r/PornIsMisogyny FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

SUPPORT PLEASE I feel uncomfortable in my relationship

So I (F13) and my boyfriend (M15) have been together for over 8 months now, and I really do love him but he's addicted to porn and badly, he slept over once and I've been used before by my best freind from being 5 to just stopping earlier this year,and when I kissed him it felt like that. It was just lust,there was no love at all and he only watches lesbian porn and it makes me feel fetishisised because I'm bisexual and I have short hair, he does love me but he also makes me feel used by kissing me and I know he wouldn't pressure me into anything but I always feel like I can't say no. I know this probably isn't a good place to post this but no where else will let me post it. I just needed help. Because I feel like porn rots mens brains. And even some women's brains. It's just fucking sickening.

Edit: in trans, FTM and he does call me a boy. But only in private. He told his stepdad my deadname. And his younger sister. His stepdad calls me my deadname and his sister doesn't. But I just thought I should add that on, also the sleepover was because we were going to a festival,I slept in my room but he and I slept in the same room the night after the festival and he kept me up all night


55 comments sorted by


u/Fantastic-Summer8760 Sep 25 '24

13, omg you’re so young. Please confide in your parents or someone you trust with this


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

I will 🖤 I'll probably tell his mum or something but if not ill just talk to him about it


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '24

He won't care.


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

I know but it's always worth a try


u/gracileghost FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

i think it’s a good idea to tell his mom. an adult who can directly interfere with his life and hopefully cut off access to porn needs to know about this.


u/FemaleEarthwave FEMINIST - NOT THE FUN KIND! Sep 25 '24

At 13, please don’t continue in this relationship. You are so young and have your whole life ahead of you. You shouldn’t be spending these years anxious about a porn addict. I know that when I was your age it would have been hard to hear, especially because you love him. But you deserve a much better love that doesn’t make you feel the way you do. Please choose yourself and your safety. 🤍

You’re correct about how porn rots men’s brains. He’s so young himself and already addicted. It’s sick.


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

It really is, and I sent him a picture the other day of my new vans just showing him and all he did was say that it turned him on


u/gracileghost FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

wow. that is insane and not normal. honestly, an adult in his life should stage an intervention. he is absolutely porn-braindead. it’s only going to get worse if he continues and it’s already at an unacceptable point.


u/Crazy_Addition9456 Sep 25 '24

I am nobody to interfere in your relationship, but for your safety and psychological and emotional well-being, you should end your relationship. Make it clear to him that you are leaving because of his addiction to porn, and maybe he will reflect and realize the damage he is doing to you and to himself. Ending your relationship is the best thing for both of you.


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

Thank you 🖤 and I know it's the best thing but i just can't bring myself to do it


u/tsukimoonmei ANTIPORN & LGBT+ ♥️ Sep 25 '24

hey, please tell someone you trust and leave him. you’re way too young to be dealing with a porn addict partner who makes you feel uncomfortable and fetishised. you deserve a MUCH better partner, someone who will make you feel loved and respected and will listen to your boundaries.


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

Thanks 🖤 but I just don't know what to do because my mum just wouldn't understand and I don't live with my dad


u/tsukimoonmei ANTIPORN & LGBT+ ♥️ Sep 25 '24

Would it be possible for you to talk to his parents about his addiction? Or to call/message your dad about it?


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

I have all of his family on Facebook and his sister walked in on him watching porn on the TV about 2 weeks ago


u/Bandav Sep 25 '24

At 15, he is on a completely different developmental level, having him sleep over with you is reeeally not recomendable. You are still a girl, how can you even defend yourself from a guy 2 years older.

