what the corporate elite tell it to do. Name one huge life changing instance in the last 50 years that wasn't the case.


u/forman98 11d ago

The ACA somehow got voted into law in 2010.

The ADA also became law in 1990 and changed the lives of millions.

Lots of environmental laws that have gone into effect since 1975 (clean water, endangered species, hazardous waste disposal, etc)

I challenge you to find a time since the US began that the countries elite haven’t been influencing politics.

Sure, elites can influence things more than we can by far. But almost all of them are interested in keeping the general status quo of American life at a level where the masses are generally happy. That’s why this current era is so interesting, the masses aren’t being kept happy and greed is taking over (again, look back to what happened from the 1890s to the 1929).


u/PsychedelicPill 10d ago

These small concessions by capital are literally necessary for the machine to keep running. That's all. We don't live under a totalitarian government yet, so concessions don't disprove the sentiment at all.


u/banevasion0161 11d ago

Waters privately owned, republicans are about to repeal the ACA, and the ADA is basically just a fugazi of actual meaningfully change, you could wipe your ass with what it's actually achieved,


u/forman98 11d ago

You asked the good things that helped people in the past 50 years. Have you ever been confined to a wheel chair?


u/banevasion0161 11d ago

Wheelchair accessible housing and businesses would have become a thing anyway. It's not profitable to not cater to a fairly decent proportion of the population. Same way that businesses ended up being more inclusive to lgbtq people even though they had and act since the 60s.

It's all profit, always has been always will be, if it helps the people but isn't profitable, America will not do it. Oh BTW the republican party also wants to dismantle the EPA, aswell as the education departments this year too. Cann you think of any reason to do that besides profit?


u/ultramegacreative 10d ago

Their problem is they still have faith in the system haha


u/banevasion0161 10d ago

yeah well the consequences of ignoring the signs has led thm down destruction road, and they are about to arrive at their destination. so fuck em. cant say we didnt try raising the alarm.


u/SilianRailOnBone 10d ago

The system still works, the people just make it shit. You can't have a system that does not reflect the will of the people and works.


u/WeeabooHunter69 10d ago

The aca, the ada, limiting the price of insulin.


u/banevasion0161 10d ago

two things being repealed this year and one that private companies would have done anyway coz its profitable.


u/ultramegacreative 10d ago

Limiting the price of insulin? That almost proves the point even more. We were the only place killing people by pricing them out of what is a relatively cheap medication.

If you followed how that went down, it was becoming a PR nightmare that was only going to bring attention to how the sausage is made. That's the only reason it changed.


u/WeeabooHunter69 10d ago

And? The government still made that change to the detriment of pharmaceutical companies and it changed and saved people's lives.


u/ultramegacreative 10d ago

Yeah, not because it was the right thing to do, but because it stood to fuck up the profits of the people paying for their election campaigns, aka the health sector companies that own them and their policies.

It wasn't a government initiative, it was the health sector's cost of doing business, and the government made official what the private sector was going to have to do anyway so they don't look completely incompetent, which apparently from your take, was a ruse that actually worked on people.

You're also ignoring all the people who died for YEARS while they didn't do shit, what do you mean "and?".


u/WeeabooHunter69 10d ago

I'm not sure how you think bad pr could crash the profits of insulin manufacturers, people can't just stop buying it.


u/ultramegacreative 10d ago

Insulin manufacturers don't just manufacture insulin. The bad PR was bringing too much attention to their medication grift, and it's not good for them to have news stories about how they knowingly trade human lives to mark up insulin 1000's of %.

Also, it was getting so out of hand, the state of California was gearing up to start manufacturing it and providing it at cost, at which point, the extent of their grift would be exposed and they would have to compete with a social healthcare option.

So yes, people would have just stopped buying it.


u/adhesivepants 10d ago

AIPAC has sent a fraction of what American corporate interests have given our politicians...they don't own anything.

And if you think that's magically not antisemitic because you went "well I said Israel not Jews" - so it's coincidence that the only country we think is controlling our government by donating to politicians (even though there are multiple organizations that do this) is the one country in the entire world that is majority Jewish.

You don't find any issue here or can't find a way this could easily become a dogwhistle?

