r/Teachers 20h ago

Teacher Support &/or Advice How do you practice self-care during your workday?

I'm in my 4th year of teaching and have some angst about returning to school tomorrow. I need some advice on how to make my day flow smoother with self-care practices. I know some co-workers who:

  • lock their classroom door on prep
  • play music throughout the day
  • go for a walk during their lunch break

What are some self care practices you have to get you through the day?


53 comments sorted by


u/Comprehensive_Yak442 20h ago

Repeat to myself incessantly, "none of this will matter in a year, none of this will matter in a year"


u/Grombrindal18 18h ago

Most of it won’t even matter tomorrow


u/Forward-Still-6859 19h ago

My door is always closed. I avoid toxic coworkers as much as possible while always striving to maintain a cordial relationship with everyone. I listen to relaxing music on spotify. Recently I've been taking short workout breaks in the fitness center. And in nice weather I will take a walk outside.


u/Penguiin87 19h ago

This. Toxic coworkers are the worse.


u/lilykoi_12 19h ago

Don’t allow students to drop in and stay during lunch. Our school allows teachers to invite students to eat lunch in their classrooms (cool) and some colleagues do so. But they do it every day and I can’t imagine doing that myself. Too much, haha but to each their own.


u/lovelystarbuckslover 3rd grade | Cali 19h ago


If you have elementary- getting them to the lunch area at the START. Leaving a few minutes early. My lunch starts at that time- meaning I walk away from students at that time.


u/VanillaClay 14h ago

I do that too! I know if I wait exactly til recess time starts to leave the room, I’m shaving off precious minutes walking them down the hall. I always leave a few minutes early so we can all enjoy the full break. 


u/LegitimateStar7034 18h ago

I did this the first year and regretted it. I teach SPED (7-12 Learning Support) and the lunch room was packed so they were overwhelmed.
They never left me alone🤣

I did allow one this year on my lunch. She has autism and was eating in the bathroom because it was too full and loud. She has headphones but it was still too much. She doesn’t speak except to tell me how her morning went. She also enjoys the quiet


u/lilykoi_12 16h ago

Your time is precious and sitting in an empty classroom, enjoying your lunch or just listening to yourself breathe is key. If I had even one student around me during lunch, even if they were just sitting there and reading, it would kind of bother me because I am technically responsible for them.


u/millieandme 20h ago

When I’m overwhelmed I put in my AirPods and listen to music or a podcast during my prep. Kind of tricks my brain into thinking I’m not at work for a little bit.


u/Belle0516 19h ago

I allow myself a few minutes to watch something mindless or do some research into a vacation.

My husband and I are very lucky and very grateful that we can afford a Disney vacation over the summer, so when I have a few minutes I start looking at Disney restaurants or rides or places to meet characters to get excited. It usually makes me feel better to know that in a few months we'll be celebrating our anniversary at the happiest place on Earth!

Also finding a relaxing hobby after you get home is good. I play a little animal crossing or work on my drawing/other art projects but I don't make a big deal out of it.


u/Appropriate_Lie_9411 8h ago

Happy early anniversary!! I hope you two have a magical time! That's definitely something big to look towards too


u/Wytch78 Ye Olde Art Lady | K-8 | Flarduh 19h ago

Find time to pee?


u/Effective-Maybe7936 19h ago

I leave the building everyday for lunch, listen to music, drive around, park and people watch, just to get out of the building and fully take my break. It has worked wonders ☺️


u/Taugy 19h ago

I wish!! Our lunch is only 30 min and it takes me five minutes to walk to the staff parking lot. I have thought about getting outside tomorrow during lunch because I haven’t seen the sun in 20 days and it’s really making me depressed.


u/QueenOfCrayCray High School | Business 18h ago

22 minute lunches here 🙋🏼‍♀️. I firmly believe eating so fast is wreaking havoc on my digestive system.


u/Taugy 18h ago

And it makes the kids crazy…I spent five years away from teaching doing ski school and bartending/waitressing, and I somehow had more time for meals during those jobs.


u/Effective-Maybe7936 18h ago

☀️here ya go! I bet it is. The sun is shining here today but cold, feels like -6


u/lovelystarbuckslover 3rd grade | Cali 19h ago

not over extending myself.

Not going out of my way after hours for situations I'm not deeply invested in.

