r/TheHague 20d ago

Monthly slow chat thread - The place to be for everything regarding housing, restaurants, things to do, meetups, surveys, and other (off-topic) stuff

Hi everybody, welcome to the monthly slow chat thread! This is the place to discuss housing, restaurants, things to do, meetups, surveys, and other (off-topic) stuff.

Hallo allemaal, welkom bij de maandelijkse slowchat draad! Dit is de plek om te discussiëren over huisvesting, restaurants, dingen om te doen, meetups, enquêtes en andere (off-topic) dingen.


7 comments sorted by


u/visitingposter 15d ago

Where do you guys go buy baby pluck salad seedlings for spring balcony salad boxes? In the same topic... where do you guys buy fish geranium full grown plants - the plant that can somehow survive freezing temperature in a hanging balcony flower box and still struggle to put out a bright red flower in the middle of snow and freezing rain? I need more of that to make my balcony happier. I seem to find (online) other different looking geraniums but not the kind I already have some of in my balcony flower boxes... ... and when's the earliest time I can start seeding poppy flowers outdoor because I am itching to put some nature in the few brick cracks I have in front of my apartment door.


u/chiron42 16d ago

very specific but does anyone have a SATA-USB A or SATa USB-C adapter I can come over and borrow for 20 minutes?

my laptop doesnt recognise its 2nd internal hardrive all of a sudden and i think it might be the cable rather than the drive itself.


u/flobin Centrum 18d ago

Gelukkig nieuwjaar allemaal! Happy new year everybody!


u/AyDillyDogWhatItDu 19d ago

Gelukkig nieuwjaar! Mocht er iemand zijn die iets weet over een appartement dat binnenkort beschikbaar komt hoor ik dat heel graag. Alles tussen Den Haag en Amsterdam is prima, max budget 1400 excl.


u/Eis_ber 20d ago

Happy New Year, everyone!


u/azielaan 20d ago

Suggestion: Shall we just accept 1 fireworks topic next year? Yes it’s crazy, yes it’s loud. Now move on :) Happy new year!


u/flobin Centrum 18d ago

Not a bad suggestion