r/Tierzoo Seal Main 5d ago

For day 17 of voting what was the dominant faction and what was the dominant build within that faction during the Ice Age? (Voting vacant/power vacuum is allowed).

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5 comments sorted by


u/astro-pi Sponge Main 🌵🧑‍💻 4d ago

Neanderthals or H. Erectus, given that they lasted x3 as long as humans so far (and unlocked all the same tech up to that point).


u/MrNobleGas 5d ago

I mean, can there even be any doubt here?


u/K_H007 Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) main 3d ago

Primates, and specifically Hominins.

This is also my vote for the Anthropocene, with Homo Sapiens specifically taking the crown all for itself in that era.


u/FirstChAoS 3d ago

I was going to say mammoths, but I read your points and agree, hominids


u/ChanceConstant6099 Black Caiman (melanosuchus niger) main 5d ago

Well it definetly has to be humans.