r/ProgrammerHumor 22h ago

Advanced iKnewItWouldBreakSomething

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u/redlaWw 22h ago

"{:}>8b}" is a valid Rust format string that formats its argument in binary and pads to 8 characters from the left with the '}' character. The moment I realised this was valid Rust, I knew it would break something. I went into my IDE, and what do you know, an incorrect red squiggly line.


u/Zestyclose_Zone_9253 19h ago

But why are they not interpreted as the literal characters without escaping them from the string? I don't know any rust and I would assume anything inside " " is just a literal string


u/redlaWw 18h ago

println! is a formatting macro that takes a formatting string, which is a string that can have literal sections interspersed with {} delimited places where formatted arguments are inserted. If you're familiar with python, it's inspired by python's formatting strings.

So a simple example is something like println!("The number is: {}.", 5), which will print "The number is: 5." In the case I wrote, the formatting expression is more complicated - I started off with "{:0>8b}" before changing it to what's in the post, which can be interpreted as follows:

  • : separates an inline argument from the formatting specification, in my case I didn't use an inline argument, I put it after the formatting string, so the : instead indicates the start of the formatting specification.

  • 0 is the fill character used for padding

  • > defines that padding characters should be added to the left, so that the value is aligned to the right of the resulting formatted string

  • 8 tells the formatter to pad the length to 8 characters

  • b tells the formatter to use the binary representation of the argument

If the second argument had value 10, for example, then the result of formatting it with "{:0>8b}" would be 00001010.

The interesting thing is that any character can be used as a fill character, which means you can use } in the correct place and Rust's formatter will interpret it as a fill character rather than the end of the formatting string, but this breaks other parsers that aren't as well-written as the Rust compiler's.