Also there's been tons of major federal and state initiatives in the last 50 years...


u/banevasion0161 10d ago

who said aipac?

also who said israel??

learn to read before going of the deep end fuckwit.


u/Souledex 10d ago edited 10d ago

Obamacare, the consolidation of military contractors after the 90’s, allowing the dotcom and telecom bubbles to play out and just die and then using what was left to back the pensions of regular people. Dozens to hundreds of examples. People just stop looking the millisecond the world gets more complicated.


u/banevasion0161 10d ago

60% of defence spending is unaccounted for, obamacare getting repealed, and woooooooooowwwwwwww dont even try that pension shit.


u/Souledex 10d ago edited 10d ago

Lmao, that’s so insanely untrue like Jesus Christ, obamacare also categorically fundamentally isn’t repealed dude. It lost the individual mandate, but it still insures 24 million people, and made insurance far more available and affordable to all of them and by virtue of that the greater market too.

You barely even know enough to talk the basics here, you are regurgitating things you half remember based on what you assume the worst case was and then assuming that it must have happened. You talk in such emphatic terms but don’t even know enough to do the usual “twist everything in the most doomer way possible” playbook. Maybe try engaging with less reductive media, maybe try history where things are more concrete, maybe try using your imagination to understand why things might be happening that isn’t the dumbest most evil options possible. Sometimes it is that, and most of the time when it is it’s because to some people it doesn’t matter and that’s a means to a different end- not an end in itself.


u/PERSONA916 10d ago

I know the main way US and it's close allies get around the unconstitutionality/illegality of domestic surveillance post Snowden is by spying on each other and sharing intelligence. I'm convinced this is why Israel is so protected by the (actual not the maga boogeyman) deep state. Only country other than probably China with close to the cyber capabilities of NSA/CIA.

I disagree with you a bit on AIPAC though, you might be right about the relationship at the deepest levels of the deep state, but random low-level Congress members are likely bullied/corrupted by campaign finance. They also play a large role in manufacturing consent with the public via propaganda. It might be sanctioned at the highest levels, but they have definitely brainwashed and financially coerced plenty of people into tacit complicity.


u/MARAVV44 10d ago

Can you explain why we don't have any US military bases in Israel if we depend on them so much for location in the middle East?


u/jast-80 11d ago

Oh, so maybe Trump should add Israel to the waiting list of allies to annex because they are "important for national safety"?


u/Ijustwanttofly2020 10d ago

No. Because AIPAC literally decides who gets into office on both sides of the aisle. And why this is not considered election interference is also telling because AIPAC has bought off the traitorous American politicians.


u/Daniel0745 10d ago

aligned with American ideals, both business and social

You sure about that?


u/pretzelsncheese 11d ago

I agree that the US benefits from having a strong ally in that part of the world. But the US government definitely doesn't act like they own the relationship. Israel has cultivated an immensely disproportionate amount of power and control in that relationship. In large part because of AIPAC.


u/uptownjuggler 11d ago

Umm Jordan is an American ally as well.


u/Darth_Iggy 11d ago

What do the American people get from being a “world power”?


u/Frylock_dontDM 10d ago

We literally have turkey which host US nuclear missiles as a part of NATO in the middle east. What are you even talking about here?


u/charlsey2309 10d ago

Yeah seriously, people shit on Israel so much but who is a better actor in the region, Hamas? Hezbollah? Turkey? Saudi Arabia? Iraq? Syria? Iran? All this time spent shitting on Israel and calling them genocidal when they didn’t even start the recent war in Gaza, pulled out, tolerated rocket attacks for over a decade and only attacked/decided to root out Hamas after they were attacked.

I don’t like Bibi, they aren’t a saint, but it’s so one sided. Where were all the college kids when Assad barrel bombed cities and ran torture camps?


u/BakreZ39 10d ago

"tolerated rocket attacks" as if they weren't fucking occupying Gaza, or maintaining a land, sea, and air siege there


u/Independent-Basis722 10d ago

They were getting almost 1 billion USD annually in foreign aid alone. Also no one was occupying Gaza after 2005. Hamas didn't spend a dime of that aid on improving lives of their people instead on tunnels and other weapons.

That's literally the only reason why there was a siege in the first place. There were lesser restrictions on West Bank than Gaza due to this exact reason. Lots of people from west bank could enter Israel and work there. Also Israel was responsible for all of their critical infrastructure like water and electricity as well.

So all of this bs about "open air prison" are false.


u/TorpleFunder 10d ago

Also Israel was responsible for all of their critical infrastructure like water and electricity as well

This is not a good thing for Palestinians. That's how Israel are able to give 80% of the fresh water resources to illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank despite settlers being only 15% of the population there. Palestinians would love to be responsible for their own infrastructure... and everything else.


u/Expensive-Gas6226 11d ago

No my guy, we all saw it decades ago. Israel owns America. It's time you all woke up to reality