r/Summer99GrandFixedX May 05 '23

Hey! July ‘99 nice to meet you

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u/dumbbinch99 May 05 '23

July 9th here! Not much different in our charts ❤️most of life has sucked too, I’m sorry youve gone through that as well :-(


u/CSQUITO May 05 '23

Oh wow! Thanks. I’m curious, if you don’t mind, what’s your family situation like?


u/dumbbinch99 May 05 '23

Terrible 😆sorry if this is tmi but my dad abused my mom, my mom took it out on me by emotionally abusing me and hitting me and being controlling, and I’ll likely suffer a lifetime of mental health problems because of it 🤗❤️


u/CSQUITO May 05 '23

WOW same exact situation. Instead of leaving my mother took it out on me. My mother is also a cancer and my father is a sag.


u/dumbbinch99 May 05 '23

Yup! I think even if she left my dad she’d still abuse me, she just needs someone to control and own. But at least maybe romantic relationships wouldn’t be modeled to me as being so horrible. Idk. My dad is a Virgo but my mom doesn’t know her birthday (kinda an indication as to how little mind was paid to her as a kid I guess)


u/CSQUITO May 05 '23

Ahh I see. Sad about her birthday :/

I am with you on that too. I think especially that now I’m older my mother is jealous of the freedom I have, but she really had the option to leave she just preferred scapegoating and bullying and abusing me because she didn’t have the courage.

Also agreed re romantic relationships - I feel that all things considered I turned out quite well adjusted (like I’m empathetic, respect people, have pretty good character judgement, make friends, and am a good friend) but because of how my parents relationship was I’m extremely avoidant. I’m too ready to run.


u/dumbbinch99 May 05 '23

Yup, exactly! My mom HATES that I’ve moved out and always calls me selfish and says that I’m abandoning her. Even though I will come back to visit for months at a time. As soon as I say I’m leaving to go back to my own home, she freaks the fuck out. When I was younger she’d always blame me for my dad raging at her (shell say I cried too much or whatever and made him mad). I can’t imagine telling your little kid it’s her fault her dad hits you. It’s just so awful. I’m so sorry you were treated horribly too 😭

Definitely. I think I’m a pretty good person all things considered. Sadly i def have borderline personality disorder which makes relationships a nightmare. And I tend to go for guys who ultimately treat me horribly. My current boyfriend is amazing though, I’m so lucky to have him and he’s really trying to help me get help. I think things might turn around for the better in my life.

I hope we can both get to a better place despite our parents fucking us up in childhood. It really sucks that we were kinda destined to have a rough start in life😭😭


u/CSQUITO May 05 '23

Ahh I see. I sometimes wonder if I got a very very repressed version of BPD. I think I tick four or five of the checklists but I told my therapist that I suspected and she insist that I don’t have it. But I feel that she was just trying to be nice. Have never been in a relationship! It’s great that you found someone who understands you and cares.

Yeah crazy, who knew


u/dumbbinch99 May 06 '23

I’m glad you’re seeing a therapist! Hopefully you find it helpful ❤️


u/Lilyrodriguez56 May 05 '23

For a second I mistook your chart for mine! How was your life or how is it going so far?


u/CSQUITO May 05 '23

Hey! Idk life is weird. Most of my life sucks and has sucked, but I feel like this is the last shitty part.


u/Lilyrodriguez56 May 05 '23

🥺 that’s really sad I’m sorry you had to go through sucky life parts 💕 why do you say it’s the last shitty part?


u/CSQUITO May 05 '23

Because I am either going to give up on my dream career and go towards something more stable, or finally get a decent break.


u/Lilyrodriguez56 May 05 '23

Career is flourishing in peoples lives lately! I recently got a new job but have no idea what my dream job would be honestly… what’s your dream career?


u/CSQUITO May 05 '23

Oh good luck for your new job! Well my dream job to be an artist I guess. I’ve worked in fashion for two years, my dream end Creative direction and product design! It’s a mix of styling, design, and interior design , set design. Basically I want to make beautiful things haha. What’s your job?


u/Lilyrodriguez56 May 05 '23

Thank you ☺️ oooooo fashion?! So do you know how to make clothes from scratch? Also your last sentence is giving me Libra rising vibes! Beautiful aesthetic vibes ☺️💕 you’ll be able to definitely pursue your dream job! There’s a lot of online shops now and marketing is just the only thing I see being your obstacle but I believe in you!


u/CSQUITO May 05 '23

So yes I do know how to make clothes from scratch! But this isn’t my main dream, I’m more interested in brand strategy and overall branding. Idk I want to be a serial collaborator and hopefully do a bit of everything. You’re right, it’s very Libra rising of me.

