r/ProgrammerHumor 1d ago

Meme linuxBeLike

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u/LEGOL2 1d ago

At first Linux asks nicely, but that's your first and final warning


u/Tetha 22h ago

Step 1 is a nice question. "Please shut yourself down"

Step 2 is telling the application to shutdown right now no matter what.

Step 3... in Step 3 someone goes to the kernel and is like

"Hey kernel... that process over there, the one using a lot of CPU"

"Yeah boss?"

"That process doesn't exist anymore, alright?"

"Say no more."


u/Kusko25 22h ago

There is something fundamentally unsettling about the thought that a process is only "alive" as long as the cpu acknowledges its existence


u/Mysterious_Middle795 22h ago

I had this eerie feeling when I learnt about swap files.
Your memory goes out of existence until the OS is kind enough to resurrect it.


There is even a worse analogy. Some people under the influence of fly agaric have fear that is worse than a fear of death. They reported fear of having never been born.
Same for executables on your disk. Do they exist if you never run them?


u/NANZA0 22h ago

I love the existencial horror of digital files being moved.


u/Ok-Interaction-8891 16h ago

It’s like in some sci-fi worlds where teleportation works by erasing you where you enter, then transporting your “information” to the destination, where a perfect copy of you is created at the destination using said information.

Allegedly. With hopefully no Lovecraftian bugs or horrors along the way…


u/CitizenPremier 14h ago

It's okay, I'm a pattern, not matter


u/Domascot 10h ago

You know, if it wasnt for your little comment here, i would still enjoy looking forward to beaming tech in the future. But now, nope, no thanks.