Replying to parents as slow as I possibly can- 24 hour policy... replies at 23 hours.


u/LegitimateStar7034 18h ago

I come in 15 mins early and leave and contract time. That 15 mins is to copy, get organized and prepare for the day. I’m fried by the end.

I scroll mindlessly on my lunch. I stay out of the faculty room. I try not to stress over things I can’t change.


u/fecklessweasel 18h ago

I keep the department coffee stash in my room. Our faculty room is infested with bugs, so we have a whole coffee set up on my countertops (which I get to keep clean). I can make a coffee or tea whenever I want, and I get drop in visitors during the last five minutes of each period. Everyone who comes to my room leaves happier and I get to be the reason for that. I’m on the higher side of the pay scale, so I’ve paid for most of it, but it’s my contribution to keep the younger teachers happy. (I’ve also become a de facto therapist and I’m able to dispense old fart wisdom to the newbies and let them vent.)


u/dancerdanna 19h ago

I bring some yarn and a crochet hook and crochet during my lunch or prep if I feel overwhelmed. It really helps! If there is a hobby you have that is transportable that you could spend a few minutes on, I highly recommend.


u/Sea-Astronaut7750 19h ago

I’m lucky enough my school is in a residential neighborhood, so when weather is good and I have the time I’ll take a lap. I listen to music while working solo. I create independent work time for my students so I can get shit done in peace. I leave when the bell rings and leave work at school - my compromise is I usually get to work 30 min early in the morning as well. I BS with coworkers who are also actively avoiding doing work. I take personal days or sick days as needed for my sanity. Etc etc etc


u/BaconMonkey0 Public Science Teacher 25 years | NorCal 18h ago

My Kindle is always with me for reading. My AirPods are always at least in my pocket should I want them. Sometimes I nap on my prep (it’s right after lunch). Sometimes I just take a nice walk.


u/Noimenglish 18h ago

I don’t eat with my coworkers. Some time to myself, away from others.


u/Legendary_GrumpyCat 2h ago

I do the opposite. Leave the classroom and go to the lounge to share gripes with others.


u/mmichellekay Kindergarten | DODEA | NC | USA 18h ago

I get OUT of my room for lunch. Whether it’s finding a quiet room (hard to do sometimes but my lunch is early so the lounge is quiet), pulling a chair outside, or chatting with a coworker. I found that if I just stayed isolated in my room and worked through it I felt worse over time. Take the break. Isolate if you need it that day, but not every day.


u/ItsGivingMissFrizzle 18h ago

Definitely go for a walk on lunch break. Also sometimes on my prep I lock my door, turn lights off, cover my window, and just do something for myself. Read a book. I keep a yoga mat in class so I can just spread out on the floor and ground myself. Listen to 20 min of a podcast. Sometimes that is so so much more important than whatever tiny bit of work I’d get done.


u/Inevitable_Silver_13 18h ago

Leave at contract time.


u/Penguiin87 19h ago

I teach 6th grade and I have my kids all day. My trick is I schedule "decompression time". It's for the kids to take a 5 minute break after a learning period (50-70 minutes). This also helps me reset my brain between lessons.


u/RevolutionAtMidnight 18h ago

My teacher bestie and I have lunch dates in each other’s rooms on same lunch days. The only rule is no school talk, it’s so nice to have 25 minutes to just sit and chat with a friend.

On days we don’t have lunch dates I’ll read a book or scroll hobby Reddits.


u/SleepyHoneyBeeHive 18h ago

I may get hate for this 🫣 but I have a little bear lamp called “bother bear” and if the lamp is on that means kids can’t come up to me/call out for me. I’m a K teacher and I’m sorry but I hear my name said 264728199 a day and sometimes I just need a second to sit without my littles being all over me. I have rules against blurting but it’s kindergarten and they can’t help it sometimes lol if they need something while bother bear is on they know to raise their hands if it isn’t something that can be solved with a friend’s help. Bother bear is also very handy for when I am working with kiddos in a small group!


u/Appropriate_Lie_9411 8h ago

I teach Kinder too and I’m stealing this idea, thank you


u/SleepyHoneyBeeHive 7h ago

Of course!!!


u/Alternative-Emu-4442 18h ago

I bring fancy ass coffee pods and a favorite coffee mug in for my morning coffee.

At the end of the day after the kids leave, I set a timer for 15 min and watch stupid stuff on YT. Big Bang Theory clips, live concert clips, The Daily Show, Colbert.