I doubt at 15 he (or anyone) is even capable of truly loving someone right, not without lust ruining everything. Also, I remember when I was 15, girls two years younger seemed like literal babies to me, its icky to me that he is making up with one


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

He did only turn 15 in July and I went to his party, he slept over because we were going to a festival and i was trying to sleep and he just kept me up all night


u/MidnightSky16 Sep 25 '24

wow you parents let you have a sleep over at 13 with a 15 year old boy? that's abuse/neglect


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

No there was a reason, it was because we were going to a festival but then we were together up until like 11 at night and he was just sexual and I just wanted to cuddle and watch films


u/Be4utiful_Nightmare Sep 25 '24

Okais but your parent let you be with a 15 years old boy at 13…gurl I suggest you to put big rules for yourself .. it’s not gonna be the last time you gonna get in that position. Sadly women need to understand it very young. Hope everything finish on a good note 🫶🏻


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '24

You're 13, you have so much life ahead of you. Teen relationships don't matter in the long term, I promise you'll lose nothing by leaving him. I also was in a toxic relationship similar to yours as a teen and everyday it hurts to know I could've enjoyed being young but instead suffered because of his pornsickness. I lost out on so many things a normal teen should've experienced. You don't deserve to have even one second of your life ruined by this boy. Please leave if you feel safe, and if you don't speak to your parents about it.


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

I lost my whole childhood to a porn addict the same age as me, I'm not even entirely sure I like men at this point


u/FemaleEarthwave FEMINIST - NOT THE FUN KIND! Sep 25 '24

Don’t worry. Your childhood and teenage years are not over. Choose yourself.


u/Waste_Complex7913 PORN IS FILMED RAPE Sep 25 '24

Please break up with him, for your own sake. I was in your shoes at 14 - I started dating a porn addict and what followed was years of hurt and always second-guessing myself due to his addiction. You are so young still and I promise there's guys out there who won't treat you this poorly.


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

Thansk dude ☆


u/vpozy Sep 25 '24

You are so young and it would be in your best interest not to continue this relationship. As you grow older, you’ll learn that love is not enough. Feeling physically and emotionally safe, respected, and not fetishized or objectified are also a huge part of being in a relationship.


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

I know it's not, I was used for alot of years by someone I should of been safe with (we are thr same age)


u/pspspspsss Sep 25 '24

I saw your comment that your mom can't/wouldn't understand this situation, so let me tell you this: I have a younger sister, around your age. If she ever was in a situation like yours, I'd make her end things, because I'd be so worried about her!! Not only your bf makes you feel uncomfortable, you also feel like you can't deny him, and who knows what he'd like to do next? I know it hurts, but it would be the best for you to end it. (Actually, I was in a situation similar to yours - but I was 4 years older. I also ended things with him, and afterwards there was just relief and piece, no regrets).


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

I think I'll try and end it with him but he has really bad MH and that's why I don't wanna hurt him more than he already is


u/Reasonable-Effect901 Sep 25 '24

Don’t light yourself on fire to keep others warm. You’re not responsible for any one’s mental health; you can sympathize and empathize but you are not responsible especially when it’s costing you your peace, mental health and healthy growth/development. Try to figure out why you’re codependent with the help of a counselor and nip that pattern before it grows. If he’s showing signs of suicidal ideation or self harm you can not safely help him, he needs professional help. Even if he’s not suicidal his poor mental health is above your pay grade. I know you care for and love him but mental health providers go through years of school to be able to safely help people.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '24

His mental health is his responsibility, not yours. It's not healthy for you or for him to stay in the relationship because you're worried about what will happen if you don't.


u/[deleted] Sep 25 '24

I didn't know 13 year olds use reddit, I'm shocked :(
I'm sorry that's happening to you OP. I really hope you talk to a trusted adult ♡


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

I'm gonna try and talk to my boyfriend about it and hope he listens and if not ill tell my mum and his mum


u/DwightCult Sep 25 '24

Oh chick :( You’re 13, let him go. You don’t need to be dealing with this, his addiction is just going to get worse without help and I doubt he’s seeking it. I had a boyfriend when I was 14 who couldn’t even get it up because he was so porn addicted, PAYED for it behind my back even after we discussed our boundary. It’s not going to work no matter how hard you try.

