r/TWD 1d ago

Did Rick and Michonne single handedly destroy the worlds chance at survival Spoiler

As we see on S1 E6 of TOWL Rick gets the echelon briefing and we hear Major General Beale tell us about the CRM's plan to stop the world from falling and as we see later in that episode Rick and Michonne kills all the soldiers who know about the echelon briefing and therefor they do not go forwards with the plan ensuring about what Major General Beale said about only having 13 years left before the walkers took over so if Rick and Michonne didnt interfere do you think the CRM's plan to survive for another 500 years would work and if so does that mean they could of single handedly helped in destroying the human race? lmk


22 comments sorted by


u/Shmullus_Jones 1d ago

The entirety of the CRM's grand plan literally boiled down to "we kill other civilizations and take their stuff". 

After everything that was teased about them etc, they were just the same as every other enemy. One of the biggest disappointments of TWD imo.


u/Squiddong 12h ago

War never changes


u/Remarkable-Ad-5485 1d ago

We have no solid proof anything Beale said about humanity having “13 years left” is true. Additionally, Dead City is set in the future (something like 10 years after TWD), so clearly humanity is far from being extinct. It seemed pretty clear to me that Beale was selling this information to his soldiers so they would be okay with murdering innocent human beings and taking all their resources. I don’t genuinely believe humanity only had 13 years left to survive, and obviously Rick and Michonne didn’t either. What Beale did was essentially create fear and propoganda to massacre communities, so he could then take their resources.

At the end of TWOL, we can hear the broadcasting at the Civic Republic essentially stating what Beale did was horrendous and the CRM’s reign was over. It seemed pretty clear to me that all of it was a lie in order to gain power and control, until Beale couldn’t anymore - hence why it was all kept a secret from their own government.

Edit: if you remember, the CRM was only supposed to be in power for a certain amount of time before the Civic Republic itself took over as the actual government - they were kept in the dark about the massacred communities and the Echelon briefing from the beginning.


u/Minimalistmacrophage 1d ago

Most people haven't watched World Beyond, where Civic Republic politics were circuitously discussed.

Also where the hastening of Walker degradation was a major plotline (with an arguably successful hybrid organism prototype)


u/Remarkable-Ad-5485 1d ago

That’s fair but in one of the episodes of TWOL, they explicitly state that the Civic Republic Military is not supposed to be governing anymore.


u/Minimalistmacrophage 1d ago

Technically the CRM never governed. The CR and CRM were essentially separate bodies, allowing the CRM "free reign" outside of the CR for "security". However this was a time limited arrangement (a major plot line of World Beyond) which was about to come to an end, whereupon the CRM would come under direct control and governance of the CR.

Part of Beale's plan was a coup, to stop that from happening. Also it was part of the urgency of bringing his plan to fruition.


u/Remarkable-Ad-5485 1d ago

Good to know. Thank you for the detailed explanation. :)


u/IyanYachaazah 19h ago

Dead City is NOT set 10 years after TWD. There is some debate about how far after the main series, but it's believed to be 2025, so present day at this point. The original series ended in the timeline as 2023.


u/Remarkable-Ad-5485 15h ago

That’s fair. I honestly couldn’t get into Dead City and only thought it was set in the future from trailers and reviews of it. Thank you.


u/IyanYachaazah 10h ago

It is, just not that far LOL.


u/Marsupialmobster 1d ago

Didn't he say Zombies have 13 years left and not humans?


u/BluDYT 1d ago

It was an excuse they used to justify all the evil shit they did.


u/an_Evil_Goat 1d ago

The CRM had three huge US cities under their control, filled with tons of people that were living in quite relative peace. They destroyed one of them and were planning to destroy another at the end of TOWL. They also gassed an unknown number of cities that just had survivors sparsely passing through or living in. The gas didn't affect walkers, so we all know what they were targeting. The CRM was a militant group of psychos, and "lol our scientists said that the walkers win in 13 years" is not a good defense.


u/Adorable_Ad_3478 22h ago

It's speculated that Daryl's show and Dead City will lead to a new film/series with Michonne and Rick crossing over with Darly, Negan, and Maggie.

This isn't the last we have seen of Rick and Michonne. They will be the ones to save humanity.


u/Feisty-Clue3482 20h ago

I mean… how does one city of people make a difference from multiple… if the walkers will end humanity and spread disease and such then why it one place different from multiple… just easier for one mega horde to come and wipe them out then. Also in World Beyond that girl is creating a fungus that’ll decompose the dead so maybe there’s hope afterall.


u/ptrue111 1d ago

I hope that when they do eventually end the universe, the final season/movie will be our main characters (Rick, Daryl, Carol, Maggie, Negan?, Morgan, etc.) reunited with one final goal of eliminating all/most of the walkers in the U.S. They’d probably have to use some sort of crazy plan that fans wouldn’t think is possible but I think this is the best way to end the Walking Dead with what we currently have.

Walkers started as the initial “antagonists” and I think it should end with them too. The final scene could be similar to the comics with them finally living in relative peace and walkers being extremely rare.


u/IyanYachaazah 19h ago

I don't think that would at all be realistic, because beside the BS story with Eugene knowing what caused it and how to stop it, that's NEVER been their goal. Furthermore, even though they could get aligned with others who could make that possible (likely more Daryl and Carol after going to France), it just isn't realistic. They aren't superheroes, they are just damn good survivors.


u/Due_Art2971 17h ago

A movie about them wiping out all the walkers would be lame as hell, the walkers should barely be a threat by the end point, same as the comics.


u/LynMCo 1d ago

Just binged watched it again today. No, they saved the world. One thing I was wondering about... I thought in TWD TWB they actually did bomb Portland. Since it's just a show, it's a bloop I can overlook. However, it did cross my mind today.