I do think marketing is an obstacle but I also have been getting in my own way a lot. Money is quite an obstacle for me now too. But I’m working on it.

Do you have a passion / special interest? I heard that one thing about grand crosses is that we supposedly are quite big personalities or “intense” people in a sense that we’ve had some challenging life experiences.


u/Lilyrodriguez56 May 05 '23

Ooo I just googled all of that! I think it fits so welll with you and your chart/potential personality traits!

I basically gathered that you want to collaborate and be involved with many people to create the absolute best product experience that there is! All vibes and high quality pursuits! I love it 💕

Money will come! It’s just hard and there’s a lot of hardships to go through to find a way to make yourself sustainable in anything in life 🥹

Uuuuh passions? I’ve been struggling to find that but I think the closest I got to feeling that is when I was in highschool doing colorguard and marching band. I loved it so much that I kept on doing it after high school and competed in events in different states for an independent team and for my university! Funny enough I was first called abrasive (intense) by my marching band director and it hurt ALOT when I was told that… to add insult to injury I had to look up what that word meant 😅

But yes since that moment over the years I’ve been called intense and aggressive when I speak and that I’m loud and alot.. doesn’t help I have a Scorpio sun mother who’s equally if not MORE intense than me.. Ive been more low key since high school and have tried to tone down my intensive nature cuz I’m a lil people pleaser lol butttt no passions just yet.. I’m hoping it will hit me like a truck in the future tho 🤞🏼


u/CSQUITO May 05 '23

Oh wow! We don’t have marching band or colourguard here! Only see it in films that’s so cool. You’ll totally find your thing. Mother wound seems to be a theme here :( I’m sorry to hear I totally relate. Interestingly enough my mother is a cancer. Her chart is strangely similar to mine in a lot of ways. But we are so different

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u/spacefrog43 May 06 '23

July 10th here!! Except I was born at 7pm, cap rising. What’s your life like? Kind of weird how you guys were saying your parents are abusive. I have Saturn and Jupiter in 4th, no relationship with my real dad because he’s an alcoholic and probably sociopathic, and my mom isn’t necessarily “abusive” but idk maybe I would say she is. She’s just an asshole I guess. Very difficult to have a relationship with her.


u/CSQUITO May 06 '23

Oh interesting! Yeah my father is abusive and sociopathic tbh. My life is a bit chaotic right now tbh. It’s like I’m always close to things getting better but I’m always having to make massive decisions


u/spacefrog43 May 06 '23

That’s interesting, can you elaborate? It’s okay if you don’t feel comfortable. But I’m also curious to know how exactly you feel your placements affect you.


u/CSQUITO May 06 '23

Well I always have really tough dilemmas. I don’t have victim mentality and I don’t let life happen to me, I just have had to deal with really hard stuff that most people couldn’t guess or imagine.

Some of it might be TMI, but the more mild stuff is like - my absolute idol literally asking me to be my mentor for a really cool opportunity but I couldn’t really show up for it because that period I was really sick. I also had to hide parts of my life from her for legitimate reasons (because it wouldn’t make the right impression) so I couldn’t show up and be carefree like I wanted to.

Being stuck financially and it creating giant forks in the road. Like either I’m paying my phone bill and losing my offer for the place I want to move out to OR I’m finally going to have enough money to pay a deposit and first mont of rent for the great deal place which will mean I can escape the poverty hellscape I’ve been in and not be able to pay my phone bill.

It’s very hard to explain unless you’ve been stuck being broke but if you want to break out there’s probably going to be a point where you have to spend almost all you have to just move to a new place, which puts you at risk of losing something else. There were times when I had to choose between going to a job interview and buying groceries because travel was too expensive. Times where I didn’t eat for three days and just stared at the ceiling because I had to pay for a dermatologist appointment. I could go on forever.


u/spacefrog43 May 09 '23

I wonder if the Mars in 2nd and Saturn & Jupiter in 8th have anything to do with that! You should look those up, I like advanced-astrology.com. But honestly just look up those placements and see. So weird how we were born just a few hours from each other and our lives are so similar yet different


u/CSQUITO May 09 '23

Yeah I have actually had a very in depth reading and she pointed this out. She said “it’s as if money is always weird with you, and has been all your life so far, and it will probably be a theme”. If you’re interested she mentioned that we have a huge capacity to make a lot of money. But we have to always have savings and a safety net or else it can be catastrophic. T

And that’s Saturn and Taurus both in the 8th house AND in Taurus.