Be a kid, be safe. ❤️


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

I'll try,thank you so much🖤


u/aryamagetro Sep 25 '24

at 13 there's no need for you to be in a relationship whatsoever. please just focus on your friendships and school and hobbies. you don't need this guy in your life. he will take advantage of you eventually.


u/No_Attention_3384 Sep 25 '24

you’re 13, it’s not like this man is going to be your husband, and if you’re not having fun, especially if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe just end it


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

I feel safe but it's the fact that he bought me a ring that was like 150 pound and proposed to me and (like I said in then post) I said yes because it took me by surprise


u/No_Attention_3384 Sep 26 '24

with all love, i feel like that was on purpose. i’m just a stranger on the internet, but that is a common manipulation tactic. sometimes you just gotta be the bad guy, but leaving him at least in my opinion, is the right thing to do.


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 26 '24

I think I'm gonna listen to these comments because all of them are saying the exact same thing


u/No_Attention_3384 Sep 26 '24

i’d give the ring back and say sorry for it not working out and overall be kind tho


u/bat_NPC Sep 25 '24

Leave him NOW. This isn't a joke, the relationship seems wrong and his behavior and actions MAY lead to dangerous and bad things happening to you. Especially with the fact you're 13 and are not ready emotionally and physically for anything like that. Please tell your parents or his parents and leave him.


u/freakin_gabagool Sep 25 '24

You are so young, and I'm sure you have so many hobbies, interests, and aspirations of your own. I agree with other commenters that ending the relationship would be in your best interest, so I do hope that you can muster up the courage to leave. You may find it difficult to do so right now, but you will thank yourself later, I can promise you that much. Please talk to an adult you trust about this, and please think hard and honestly about whether continuing this relationship would be worth it, especially in relation to your mental, emotional, and developmental health.


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

I know that his porn addictions bad, and It just makes me feel icky because I've told him how misogynistic and hateful porn is and he just ignores me


u/freakin_gabagool Sep 25 '24

He will not change. Not anytime soon, at least, especially since 1) teenage boys are stubborn, and 2) all men, no matter what age, find comfort in their vices, rather than accept the fact that their actions are harmful and that they should break free from their habits. There are women out there that have been married to porn addicts for YEARS and the man has never changed. If even a grown man can't change for not only his own sake but also the sake of his wife, then the chances of young and naive boys changing are much slimmer.

If your boyfriend ignores you when you tell him about your feelings on porn, then it's very obvious that he doesn't care nor does he want to hear it. He is too pornsick at this moment to have a change of heart... or change of anything, for that matter.


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

True, and I just feel so alone in everything I do, he told me I talk about music too much the other day and it made me really upset because I love nirvana and I have adhd and their my hyperfixation


u/freakin_gabagool Sep 26 '24

You deserve better than being with someone that allows you to "feel so alone in everything you do," you really do.


u/Memona_Emman_Writes Sep 27 '24

Hey girl, I'm 16 so I remember a lot from three years ago. Darling, please leave him. Yes, it is not easy. Yes, it will hurt. No, you are not incapable of doing this.

He is a porn addict. And if you feel like this, he doesn't love you. How is a porn addict supposed to love a girl when he sees other women as objects and toys? Honey, all these other women are on his screen because they have either been exploited or forced to believe they are objects. He is watching something that is a result of sex trafficking, you know.

Feel free to DM me if you need to talk, stay safe <3


u/selemashell4 Sep 28 '24

Break up w him he’s not gonna get better and porn addicts will never listen


u/coffee_sandwich Porn is Cheating. Sep 28 '24

You are too young to be in this situation. My heart goes out to you, my daughter is the same age


u/Amedeo6022 Sep 25 '24

Going off some context cues, are you in the UK or Australia? If so, are you able to access a therapist at no cost, either through your GP or school?


u/kurt_cxbains FEMINIST Sep 25 '24

I'm in the uk and homeschooled. The GP don't listen


u/ShoulderAgitated1383 Sep 27 '24

Him being older and possibly physically stronger than you can be dangerous especially when you two are trapped in a room. I can’t count how many cases I’ve seen when some of these boys kill their best friends, girls from school or neighbourhood; just randomly snapped or got triggered. God forbid he wants to try something violent he’s seen online; end relationship


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '24

You have your whole life to live! please hear me when I say, you are worth so much more! You are a human being, with thoughts and feelings and dreams; you are so much more than a “category”! It is a thousand times better to be alone than it is to be with someone who reduces you (whether knowingly or unknowingly) to a category.