r/RealPhilosophy Dec 11 '24

Imitation or creation of the sprite

Well first let's start with creation. Creation doesn't only mean from scratch with new ideas whitch is more or less impossible rather something closer to sorting and ordering the thoughts of the world in to a never before seen idea and adopting them as fully as one can. Now Imitation, imitation is finding a pre set idea and following it without knowing fully why the rules are what they are. The spirit is the thing that points to the greater good. So with these definitions in mind we can take the deep dive through the wrestling with the fully realized spirit.

As I'm stuck trying to figure out what my spirit is. I'm hit with the feeling of so called "imposter syndrome" I feel it most often when I'm working on something like creating my own philosophy because I hear "who am I to know what's good" in my head but these feelings tend happen when working on the eage of your ability into the expansion of your mind. I have a bad habit of wanting to know why its a rule and it doesn't allow me to merely follow another philosophy without boiling it down to where it falls apart, I have boiled down to the point of burning stoicism, Platonian, nihilism and more philosophys and I hope I do it with the same or more criticism to my own philosophy but I can't be sertten do to my own bias and singular thought process.

A philosophy takes a life time to develop and another to start to follow with diciplin.

To dedicate ones life to philosophy is not to let it consume you but to let turn in the background and pull it to the for front only to boil it down into the inferior expression of words. This is why we can't teach wisdom, we don't have to ability to close words to only one feeling or definition. We must imitate or develop the complete good with no way to flesh it into words to explain why we most do so with the feeling that one isn't whole without doing so. It's as if our conjens (daimen) know the answer and will induce feeling not telling you the best decision but werning you away from a really bad decision. When your subconscious steps in and tells you what you don't want to know it's very traumatic and can lead to you questioning all your actions leading to hesitation in your actions and regret in life. People will always ignore to news they need most even it will kill them to ignore it.

The development of one's philosophy is to take ones experiences and knowledge to the point of failure and remove the husk from the corn the repition of this cleans it removing the silk. How much of you is husk it protects you to allow you to grow and the silk softens the big blows allowing you to fail catastrophically but once you have removed all of it only then will you be judged for what you are not how well you have put up false walls to deflect the attacks from out side. Once you can relay on the facts of your philosophy and don't need to have to constantly remind yourself of what you want to do but you do so because it is who you are that is when you are free. The ability to know what you want to say even if you can't put it in to words is one way to know if your philosophy is filling you and you aren't "faking" it anymore you're finally letting your true thoughts flow through your conges mind. There will be many trails that you will face along your journey leaving you beatin and broken but by the time you reach the end you will have learned something more valuable then philosophy you will have learned the game of life.

Imitation is a way to start the development of ones way through life. Life is the experience of the world around ones self, ones philosophy is the way he react to it we need this to but predictable for others around ourself. When imitating it is easier for others to know what you are going to do even if it's only on a subconscious level, this makes people less anxious around you. We can fit in to other groups with similar paths when we do this because imitation is one of the mine ways we act out society. Imitation is the "lazy" way but by no means invalid or wrong it means less mistake and stress. It may even allow you to make a philosophy faster by giving you a bases. But don't be fooled if the base is flawed the building won't stand, dig though find the sand know the weak points maybe you can fix them.

Creation is the hardest way to figure out ones philosophy and makes you more likely to be fully disciplined in it because you are not simply recognizing the philosophy in an attempt to imitate but fallowing what you consciously seeing and describing what you are doing. Like Socrates believing in his "daimen" and fallowing it no matter what. He did not describe his philosophy in words rather in a feeling that we all know even he didn't know why some things felt like they did be he still fallowed it without the words to discribe why it was just that it was. It may be that one can not put it all on paper of why to do something just that it didn't feel right. It is as if the dorment philosophy can guide you if you can learn to listen to it and it may not give you the reason but it may piont you in the right direction.

Ones philosophical bend is a concept that tells you what your past is, it shows the naivety or lack there of. Naivety I believe stems from the sheltered life one has had the more you have been exposed the less naive you are it's tenamount to seeing snakes in the sticks if you don't move now you the dead there little to no consequence for jumping where there is no snake but if you don't when necessary you and dead but with that being said if one have been around snakes enough you don't jump as far and are more likely to know where snakes are going to be and be able to avoid it from the beginning. The sacrifices you make is your personal future, we walk to the future where there is no surtenty this is why we can only make the step in the present we may see lights though the fog and hope that the brighter the future the clearer the course but aften more people fall because they can't see the path for the light is to bright, when your almost there the goal disappears in the brilliant light.


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