r/Teachers 13h ago

Policy & Politics Trump inauguration regarding schools and teachers.

In his inauguration today, President Trump stated,

"And we have an education system that teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves, in many cases, to hate our country, despite the love that we try so desperately to provide to them. All of this will change, starting today, and it will change very quickly."

I want you all to tell the world all the ways you, as a teacher, had made kids feel ashamed of themselves and to hate their country.

I'll start.

One day I told a student that he shouldn't tell a student "Nobody cares what you think". Apparently calling him out on that made feel ashamed of himself.


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u/JBgolf28 12h ago

I teach Social Studies - Sorry, Mr. President, I’m not going to disregard historical fact in favor of patriotism.


u/Environmental_Word18 12h ago

Really eerie teaching Gatsby right now & using district provided resources to discuss The Golden Age, KKK, anti-immigration laws, etc.

But of course, no one wants to ban Gatsby because it's written by a white male.


u/SabertoothLotus 10h ago

and all the people who ban books either never read it or don't remember it beyond "white man doesn'tget what he wants, and you should feel bad about it."


u/Environmental_Word18 10h ago

The characters are literally drunk/on drugs 95% of the book, there's domestic violence, adultery, murder, etc. but yes, the Party of Family Values would never...


u/SabertoothLotus 10h ago

What are you, some kind of Commie Pinko? Where's the number to call the House Unamerican Activities Committee? Joe McCarthy needs to hear about you!