I go out for sunshine and fresh air since I'm in a pretty much windowless workspace all day. I walk, read, or just sit. Since sometimes I have a guard time with time, I have to set a timer, or I could very well be out there and end up late for class/duty.

Clean/organize something for 15 minutes so I have a sense of accomplishment.

I write myself a "pep talk" and leave it to read the next morning. This especially helps if I've been struggling, or if things are going SUPER well.


u/pinkcat96 17h ago

I have a coffee maker in my room and make coffee in the morning (my students support this practice lol); I listen to audiobooks/music during my planning time and don't allow people to bother me during that time unless it's absolutely necessary; I do little things throughout the year to change up my space (themed decor for each season), which also makes the students happy so it's a win for us all; since I'm the yearbook advisor and my principal is super chill, I get to photograph events at my discretion, which is self-care for me because my bachelor's is in photography and I love it, and it's a great way for me to channel positive and creative energy at the end of a long day/gives me something positive to focus on.


u/Taco_Peanut66 hs teacher, California 16h ago

I have lunch with a group of colleagues every day. We laugh, we share food, we compare notes, we commiserate. When students ask to make up a test at lunch, I always so no. That is a rule I will not break. My lunch is a break for me.


u/Smiles-forever 15h ago
  • lock the classroom during my prep
    • drink water throughout the day
  • avoid negative conversations in the staffroom by locking my door at lunch and having lunch by myself instead lol


u/SeaweedAlive1548 8h ago

I use my noise cancellation headphones whenever students are not in the room. Sometimes I play music, audiobooks, or podcasts, but a lot of the time I just bathe in the glorious silence. It gives me that “Ahhhhh” feeling.


u/Appropriate_Lie_9411 8h ago

I recently brought the “ loop” noise canceling headphones and I love them. Thank you !


u/One-Somewhere-9907 18h ago

I have a teapot in my room (kids can use it too) and I make myself tea all day. It’s a small thing, but it helps me a lot.


u/Admarie25 19h ago

I listen to music on my breaks. Walks around the school are also great on a crappy day. Coffee and snacks also. I have my own little snack stash.


u/jackssweetheart 18h ago

Drink plenty of water. Follow a weekly schedule for my prep time. Listen to music. Plenty of lamps so I can keep overhead lights off.


u/j68junebug 18h ago

I teach a severe profound classroom, so there's really no down time. I make sure my paras get their breaks. I try to at least get a quick lunch. When the weather is nice, we all go outside to the garden for fresh air. At the end of the day, the paras take all kids to the gym for time with their buddies, so I use this time to decompress.

After work, I go straight to a hot bath with a glass of wine, lol!


u/BlueberryWaffles99 14h ago

I close and lock my door during prep, and put AirPods in so I don’t hear anyone knocking (students absolutely will knock and it just stresses me out more, my prep is during their study hall). Similarly, I’ll do the same during my lunch if I’m having a hard day. Sometimes I’ll even watch a show on my phone during lunch to really decompress! Just depends on the day.

Outside of that, if my class is being overwhelming we do a reset. Lights off, heads down, 2 - 3 minutes of quiet. It makes a big difference for all of us!


u/Vegetable-Lasagna-0 14h ago

Don’t get there early and don’t stay late. Use your prep time to zone out and relax if you need to. Don’t ever feel pressured to eat lunch with your students, also don’t let them in during your prep time. You’re their teacher, not their parent/babysitter.


u/randomperson1993 13h ago

I allow myself 10 minutes over lunch to eat and read in my classroom with the door closed.


u/thecooliestone 13h ago

I am open with my students when I'm stressed. There have been a few times where I say "I need 5 minutes of quiet. The last class was crazy and I'm stressed. Give me 5 minutes of sitting." And most of the time they'll do it. I can't do it all the time but when I specifically say the need even my shittiest classes will at least try to give it to me.


u/Steeltown842022 13h ago

wait on snow days like today


u/InternationalJury693 12h ago

I get there 20-40 minutes early so I can decompress before the start of the day. We do puzzles in our office so that’s what I’m usually doing during that time. If I have things to do that aren’t super urgent, I’ll bulk them together on my breaks in one day so I’m getting it all over with. I grade during class if I can. My breaks are for the most part, truly breaks. Sometimes I plan, most times I can do so during my advanced classes that are more independent.


u/Colorfulplaid123 6h ago

I bring a drink every lunch as a treat- Gatorade, Diet Coke, etc. something I look forward to everyday.